July 11, 2005

Rush Hour 3 News - Chris Tucker is an Idiot

So a lot of people have been writing me over the last year or so asking me about the status of Rush Hour 3 (one of the few films in history where the sequel was actually better than the original). Things haven't looked good for the project since back in May when we reported that Chris Tucker walked away from the project without any real reason being given publicly.

Well, now good old Jackie Chan has given out some information on Chris Tucker and why Tucker is holding up the production of the movie. Here's what Chan had to say via MSNBC:

"He wants too much power. The movie company hasn't obliged. He wants final editing rights and the final look at the movie and so on,"

"He's still a new actor," Chan, 51, said. "How many movies has he made? Two movies have already made him very famous and made him a lot of money. He needs to learn slowly,"

WAIT A MINUTE!!! Chris Tucker... wants final editing rights on the movie?!?! WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!?!?!? Oh wait... that's right... he's a frigging ACTOR! And a piss poor one at that! What makes this guy think he knows ANYTHING about directing or the final editing of a film?

What studio in their right mind would agree to give final say of a movie that they're putting tens of millions of dollars behind to a guy like this? I've been looking forward to a Rush Hour 3 (Just because I thought the second one was pretty damn entertaining), but now I hope it never gets made. More than that, I hope no studio EVER gives Tucker another acting job until he gets a proverbial smack in the head and comes back to reality. What a moron.

Posted by John Campea at July 11, 2005 09:41 AM


Man, Chris Tucker is an idiot indeed. They should just get Will Smith in his place or something. Now that could work. Maybe?

Posted by: ThS at July 11, 2005 08:58 AM

It is a pity how easily people get 'corrupted' and 'overwelmed' from their success and power given to them. It is even worse when those people don't actually deserve it, but they just happened to be lucky enough or sucked up really nice the right people at the right moment and place.

Well after all this buzz lately and with the Oscars around Chris, I am definetely convinced that he is indeed a fuckin' moron and idiot. On top of that, I rate him at the same (lowest) level of acting abled people like the other friggin moron Rob (Animal) Schneider. And you know when such actors are that pants when they always appear on films with the same style and no diversity.

Respect for the Jackie Chan though. He knows how to act inside and outside the damn cinemas and films. Owen Wilson in a british radio programme he even said that Jackie sometimes helps even move furniture on set cause he appreciates every single person involved.

So, Chris maybe you should shut it now and then and hope people don't realise soon how crap you are.

Posted by: Stamoz at July 11, 2005 09:05 AM

More importantly - who really cares if another sequel is made?

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at July 11, 2005 09:25 AM

This guy is an idiot. Since 1998 he has made 2 movies, Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2. And the only movie(out of the 7 he has made before Rush Hour) that has been good is Fifth Element. And this makes him think he deservs the right too approve the final cut AND a 20 million dollar paycheck

Posted by: well at July 11, 2005 09:36 AM

Some people have a lot of nerve. Maybe when Tucker's head deflates from lack of acting jobs he'll come to his senses. Until then, lets hope there is no studio exec stupid enough to give into his demands. Another point to this, what director would work under those terms? I for certain wouldn't.

Posted by: Meli at July 11, 2005 11:12 AM

A blessing in disguise. I'd rather that Jackie stop starring in Hollywood films. They've mostly been crap compared to his Hong Kong pictures.

Posted by: Franklin at July 11, 2005 12:43 PM

Okay so if you've acted enough and worked with good Producers and Directors you pick up things and can learn from them in order to master the career yourself, but after a handful of bit parts and two supporting "actor"\comedian roles? You hardly have the knowledge to be able to have control over the editing or directorial process.

Mind you, he could have some hidden past job that was as a Director or Editor of underground art house movies.

Oh look, there's a flying Brunton.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 11, 2005 01:26 PM

Well, it's not like anyone out there didn't KNOW Chris Tucker was a clown from the get-go. But these sorts of absurd demands are what happens when movie stars(who have a larger sense of self to begin with which can impede their judgement) make it big with a couple of big box office movies: they get surrounded by people in Hollywood who oblige their every whim. And sometimes it's the agents and managers who are the instigators in the demands that get made on the industry by talents since they have their own agendas as well. Hollywood allows for bad behavior and ridiculus demands up to a point because they're looking to make their money off a star until that star has burnt itself out then they move on. Tucker may soon burn himself out. Yay.

Posted by: Crystal at July 11, 2005 02:00 PM

About ThS' post about Will Simth:

That would probably turn out like a Bad Boys III

Posted by: Elliot at July 11, 2005 02:04 PM

When I saw Chris Tucker's name on the topic I knew it will be John's topic, I was right! LOL

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 11, 2005 03:15 PM

For all we know Chris could be a great editor or whatever. But he hasn't proven himself worthy enough to handle a big budget movie. Go make some smaller movies showing what you can do behind the camera and then maybe you will be taken a litle bit more seriously.

Posted by: Pudie at July 11, 2005 05:55 PM

chris tucker is useless.

Posted by: B A T M A N at July 11, 2005 07:58 PM

what a dick!

Posted by: Pablo at July 12, 2005 03:49 AM

I'm a film editor. How the feck does that Tucker boy know anything about editing? pftt.

Posted by: Steve at July 12, 2005 04:34 AM

We're all a big harsh on Tucker don't ya think?.. Sure his ego is enormous, but I find him very funny.. and anyone else that says he can't act(I wouldn't say now he could be in a drama or anything) are doofus's.He plays this certain character very well, I don't think the movie would of been as good with anyone else.. BUT I IN NO WAY AM supporting his demands.. jsut his ability to play this character in Rush Hour, certain people do a good job at only one type of character type.. Robert De Niro for example.. I love him, GoodFellas is one of my favourite movies, but the man only has on character..

Maybe im just an idiot(no response needed)but thats how I see it.

Sorry for all the grammer,spelling,and overall bad english of my rant.

Posted by: Ray` at July 12, 2005 01:25 PM


Posted by: dan at July 14, 2005 07:54 PM

Well,l must say I am surprised and shock at the same time. How in the
world one little ole man generate so much hate mail because he might have had unreasonable demands. Well there you go Tucker, you remember this, we as Americans only love you when you stay in your place. If you make a mistake and get out of place...we will go from slighly liking you...to hating you.

Posted by: Paul at July 14, 2005 08:19 PM

I'm behind John 100%. Where does Chris Tucker get off demanding a role in film editing?! He should prove himself worthy first by making a few more movies himself. Honestly, if the director let's him do what he wants, he is just an idiot.

Posted by: Dominic at July 14, 2005 10:51 PM

Chris Tucker just want what any other man with power wants, more power. If he was smart he'd do the movie. I'd hate for him to look back on Rush Hour 3 and say I could have been in that. If Tucker doesn't come back, they might as well kill Chris Tucker's character and make the movie about Lee finding a new partner and uncovering Carter's death. Just my thought.

Posted by: Don S at July 15, 2005 11:17 PM

Y'all need to stop hating on Chris Tucker i don't you yo asses on hollywood now do I? He's a good man and anyone would hire him, so u need to check yo damn self before u start posting dumbass stuff like this.

Posted by: Stephon at July 16, 2005 05:01 PM

chris tucker is one of the funniest guys ever to grace the big screen and you all need to remember that,how do you call a comedic genius, a idiot and did you forget the movie friday, who cares if he only made a few good movies,better than a hundred bad movies it's not quanity, it's quality that movie fans look for,chris tucker name alone will bring in the millions,you have to give little to get a lot cha-ching$$$$$$$.

Posted by: corey askew at August 4, 2005 10:08 AM

Well all I got to say is After making the movie "Friday", he had a big head on his shoulders not coming back to make the "Friday after next"... so mike epps step in and did a dam good job. now I like mike epps more than Tucker... not doing rush hour 3 reminds me of the same thing.

Posted by: D at August 8, 2005 10:29 AM

all i have to say is it was chris tucker who made the first two movies what they were there would be no rush hour without him and everyone should accept that also bottomline hollywood is a business first entertainment second everyone is in it to make money or a name for themselves chris was trying to do what all businessmen do make power moves and flex his muscles regardless of how many movies he has made in the last couple of year you have a big name a hot movie series you get as much as you possibly can i think everyone is looking on this situation as fans of the movie to much and not as business minded people because once you finish a movie in hollywood technically you are unemployed again

Posted by: ant at August 9, 2005 11:14 PM

For god sake all you lot ever seem to do is bicker about Chris Tucker! he is a good actor and just because you havnt seen nymore of his movies doesn't mean you can make a judgement just like a click of the fingers. I totally agree with the last posted that was commented and i think if you lot don;t have anything nice to say then just shut it!

He sure is doing things with his life that you all aint doin that have something against him! Get a life. And you tell me! my unle is a producer and do you know how long it takes to make movies and all the prep,takes,editing,publishing etc taqkes absoloutley ages! so before you people who dis-agree just think, Atleast he is doing something with his life and what is his dream! ACTING.

Get a grip guys!

Posted by: Joel at August 24, 2005 07:11 AM

Rush Hour wont be Rush Hour without
Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan.
They cant be replaced no matter what.
and if they replace them, im telling you it wont be a hit
like the other two.

Posted by: WMX at August 25, 2005 04:11 PM

Chris Tucker like Rob Schnieder have a certain genre they like to play because it is what they are good at. They are supposed to act like idiots and give out one liners and make pointless movies...it is the type of actors they are. They happen to be very good at what they do...would Rush Hour be the same with someone like Denzel...hell no...Denzel is one of the best but not made for that role...same with Schneider...could anyone else have pulled of Duece Bigalow...hell no...these are the types of movies these guys like and they are DAMN good at them. As for what rights do they have? Well, I would say million dollar paychecks and movie demand give them the rights...with Rush Hour 3 however, give it to ole Jackie and put another good movie out.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 26, 2005 08:55 AM

Before you naysayers judge, consider being a bit more objective. This would have been the 3rd installment; there have been more than a few movies that have fallen on their sword after the 2nd one. Enough to make any actor nervous and maybe to want some control. What about the director assigned to this 3rd movie? He is also directing MI4; not a comedy in the least. His works include other non-action/comedic movies. Sure he has been successful, but not at the A/C genre; no track record. Again, enough to make any actor whose branded a couple of funny movies with his creative and very funny style want some control over the end product. Trust maybe the issue and who better trust with the final end product, but one of the 2 stars who made everyone involved with Rush 1 & 2 rich? He should at least have significant input. Jackie and Chris made the funny movie twosome work on camera. It would be hard to imagine Rush 3 without Chris. Wouldn't make as big of a splash or make TPTB pockets jingle as loud. If it is about power and money, I am okay with it. So Chris doesn't want to stay in his place. He wants to make his place. Read, read, read! He is not alone.

Posted by: Patience at August 27, 2005 07:00 PM

Before you naysayers judge, consider being a bit more objective. This would have been the 3rd installment; there have been more than a few movies that have fallen on their sword after the 2nd one. Enough to make any actor nervous and maybe to want some control. What about the director assigned to this 3rd movie? He is also directing Indiana Jones 4; not a comedy in the least. His works include other non-action/comedic movies. Sure he has been successful, but not at the A/C genre; no track record. Again, enough to make any actor whose branded a couple of funny movies with his creative and very funny style want some control over the end product. Trust maybe the issue and who better trust with the final end product, but one of the 2 stars who made everyone involved with Rush 1 & 2 rich? He should at least have significant input. Jackie and Chris made the funny movie twosome work on camera. It would be hard to imagine Rush 3 without Chris. Wouldn't make as big of a splash or make TPTB pockets jingle as loud. If it is about power and money, I am okay with it. So Chris doesn't want to stay in his place. He wants to make his place. Read, read, read! He is not alone.

Posted by: Patience at August 27, 2005 07:06 PM

Chris tucker just got a new contract with new line cinema for 2 movie and 40 million dollars and they are shooting rush hour 3 soon and it'll come out middle or late 2006 dumb asses

Posted by: Straight hoe! at August 28, 2005 12:57 AM

Excuse me but we all know rush hour is coming out thats why we are having this discussion so the only dumb ass here is you.

Posted by: Joel at August 28, 2005 09:56 AM

I think you guys need to stop picking on chris yea sure he may have gotten a little big headed but every body gets like that at least once in their life(like when you get a good grade that you worked hard for sure your going to get big headed). I also think that they shouldnt replace chris tuker with will smith it just wouldnt be right without chris. Dont get me wrong i love will smiths acting but it just woudnt feel right without chris and thats how I fell!

Posted by: Greg at September 5, 2005 11:55 AM

I would just liket to say one thing, and that is what Chris Tucker is doing as far as negotiating money and wanting a little input on the movie you are making, well most of you do not know this but a lot of actors do the same thing. Most are not talked about like we are right now with Chris. Every actor and Agents go thru this sort of thing before making a movie.
The same thing happen in Sports.
p.s do I think Tucker is putting too much demands in yes, but remember this is something that happens all the time

Posted by: Garfield at September 12, 2005 01:08 PM

Chris Tucker's arrogance is nothing new. This is just karmic justice for him turning up his nose at Ice Cube when asked to do the second movie in the "Friday" series, "Next Friday". I do believe the problem was that he wanted more money. Other than hearing about Chris Tucker and his stand up comedy, I'd never paid him much attention until I saw "Friday" My guess is that he thought he was too big to sign up for a role like that when basically, that role made him. I always wondered when his attitude would come back to haunt him.. what's really funny is that I haven't seen him until he was on the telethon to raise money for victims of Hurricane Katrina, and even then it took me a minute to realize who he was, how sad is THAT?

Posted by: Stephani at September 12, 2005 08:58 PM

Chris refused to do Next Friday becuz he wanted to play more Positive roles. I remember him on BET doing an interview with Travis Smiley saying he wanna be a role model for kids and didn't wanna contiue portrayin himself as some pot smoking criminal or watever i think he had a good reason not to do Next Friday.

Rush Hour won't be shit without Chris or Jackie, they irreplaceable, i think Chris wanted some input and creative control over the movie. Most of his acting is spotaenous improv and ad-libing anyways, he doesn't stick to the script he flps tha shit. So in that sense he does have a lot of creative control and i think they should work with him and let him have some input to ensure the quality of the final product cuz a lot of people might not understand his brand of comedy. and most of his fans and audience is from the Hip Hop community

the only other actor that i think could play the role well is probably Jamie Foxx. fuck will smith he suck lol even jamie outshine him in Ali

Posted by: paul at September 16, 2005 05:09 PM

chris is the man in the movie bizz but i think he is doing the right thing by not doing a sequel may be he got a movie that will shock the world and i know if u from the hood you got to keep it real wit every body cuz some niggas get all that money and turn on you . so chris show all them in hollywood how to do the right thing.oh by the way if you can do a movie wit holly barry that would be a good movie to see.

Posted by: jaheim1 at September 22, 2005 08:29 AM

The only person who would have to right to ask for that power is Jackie Chan... after all he's done over his career. I like Tucker, but i think he's foolish to be demanding such things. Chan on the other hand, has the experience, and power, to demand, but doesn't.

Posted by: Smegger at October 5, 2005 01:48 PM

Chris Tucker is a comical genious!!! Will Smith can never fill the place of Chris Tucker because he doesnt have the comedic impact Chris does. We all forget Martin Lawrence was the comedy in the Bad Boys films. I also saw the interview on BET where Chris Tucker said he would not do anymore Friday movies due to his beliefs, he also refused many other roles to be with his family. Its Funny how when a BLACK man wants a little more control everyone flips out but no one said anything to Keanu Reeves about all the money he made in Matrix. What big star is not big headed in their own way? You have to be in order to make it in the business!!! Jackie Chan is a good actor but without a counterpart like Chris Tucker his movies are mediocre at best. Hey Chris Tuckers pocket book speaks for itself $20 million for Rush Hour 3 how many of you HATERS can top that??????

Posted by: Kamani at December 1, 2005 05:02 PM

Chris tucker is hands down the funniest man own the planet earth.But come own nigga you said it your self 20 millon dollars!You should just stick to stand up because acting is not your thing.Although i loved you in money talk!Cause you a playa.

Posted by: james robinson at January 1, 2006 11:32 PM


Posted by: SHAUNTE' DAVIS at January 5, 2006 05:46 PM