July 21, 2005

Serenity International Trailer

Firefly.jpgI don't know why we always see a US and an International trailer...usually the International trailers are slower paced and focus more on the story whereas the US ones are more action. Not so here. This International trailer through dtheatre rocks, and since I've been watching the Fireflyepisodes I've got a realy interest in this story now. It's pretty good.

What no one is talking much about though is the films premiere at the Edinburgh Film Festival. Yes, you all know it's playing, but did you know how quickly the two showings sold out? The box office opened at 12 midday and the Internet site was unusable, you could not get through on the phones either. By just after 2pm the first show was listed as sold out. Eventually I gave up and walked to the box office for just before 5pm. Sold out, and the lady I talked to was saying that all the calls were for Serenity, they were going mad.

However, silver lining for those of you going to the festival. They may be providing another showing. We can but wait and see. Hopefully I'll get my press pass soon and find out if I can see a press screening!

So it looks like the demand is high out there for this movie, are you excited, were you a fan of the TV series? Why is there such a big demand for this now the show is cancelled and there wasn't for the show itself?

Posted by at July 21, 2005 07:26 AM


The show didn't get much of a chance at success in the US, thanks to network execs shuffling it around the schedule. Nobody knew when it was going to be on, basically. The DVD sales have been really good though, showing that there is a huge fan base out there.

Plus, there are plenty of rabid Joss Whedon fans out there.

Posted by: Gareth at July 21, 2005 09:25 AM

A few months ago I caught this series on DVD and absolutely fell in love with it. Joss Whedon has created characters that the audience can not only relate to but want to spend time with. I can recall catching the first episode, The Train Job, on FOX in 2002 and while entertaining I was lost. Who were these people? Why where they stealing goods? And what's up with the Chinese? I never saw it again due to my confusion and the poor time slot. When I saw the original pilot on DVD everything made sense. Suddenly, Whedon's view of the future became plausible and real. Fox's mismanagement of the show (not airing the pilot first, the horrible time slot, and showing the episodes out of order) killed one of the best sci-fi shows in television history. There are tons of people who have the same story as mine. Those of us Browncoats who love the show have not forgotten its greatness and have been passing our DVD copies of Firefly to all who are willing to watch. I am excited to see Serenity and hope that the movie spawns a Star Trek like franchisee and doesn’t turn out like Twin Peaks.

Posted by: Jorriss at July 21, 2005 09:25 AM

The show was placed in the "friday night death slot" by Fox, it was wrongly promoted and the episodes were aired out of order. One of the most stupid things was to air later the excelent two-hour pilot. I think Fox is the only responsible for the low ratings the show had.

After the show was cancelled, I don't know what happened really - maybe it was the fan campaign, maybe the word of mouth, maybe a lot of people who watched one or two episodes found it interesting - but when the show came out on DVD the sales were really strong. And that's what convinced Universal to greenlight a Firefly movie.

For now, I guess the ones that buy all the tickets are mostly the fans of the show. It still remains to be seen if the large public will also like Serenity.

I caught some of the episodes on TV and then seen all of them, in order, after the DVD came out. I love the show, I'm a big fan of Joss Whedon's work, and I hope the movie won't dissapoint. The reviews are mostly positive, with 2-3 exceptions. It seems (AICN) that Joss definitely wants to do another Serenity movie, and hopes that the first one is enough of a success to allow more. Also, the show might continue if another network buys the right from Fox. So there's hope for the future.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 21, 2005 09:32 AM

I've seen the movie a couple times and it's really good if you're a fan of the show. While they explain the Firefly/Serenity universe somewhat, I'm not sure how it'll play to non-fans.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at July 21, 2005 02:14 PM

I'm very much looking forward to this movie. I was one of those who never caught it when it was on TV because of it's time slot. I'm never home on Friday nights, and if I am, I'm not watching TV. I had heard about the show through a couple of friends and one of them was nice enough to lend me his DVD set. I fell in love with the stories and cast. Joss created a set of wonderful characters and set them in a believable future universe. It is something, I think, the every day person can relate to. It's a shame that it was treated so poorly and never had the chance to build the audience I think it could have.

Posted by: Meli at July 21, 2005 05:53 PM

I am so excited about this movie to come out, however, I am a little worried as well. Has anyone noticed that neither Book nor Inara are in any of the Trailers. Also, one of the Text lines is "6 fugitives" when there are really 9 by my count. Has anyone heard if they decided to drop some characters...

That would suck...

Posted by: Jason M George at July 22, 2005 01:50 AM

I live in Greece, the show never aired here. I read on the internet that the show was excellent, then I downloaded the trailer for the movie.

I bought the DVD set immediately. I bought it two times and gifted one set to a friend. Never watched Buffy, I heard that Angel sucks, but FireFly is my favourite series (I don't like star trek either).

My friend that said to me that Angel sucks, also loved Firefly.

Posted by: PlutoNick at July 22, 2005 09:34 AM

I live in Greece, the show never aired here. I read on the internet that the show was excellent, then I downloaded the trailer for the movie.

I bought the DVD set immediately. I bought it two times and gifted one set to a friend. Never watched Buffy, I heard that Angel sucks, but FireFly is my favourite series (I don't like star trek either).

My friend that said to me that Angel sucks, also loved Firefly.

Regarding a previous poster, Inara is not on the trailer because in the end of the series she decided to leave FireFly. Book is in the movie, and I think we learn a bit from his mysterious past

Posted by: PlutoNick at July 22, 2005 09:35 AM

Jason, all the characters are in it, just some more than others. I'm trying not to be vague, but not give away plot. Sorry.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at July 24, 2005 12:41 AM

Thanks, Kell.

I apprectiate the info, and for no spoilers as I can't wait to see this movie.

Posted by: Jason M George at July 26, 2005 05:41 PM

In general, Firefly was not promoted (they had a great web-site, but you had to know about the show to Google for it.) This was the doing of both
Fox, and Joss Whedon who should have contracted with a paperback publisher to bring out a tie-in of the pilot in book form, gone about to SF cons with adverts and shown the pilot at that year's WorldCon, which would certainly have gotten word of mouth about how great the show was out there. Fox showed some Firefly promos at the end of some Buffies, but that was all. Then they insisted on showing "The Train Job" first; the reviewer in Science Fiction Chronicle (Alan Dean Foster) who _should_ have loved it, panned it (Foster, who authored the novelization of the first Star Wars movie as "George Lucas," in his review described the doctor's sister as 'the doctor's ditzy girl-friend.' A reasonable enough assumtion given that he wrote the review after the one episode.)

I gather the reason Universal went for the movie was the DVD sales, which were astronomical because there were episodes on it that were never broadcast except in the UK.

Here's hoping Season Two starts in Sept '06.

Posted by: John H. Costello at August 24, 2005 06:41 PM

@PlutoNicK: "Buffy" was a good show and "Angel" was even better than it.

Posted by: Ayan at September 14, 2005 07:12 PM