July 13, 2005

Sean Bean On Silent Hill

SeanBean.jpgSean Bean is an excellent and under used actor, of that John, myself and most of you lot out there are of agreement. Of late he's been utilised as nothing but a prop baddie, there to prop the story and the main actor up, and that's a waste and a half. However his latest two films have him playing a family man, and from Coming Soon he talks of the latest movie Silent Hill:

"It's about this place called Silent Hill, and our daughter is kind of disturbed about it. She keeps mentioning it, and she's trying to get out of the house and go there, so my wife decides that it might be a good idea to take her there to confront her fears. She gets involved with a very murky and dangerous world, very creepy, which is all in different time levels, as well. I'm in the real world and I'm trying to find them, but we're on different planes, so it's quite interesting, because I can hear her, but I can't see her. The way he shoots it is just constant fog and cobwebs around the Silent Hill world, while the real world is more normal."

Oddly, he also plays the father and husband in a British thriller called The Dark with Maria Bello, which he said was also quite disturbing and ghostly. "It's quite funny that I'm playing a concerned husband searching for my daughter twice in a year." Maybe these two movies will finally allow Bean to break away from his typecasting as the bad guy.

I'd argue there, but perhaps that's because I'm British, I'd agree he's well known for the Lord of the Rings role, but not so for Treasure Hunt or whatever it was called, moreso for the Sharpe's TV movies, Ronin or Bravo Two Zero. Anyway, he's not always been a bad guy as these movie choices attest to, and perhaps that's a UK\US thing.

Thoughts on Bean or Silent Hill? I don't think this really gives us much new on the story, other than hinting that it's going to be very spooky and take a lot of the game feel with it. It's good though that Bean is returning to good character roles rather than baddies.

Posted by at July 13, 2005 08:31 AM


I would love to see him do more than being a bad guy. I hear he is a very good actor. I loved him LOTR. I would love to see him turn his image around.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at July 13, 2005 05:43 PM

I say thumbs up to, quite possibly, the best movie ever made that's based on a video game.

Bring on Sean Bean!

Posted by: ChrisP at July 13, 2005 08:31 PM

Doesn't he own a soccer, excuse me (European) football, team in England?
Anyway, yeah, we're all waiting for Hollywood to give Bean a proper role that doesn't involve him playing a by-the-numbers villain. My problem with the horror flicks he has coming out is that I think the public may be a bit weary of the Mom-Dad-and-strange-young-child-that-hears-things plot line.

Posted by: Fiorm at July 13, 2005 10:35 PM

Sean Bean is indeed underrated. Check him out in movies like "Equilibrium" and "The Field" and your can get a good idea on the amount of range he has garnered to this day from these roles.

Unfortunately, his characters die early on in the running time of recent films (in the case of "The Fellowship of the Ring", early on in the trilogy).

He is not necessarily typecast as baddies (with the exception of one 007 picture), but more so of stalwarts turned confused and reckless from lack of recognition and so on and so forth.

I find him particularly suitable as the next Bond to be honest. Check him out in the Acuvue commericials and he emanates some class and striking characteristics.

Posted by: Michael Green at July 17, 2005 03:00 AM

Ten bucks says he's an abusive father in this storyline.....if not, then he shoulb be. It's Silent Hill we're talking about, here!

Posted by: gdub at July 26, 2005 05:43 PM