July 22, 2005

Scotty remembered

JamesDoohan.jpgI saw these two stories and really felt they needed a seperate post. Actor James Doohan is going to be remembered in two very unique ways, one slightly higher and grander than the other.

Firstly the Scottish town of Linlithgow is to mount a plaque in memory of the birthplace of...no, I know Doohan was born in Canada...Scotty. According to the BBC:

Scripts of the sci-fi series reveal that his character, Montgomery Scott, was born in Linlithgow in 2222 and that his parents still lived there...

...Councillor Willie Dunn said a local link with Star Trek could help attract more visitors to the area.

That's nice, I'm sure he was misquoted and actually said some kind words about the actor and his life, rather than just concentrate on the fact it would bring the local people money!

Slightly more impressive than that is what could be possible if talks go well.

The Space Services Inc company said Doohan's ashes could be on a Falcon 1 rocket launching from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base, tentatively scheduled for launch in September.

Apparently his agent has said that Doohan and his wife had discussed this, and that discussions are in progress to see if they can manage it.

The poetic ending is just superb, and I would hope that if that's what he wanted then they can make it so.

Posted by at July 22, 2005 09:16 AM