July 26, 2005

Sky High 10 minute preview

This has been all over the net like wildfire, and no wonder. Although I haven't been able to watch it yet, I agree with many others who are also saying that this could be one hell of a good fun movie. From Coming Soon (where I saw it first reported) here's the link for the clip from Movies.com.

Watch and come back and tell us what you thought. Does it look good? Is Russell really looking that old?

Posted by at July 26, 2005 11:54 AM


From the moment I found out who were the director and writers for Fantastic Four I knew it won't be a masterpiece - and I was right. For Sky High is almost the same - this time the director is Mike Mitchell (Deuce Bigelow, Surviving Christmas) and some second-hand writers which wrote mostly direct-to-video Disney sequels (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The Lion King II, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, The Return of Jafar). I think at best this will also be only an average movie.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 26, 2005 12:40 PM

I really, REALLY want to say something good about this movie and/or it's concept and/or the special effects. But I can't. So here's what I'll say about this trailer:

This kids parents lives in the "METROPOLIS" of Medfield. Will Stronghold is an indestructable superhero who can fly, (Superman). And his mom has the power of "supersonic-flight" and mastery of "unarmed combat". (Wonder Woman, anyone?)

When they get to thier highschool in a flying yellow bus, a bunch of superhero school-kids meet "Lash" and "Speed" (Lash is Mr. Fantastic, Speed is an overweight version of "The Flash")

Principal Powers is the original Wonder Woman from the TV series. Yay.

Coach Boomer is our beloved ASH from the Evil Dead series! Yay, a reason to watch at least ONE scene from the movie so far!

The coach asks a student to come up and show his powers, the first one is the Incredible Hulk / Thing wanna be.

The coach relegates each student to either "hero" or "sidekick" status depending on thier powers.

The reason I can't find myself getting into this movie is because we've seen all of these special effects done on the big screen already, many many times in thier legit form: The Flash, Superman, Spiderman (Yes, there's a wall crawler in there) and so many others that just bastardizes the super-hero storyline and minimizes it to kids who want to get laid and learn thier special powers because they're supposed to have them - not because they suffered a side effect of an accident or because they are mutants.

Kinda boring. I'm much more excited to see Superman Returns, Ghost Rider, X3 - all in thier legit forms rather than some kids movie that steals superheros from other universes and renames them so as to not breach copywrites.

Unreal, and sad!

Posted by: SpideyFan at July 26, 2005 12:53 PM

Hey, lighten up! This movie is not suppose to be taken seriously. Judging from the trailers it doesn't even take itself seriously! It's good family fun, and if you're not interested in that then cool. I'm looking forward to this movie on the pure popcorn fun level, and I will happily enjoy watching it on Friday with my 9yr old daughter. Kids need light a bit of light hearted fun from time to time, which is what I think this movie will offer.

Posted by: Meli at July 26, 2005 01:15 PM

I'm with you Meli, I think this is going to be a good laugh and a bit of a p-take on the whole serious Superhero genre.

I'm a huge fan of Batman Begins, et al, but I like the idea of a more comic\family take on them.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 27, 2005 07:28 AM

I'm with you guys. I'm taking my 6 year old to see this movie and am expecting to enjoy it just as much as he does. This movie really does look like a fun flick!

Posted by: diskjokk at July 27, 2005 04:54 PM

I saw Sky High today and I was giggling like I was 7 again. Personally I loved it. I'm going to go see it again tomorrow because my brother wants to go see it, and I thought it was good enough to see twice.

Posted by: Karen at August 3, 2005 07:41 AM

I thought it was awesome! Much better than I expected, and I thought it would be good anyway.

You could say that the superhero theme is a 'cover' for the real story of segregation between geeks and the others in highschools, and how the geeks are cool (just inside).

But I dont see it like that. And whats also cool about this film, is that although its very funny in places, its not so silly that you dont care about the characters, they do this by only really making the teachers funny. And let the whole kid romance thing be serious.

I thought main dude was really likeable, nearly the whole cast were quite unknowns, but I thought they did a great job.

This film makes you laugh, carries great morals and there's a good romance on the way, which may be a bit of a cliche, but it didn't feel like it.


Posted by: si at October 22, 2005 01:52 PM