July 04, 2005

Sean Penn for the Joker

SeanPenn.jpgI was sent this little link by David and had to watch the video on the site, it's a clip of his friends talking about why Penn should be the new Joker cut with some shots of Penn in various Joker-esque poses and scenes.

It's not anything stunning, but it gives you some thoughts on why Sean would be good for the role. I have to agree with him, I think Penn would absolutely rock in the role. He'd add some amazing depth to the character and maybe we'd see him for what he should be, more than just an insane killer, but a controrted, confused and more sociopathic than psycopathic. (Wooo! Check him!)

My only worry is that Penn would think this too mainstream for his career, oh and coupled with the fact that he announced he was bowing out of movies for a few years to spend time with his friends and family, you know, to have a normal life. Still, we can but hope.

Posted by at July 4, 2005 10:10 AM


He would be good for the first part, ya know, before he is effected by the chemicals at that chemical plant. But could he pull off being funny in a sick and twisted way? And does he have a good laugh that would creep out the audience and giv ethe impression that he is the Joker? Well, if he is going to be the Joker we will just have to wait and see how he does.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 4, 2005 11:40 AM

Sean Penn would be a perfect joker for a few reasons:

In every role he's ever played, he's gone ballistic in an insane type of way.

He has a long face like the classically drawn joker

He has high cheek bones like the clasically drawn joker and natural smiley face

He's a great actor!

Add to that that he only does roles that aren't "bs" in his words, and doesn't give into the mainstream community ... AND that he's a huge fan of the way that the Joker was portrayed by Jack Nicholson ... He'd be perfect.

I'm not sure what the person who wrote above me wrote about him being a good "pre" joker... That would destroy the entire point of having him being THE joker ..

He'd also make the character much more believable than most people out there ...

But the video and the link - seanthejoker . whatever - is very, VERY annoying.

The animation / picture of penn as the joker is off. Penn has a longer face and his hair wouldn't look like a wig first off.

Second, the video is filmed very annoyingly and everytim the filmer talks he's like "Do you think he'd be a good joker? I think he'd be the perfect joker..." and sounds like an obsessed fan with very little other to do in his life ... Annoying.

Plus the guy's kinda ugly looking. He should stick to whatever else he does in his spare time.

Having said all of that - he also wasn't the first to come up as Sean Penn as the joker. That was announced about a week ago on ComicBookMovie.Com.

Posted by: Not a Sean Fan at July 4, 2005 02:31 PM

Well no one said he was the first. We had the story on the 27th as well and I would guess it took David some time to get the site together. I think looking at positives and some praise is often better than criticism, especially when he's carrying the courage of his convictions to try and rally round an actor he feels strongly about for a role in a series he loves.

Well done David for getting the site together, it's more than some of us have done!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 4, 2005 04:58 PM

Penn would be good, but I'll still rooting for Crispin Glover.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 4, 2005 05:18 PM

The last I heard, Vincent Cassell was also in the running for Joker.

Posted by: Simone at July 4, 2005 05:19 PM


Posted by: SEAN THE JOKER PETITION at July 5, 2005 01:39 PM

ANDY DICK should be cast as the Joker !!!
Jessica Simpson for Harley Quinn (I thought she was great in "Dukes").
I can see Ashton Kutcher as Harvey Dent.

Posted by: Jeff at August 19, 2005 09:38 PM

Sean Penn is a good actor but I think Crispin Glover would be a better Joker

Posted by: Mike Anthony at August 20, 2005 12:28 AM