July 12, 2005

Roadhouse 2!

Roadhouse.jpgThis is superb news, and is the good side of the madness of Sony's sequel plans, Roadhouse 2 - The Last Call. A cheesy title, but Roadhouse was so much fun, and without bringing shame on my house I have to say that Patrick Swayze positively rocked in that movie, helped along by Kelly Lynch (Woooo!) and the "I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead" Sam Elliot.

"Road House 2" is being produced by Tomorrow Film Corp.'s Yoram Pelman. Gersh-repped Scott Ziehl is in negotiations to direct. Jonathan Schaech, also repped by Gersh, has an offer to star.Miles Chapman is the writer. An August shoot is being eyed for the project.

The Director in talks looks seriously dodgy and there's no mention of the writer on IMDB, so I'm concerned that this project won't get the attention it deserves. There's only one thing that can work here, bring back Swayze, no question, he certainly is in shape to do it. I say get him on board and then you've got a great start for this production. I'd hate to see it any other way.

Posted by at July 12, 2005 12:23 PM


THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN HAVE OPENED AND GRANTED UNTO US MORE MACHO SWAYZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: dougnagy at July 12, 2005 01:53 PM

roadhouse - cool

sequel - WHY ?!?!

Posted by: Alex at July 12, 2005 04:50 PM

No thank you. Roadhouse was a good movie and I enjoy watching it every now and then. But a sequel? I would defintly check it out but i'm sick of perfectly good movies getting sequels, and maybe a 3rd movie which is usually a prequel or some crap. Like novels and other good stories left at ONE story, why can't movies do the same?

The answer is MONEY, they will milk any movie cow dry no matter how old, how good, or how crappy the movie was. What next, a Ghost 2? Tremors 4? Oh, wait, THEY MADE A F@#$KIN TREMORS 4!!!! What is WRONG WITH WRITERS? money money money, that is the problem.

I'm just going to quit my bitchin, nothing I can do to stop something bad from happening to something good. Or is there?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 04:55 PM

It's about time!

Roadhouse is only the greatest film yet made about a bouncer in a small Kansas bar who finds true love at the tip of a boot. Next to it the action scenes in Citizen Kane look flat and uninspired. Mr. Smith goes to Washington pales in comparison and It's a Wonderful Life looks like a steaming pile of garbage.

Some might poo poo the notion of a middle aged Swayze putting forth another ham fisted effort to look tough, cool, and sensitive all at once but I say "bring it on!" If only to keep the budget from going to another Dukes of Hazard movie.

Posted by: Chris at July 12, 2005 05:26 PM

There's supposedly more than 17,000 screenwriters WORLDWIDE (good, bad, whatever, produced, not-produced, etc. You get the picture). And there are plenty of excellent adaptable books out there. Roadhouse 2?

I understand that making movies and marketing them is a HUGE risk. But what's seems to have happened is that the public has been forced to spend money on crap/re-treads, etc. (what else is there to spend your cinema dollar in most cases?) and so the corporations that now run Hollywood studios keep delivering the same stuff hoping in some way to lower their risk.

A very strange Matrix seems to have developed.

Posted by: Tsalagi Scottish Lass at July 12, 2005 06:11 PM

Just because they can make a sequel or a remake of a story whether it's a book or movie, doesn't mean they should. And if they choose to they better deliver. (they being writers of course) I am on the final thread of watching television. I would still watch the news and give shows a chance but dang, it's gone to crap.

With the exception of Spider-Man, Batman, and other worthy movies, I am losing hope on films after it's been one dissapointment after another. Maybe i'm picky, maybe i'm a moron, or maybe i'm tasteless.

But I know a good story when I see or read one, and this Roadhouse 2 better not dissapoint, or i'll be one pissed off little monkey!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 06:53 PM

If the movie stars Swayze, I'd go for it. I'd pay to see it. Yes, it would probably suck, but I loved the original roadhouse, and there is definately the material for a great sequel, it's just trying to find a writing who has the talent and will to get at it, rather than just taking the cheapest, quickest, overused plot and making it his own. No Swayze, no sequel. It just wouldn't work. If you change the lead actor, the other characters, but put him in a similar situation, you might as well just give it a different name. A sequel isn't a sequel without the original cast.

Next up in sequels, Cocktails 2, The Hippy Shake. Starring Ashton Kutcher in the precious rule of Cruise, and Sean William Scott as the drunk buddy who kills himself. The worst part is, every teenager from New York to Cali will pay top dollar to see it.

Posted by: Tim at July 12, 2005 10:20 PM

Somebody (and more than one?) is actually looking forward to this? Man, I'd take a frontal lobotomy over this...oh wait a minute...the first film is practically that already...

Posted by: Triflic at July 13, 2005 12:24 AM

John...i like ur blog but if u introduce one more sequel...!

Posted by: Marla Singer at July 13, 2005 01:09 AM

Actually I introduced this one.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 13, 2005 02:48 AM

concerning the age of the actors, perhaps Sony should consider re-naming part 2 to, Geritol House.

Posted by: dood at July 14, 2005 02:35 PM

forget roadhouse 2...how about harley davidson and the marlboro man 2 starring richard grieco as marlboro and colin farrel as harley..neither can act so it should be as good as the original

Posted by: danimal at July 14, 2005 08:08 PM

forget roadhouse 2...how about harley davidson and the marlboro man 2 starring richard grieco as marlboro and colin farrel as harley..big show as john studd..neither can act so it should be as good as the original

Posted by: danimal at July 14, 2005 08:08 PM

forget roadhouse 2...how about harley davidson and the marlboro man 2 starring richard grieco as marlboro and colin farrel as harley..big show as john studd character..none of the above can act so it should be as good as the original

Posted by: danimal at July 14, 2005 08:09 PM

2 shows us that we all make mistakes, 3 shows us that danimal is clicking happy. Anyways, if they do make a Road House 2 it should be called Road House: Dalton's Bulge or Dalton's Hole.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 18, 2005 01:00 AM


Posted by: ADAM at August 20, 2005 12:38 AM

Without Patrick Swayze, this is a complete waste of time and money.

I would advise to leave a perfectly good film (and ending) alone.

Posted by: Leanne Norris at December 15, 2005 08:04 AM