July 28, 2005

Sky High Reviews

Right from the begining, Sky High sorta looked to me like a mix between Harry Potter and The Incredibles. Now, just one day away from it's official release, it still looks like that to me... but only now it looks like it might be sorta fun.

I mean come on... any film with Kurt Russell, Bruce Campbell and a couple of guys from The Kids in the Hall has to at least be mildly entertaning right? I think the visual effeects look great and the potential for silly laughter seem pretty high. Make sure to check out the Video Edition on Monday morning to see our review. But for now, the critics are offering their opinions of the film... and for the most part they seem pretty positive (right now it's sitting at about 70% positive). Here's what some of them are saying:

"A lighthearted, albeit sanitized, teen movie that marries 1960s kitsch to 1980s angst with sharp one-liners, sight gags and a lunatic-fringe supporting cast of comedians."

"Any time you can get the strong chins of Bruce Campbell and Kurt Russell in a movie together you should."

"A likable mix of laughs and wacky action sequences."

This all sounds pretty good to me and also right around what I was expecting. I'm NOT expecting much in the way of box office results for this film... but I think those that do go will be happy. We'll see Monday morning.

Posted by John Campea at July 28, 2005 02:51 PM


The best movie Kurt Russell ever played in was THE THING.

Posted by: Agent george at July 30, 2005 04:58 PM

This was just about the best movie I ever saw. The actors' and actress' were great. It has a positive message.

Posted by: clind at August 2, 2005 09:59 AM

Went to see this last night, it was really great.
The adults are all campy in a good way (most are really great comedians)
and the kids are believable. I think the best kid/preteen movie I have seen in a really really long time

Posted by: kaitlin at August 9, 2005 10:53 AM