July 06, 2005

Spiderman to have four villians?

Spidey-Venom.jpgSo the rumour over at Comic Book Movie just now is that there are to be four villians in the new Spiderman film. Four? Isn't that a bit too much and a bit too crowded for a single movie? We've already seen how too many villians can drown a movie (Batman franchise anyone?) so why would they do it in Spiderman, a franchise that seemed to be made with a lot of care and love for the original material and doing something most Hollywood movies don't do...learn from their past mistakes.

Perhaps this is a sign that they really are thinking of making two movies back to back and splitting the villians between the two? A main villlian in #3 with an introduction to another, then a main in #4 with an introduction to another or some such combination. Wouldn't that be better than throwing four villians into one story against one hero? I can just see exposition thrown at the audience to explain these characters in the first twenty minutes and everyone left feeling dazed, lecturing and hand held, a bit like I did in Daredevil.

What do you think, is it a good or bad idea? Who could the villians be, or who would you want, especially bearing in mind that they will be fighting for screen time together.

Posted by at July 6, 2005 03:03 AM


agreed. i can see the point if this is stretched out over a couple of movies, but who are they going to have left for the next movie if they put all their eggs in one basket. a lot of people say spidey has one of the best rogues' galleries but most of them are too hokey-looking to translate well to the silver screen (mysterio, electro, vulture, rhino...). they should pace things out a bit with the usable villains because this is the strongest ongoing movie franchise.

Posted by: ShoeStringBudget at July 6, 2005 03:27 AM

Wow. That's sad news for an excellent franchise. I have never liked the comics or characters really but totally loved the first 2 films.

I agree about the "visual quality" of the Spider-Man villains like ShoeStringBudget said. While they work fine on paper I don't think they translate well to live action at all, regardless of the quality of special effects.

In my opinion 2 main super-villain antagonists is too many. (I don't mind so much if you have J. Jonah Jameson in the constant role of antagonist because that is what is purpose is for Peter Parker.)

If they must do it I definitely would want to see the Venom/Carnage route taken. At least they can all be done fairly well onscreen given the current state of effects technology. And since we've already been set up for The Lizard and a Harry Osborne Green Goblin/Hobgoblin then that should be resolved before any attempt to do the other villains.

Posted by: Naladahc [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 6, 2005 07:54 AM

I disliked the fact that they wanted TWO villans!

The right spiderman villan can carry his own weight and would be good for just having one villan.

but 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!! thats incredibly stupid to say the least.

imagine if they were working on sinister six, the film would have to last a good 6 hours haha.

Posted by: Alex at July 6, 2005 03:07 PM

This is not sad news at all. The 3rd could have a minor villian like the Shocker; and two main villians like The Lizard and Mysterio. And the fourth villian would probably be The Black Cat, who would be perfect in these movies to give conflict over who Peter loves and what he should do.

Eddie Brock turning into Venom could happen, it's a huge possibility. And we still have to see the Hobgoblin taking action, whether it's Harry Osbourne or not, the Goblin's curse is forever conflicting with Peter Parkers life and realationships and his work as Spider-Man, and will until the day he dies. Half of everything I have talked about so far can be covered in about 1 movie. 3 and 4 shooting toghether would cover all of this and dip into the 5th a little bit, maybe.

Now it would be nice if 3 and 4 are in fact for certain being filmed together would at least give us all of the cast members we fell in love with for at least 4 movies. Sam Raimi is a great director and contributer and he knows how to tell a good story! If he sees something he doesn't like, then he'll change it. The screenwriters and other contributors to the story like the actors, will continue to make the next Spider-Man films better and more entertaining than the ones before it.

Now who knows if the actors will stay on board for all six movies or not. It's a pain in the ass to make these movies and have a good story to go along with it. But they get through it, somehow they survive. :)

Out of every villian that can be in the next films, I am most looking forward to see The Lizard. What can I say? I'm a lizard freak I guess, and know in my heart that Sam Raimi will not let us fans down. And this is my guess of how the movies will go as far as actors ( i don't how the story will play out, but we can all guess from the villian possibilities.

*Thomas Hayden Church- Eddie Brock

*Topher Grace- Quetin Beck/Mysterio

*Dylan Baker- Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard

*Tobey Macguire- Peter Parker/Spider-Man

*Kirsten Dunst- Mary Jane Parker

*James Franco- Harry Osbourne/Hobgoblin

*Daniel Gilles- John Jameson/Hobgoblin

*Rosemary Harris- Aunt May

*Bill Nunn- Joseph (Robbie) Robertson

*J.K. Simmons - J. Jonah Jameson

*Ted Raimi - Ted Hoffman

*Elizabeth Banks - Betty Brant

?-The Black Cat

?-Rhino or Shocker

And all of this could stretch out over the next final films. My guess for the 3rd film is that Spidey will deal with having to deal with 2 love interests, hard work due to high crime, and using stength as well as brains to face off against The Lizard and Mysterio. And will have to use his expierences from the first 2 films in order to survive to gain more expierence from this film. Peter will have to rival with Eddie Brock in this film. This is my strongest feeling.

If Venom is the main villian I want to go into the theatre and see the ink webs in the title sequences, that would be awsome! The villian release information will probably come sometime a little before or after filming starts.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 6, 2005 03:18 PM

What the hell are you doing lizardfreak12. Don't post such long comments you freaking losser.

Posted by: Jafie at July 6, 2005 04:38 PM

Lizardfreak - excellent comment, keep them coming. The analysis and guesswork makes for interesting reading and discussion, that is if people will take the time to read them.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 6, 2005 05:38 PM

Jafie - Lizardfreak is helping the conversation, you are not.

Anyway, I hate it when superhero movies get crowded, unless they're going to film two films back to back. I don't know how they can squeeze so much into one movie without it coming off as gimmicky, like, 'Hey, we have four vilians!'

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 6, 2005 07:41 PM

We all just have to wait and see what happens. The Lizard and Mysterio are a good possibilty like I said above. But right now I think Venom is the strongest possibility because of the clues Sam Raimi has left us with. Thomas Hayden Church said he was playing an amorphus character made of protrons and electrons. At first it seems much like Sandman or Electro.

But Venom has been called on many an occasion an amorphus character. Hayden also said he is playing a horse of many colors. That is Eddie Brock, who is opposite of Peter Parker in every way and is a rival to him at the Daily Bugle. Eddie is everthing Peter is not and much more, thus a horse of many colors.

And if you look on the back of the Spider-Man 2 DVD case, you should be able to see Venom's head in the fire above Doc Ock's head. You may have to move the case away from your eyes a bit, but you should be able to see it. Maybe I just want to see Venom on the big screen so bad my mind is playing tricks on me.

Or maybe these clues are tell us Eddie Brock is going to take over the blank spot that the Harry Osbourne will leave behind. The first 3 movies about the conflict with the Harry Osbourne, and the final 3 about the conflict with Eddie Brock.

Am I crazy, or do these clues add up like this to all of you as well? You guys should check it out. Watching the first two movies side by side will leave you breathless and put a grin on your face everytime there is mention or connection with the Goblin. Or maybe it won't, who knows. Thats all for now.

Sorry for being a blog hog. &:^)

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 6, 2005 08:43 PM

We all just have to wait and see what happens. The Lizard and Mysterio are a good possibilty like I said above. But right now I think Venom is the strongest possibility because of the clues Sam Raimi has left us with. Thomas Hayden Church said he was playing an amorphus character made of protrons and electrons. At first it seems much like Sandman or Electro.

But Venom has been called on many an occasion an amorphus character. Hayden also said he is playing a horse of many colors. That is Eddie Brock, who is opposite of Peter Parker in every way and is a rival to him at the Daily Bugle. Eddie is everthing Peter is not and much more, thus a horse of many colors.

And if you look on the back of the Spider-Man 2 DVD case, you should be able to see Venom's head in the fire above Doc Ock's head. You may have to move the case away from your eyes a bit, but you should be able to see it. Maybe I just want to see Venom on the big screen so bad my mind is playing tricks on me.

Or maybe these clues are tell us Eddie Brock is going to take over the blank spot that the Harry Osbourne will leave behind. The first 3 movies about the conflict with the Harry Osbourne, and the final 3 about the conflict with Eddie Brock.
The Venom and Carnage route would be great story telling and eye candy on the big screen. Great for spin-offs as well.

Am I crazy, or do these clues add up like this to all of you as well? You guys should check it out. Watching the first two movies side by side will leave you breathless and put a grin on your face everytime there is mention or connection with the Goblin. Or maybe it won't, who knows. Thats all for now.

Sorry for being a blog hog. &:^)

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 6, 2005 08:47 PM

oh crap, sorry, I went back to change something, and went away. I came back and clicked post without thinking that I already posted. sorry, my bad.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 6, 2005 08:50 PM

I hate the idea of multiple villians.

The only way it could work if they do an opening montage like a Bond film where Spidey deals with a B type villian and then the rest of the movie focuses on the A villian.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at July 6, 2005 08:56 PM

That would be a great way to open up the 3rd movie. But wouldn't fit in the tradition these movies are going in. We will probably see Peter and MJ getting married on a hill top or something. These movies open up with great animations and artworks with a cool and worthy musical score. Then move into the actual film where we see Peter Parker dealing with life as a human is what we have seen and probably always will.

I am most looking forward to seeing in one of these films,Spider-Man swinging and Venom comes out of nowhere knocking down Spidey. Since Venom has Spider-Man's genes, Spidey cannot sense the danger of that huge sinister ink monster.

In one of these flms we will probably see a battle montage with a minor villian in the opening like Sytsma said.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 6, 2005 11:03 PM

Hey, It shouldn't matter to anybody how many villians they put in the third spider-man film.. They could put 10 villians in the next movie and I would still go and see it because the first two were excellant... So, even if there are four villians I have no doubt that the movie will still kick serious arse...

Posted by: Ray` at July 7, 2005 10:48 AM

It should matter, or else people will be severly pissed off and rant and rave like they are now. If the mutiple villians do not team up then we will be fine.

Why did multiple villians fail with Batman? Bad director and bad decisions about the story were made thanks to Joel Shitmaker, because Tim Burton did good with Batman Returns. The villians didn't really team up, they kind of fought with each other.

As I said numerous times now, Sam Raimi is the best director and he works well with Spider-Man because he is a fan just like you and me. And with his movies he always tends to stomp on the previous one and he gives us anticipation for furture films.

Raimi beat the crap out of the first movie with a stick with Spider-Man 2. Now he's going to rip off Doc Ock's arms and smash the first two movies over the head with Spider-Man 3. Then he's going to pumpkin bomb them to hell and hold the glory of them at the mercy of his hands and say "Join us and make a trilogy, or die!"

And if 3 and 4 are being filmed together, we can generally say if the 3rd was better than the first two, then the 4th is going to be even better than all of them. This will also form a Spider-Man day, where fans will watch all 4 movies in a row! Thats would do that is.

Sam Raimi has great power, and he takes greater responsiblity!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 7, 2005 11:24 PM

It is mor probable to see a coming of the sinister six seens how there are 6 movies . Tho venom would be awsome, it would be more complicated to move in that direction. I presume we will see The Lizard, Mystiro, The reapperance of Dr. Ock, Kraven the hunter possible hired by Harry, Sandman {T.H.C.}, The vulture, and electra.
Just my opinion, maybe we might see the blood thirsty inhuman i spoke of earlier.

Posted by: Twisty Yayo at July 8, 2005 04:00 PM

YES!!! Now thats what I wanted to hear!!! Good Job Twisty! The reappearance of Doc Ock is 90% possible. Sam Raimi discussed how it would be cool to bring a villian back and see them act diffrent yet still taking that evil role. He says this somewhere on the Spider-Man 2 DVD, I forget just about where, commentaries or making of featurettes or special features, anyway it's on there. At first you think about the Goblin's return and react with either a YES!! or WHAT THE F#*@K! But it tends to move towards Ocks return becuase we didn't actually see him die, we saw his testicales (oops, i mean tentacles) die, but he just floated down into the water.

This would be awsome for a comeback because he would be himself again (a charming doctor with a good heart), but would have cancer or some illness due to all the radiation he endured from not protecting himself from the fusion reactions. He would probably go to Peter for help, but when no answer or cure can be found, he takes an evil rampage and becomes worse than ever! This would give conflict and hold to Dr. Curtis Connors becoming The Lizard!

Let's say after Peter fails Doc Ock, Ock pays a visit to his old friend, Connors. Connors disappoints him as well and hold is given to the story! A frusterated Connors messes up on his expeirment that both him and Doc once worked on together and alters his DNA becoming the Lizard.

We will also see Peter stuggling as he wonders why Connors hides in the darkness and shuns Peter, meanwhile Spider-Man has to deal with 2 love interests, his wife Mary Jane Parker, and the Black Cat. He also has to deal with villians paid to where costume and be bad, like the Vulture and Rhino for example.

And the worst of the pick, his friend Harry becoming the new Goblin. But Peter is filled with guilt and is further surrounded by his distrust in others when he finds that Harry is not the Goblin, but some other low life mental person who is doning the work of the Goblin. When Harry finally does, Spider-Man has to fight his best friend with no regrets, just purpose.

And villians and rivals like Eddie Brock, who becomes the deadly Venom futher complicate and destroy Peter's life. We should also see Mysterio, who would make Spider-Man use his Peter Parker brain to defeat his annoying smoke and mirrors techniques. All of this would along with what I have said in past posts along with many other fans would more than fill the remaining 4 SPider-Man films.

This story is not a happy tale, just as Peter tells us in the very beggining of the first film. Everything in the end gets so dark and twisted it can destroy the weak stomached and light hearted. In Spider-Man 2 one of the poems Peter reads involves a Spider and a Bee. The Bee gets caught in the Spider's web and dies a slow and painful death as the Bee's life is left in the hands of the life sucking Spider.

Mary Jane is that Bee and if this foreshadows anything, it is her death. And as Spider-Man in the end kills Peter Parker, giving up that life completly and lives out the rest of his life as Spider-Man. And as Sam Raimi says this is a painful life sentence to Spidey; and there is no way out.

Ah dammit, see what you made me do Twisty! :)

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 8, 2005 05:49 PM

Ah.. no :)

Posted by: Ray` at July 12, 2005 01:49 PM

Ah.. yes, everything is a rumor unless Sam Raimi tells us otherwise. He has stated that Spider-Man will face "double" trouble, not quadruple trouble. Two othe minor villians like Shocker and Black Cat will probably be in the movie. Chloe Sevigny was supposed to be the Black Cat in the Second movie, but Sam Raimi and the writers thought it's to soon to add so much conflict between Peter and MJ. There was even going to be a love triangle between them and Doc Ock!

Chloe Sevigny would play an excellent Black Cat, and now that Peter and MJ are together the Black Cat would be perfect making Spider-Man's one heart give love to both the Black Cat and MJ and he will have to deal with this problem along with many others.

Rumors are a funny thing, and fans thrive off of them. It's what keeps us anticipating the movie adding to the anticipation we had before. We will see who the villians are around January (when filming begins) CAN'T WAIT!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 07:55 PM


Next thing you know, Hayden Church is Jonas Harrow, Topher is Willow The Wisp, Joe Pesci Hammerhead and there's some new face for Kangaroo.

I would not mind if Topher were Chamelon and Church is Kraven (could also explain a 'bulking up') but there's this part of me that wants two Vultures: Adrian Toomes and Blackie Drago.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 11, 2005 10:58 PM

I think 4 might be too many
altough in x-men they had 4 villains too so maybe it could work
but I would work with a villain who is a little less important and
one who is and all that you know what I mean
just like one of you allready proposed
personally I would let spidey fight in the beginning of the movie
against the Rhino, by accident he gets in touch with the black costume (I don't know how it all works but I have a guess of it) he gets it hard in his life again but hell breaks open when the most important villain of the movie (I don't know who it is: sandman, mysterio, chameleon I have heard many possiblities) spidey learns that the villain is working for his friend who also begins his reign of terror as another goblin, well he defeats them and disposes of the black costume ad last but ad the end we just see how Eddie Brock transforms in Venom, to be continued
this would work for me
I know it doesn't sound great, but I would love it to see some less important villains in the movies, personally I love shocker and the rhino, it's always cool to see how rhino breaks some stuf, etc.
well it's just a thought, give your comment I'd say

Posted by: dogsoldier Spoon at August 31, 2005 04:24 PM

I think you all have issues. They did a good job with the first two. If they do have more than one bad guy, they'll make it good.

Posted by: Nick at September 5, 2005 09:24 PM

to be fair, I really would dislike it if dr. Ock would return
don't think wrong of this
I love Alfred Molina and his acting work is great
but dr. Ock looks really dead ya know...
leting him return would kinda suck
besides was the thing he was working with not dangerous
when you touch it ?????
well ad the end he really came in touch

Posted by: dogsoldier Spoon at September 8, 2005 12:14 PM