July 08, 2005

Ridley Scott considers Alien 5?

Ridley_Scott.jpgSo we've said before that Sigourney Weaver is really keen on another Alien movie but Ridley Scott has been saying quite negative comments about the idea. Well apparently no more. According to Moviehole through Cinematical, the money is talking:

...the Co-Chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment Tom Rothman...revealed that Ridley Scott may be interested in making a fith Alien movie: "Every time I see Ridley Scott he still talks about Alien so there's always a possibility of him doing the next one", he says. "I don't think it's near-turn, I think he has a couple of other movies he wants to do first, but we have a deal with Ridley and it's always possible".

Ohh, now there's a possible turn in attitude, or maybe not. He could still be saying negative things and this is the money men spinning the idea to try and raise interest and show Scott there might be some life in it. Mind you, if they want to resurrect the life in the Alien series then they're going about it the wrong way. The next movie up for that studio is the sequel to AVP: Alien Vs. Predator. Yeah, now after that try saying to Scott once more, "fancy making an Alien 5 then?"

Posted by at July 8, 2005 07:14 PM


Scott is a good director, but to be honest, I think he gets too much credit for how good Alien was. People heap way too much credit on the director of a good movie when the script is as or even more important. If the script for the new Alien movie isn't good then it doesn't matter who's directing, the movie won't be any good either. I'd much rather have James Cameron directing, because then he'd write it too and you could be sure it would at least be entertaining.

And I guess you do have to have Ripley back for the last one, but I could actually do without her character; or more specifically I could do without Sigourney Weaver. Ever since she started making demands with Alien 3 about how her character is portrayed and what the story should be about Ive been thinking that they might be better off without her.

I don't doubt this will happen though. After the flop that was 'Kingdom of Heaven' Ridley Scott needs a sure thing heh. So Im not surprised now to hear him making noises about doing Alien 5 again.

Posted by: Del at July 8, 2005 10:49 PM

Do you think that this one movie will be the end of the Alien series, really? I doubt it, in the age of sequels I think we'll see another three at least, and it will be a requirement of the studio.

What will probably happen is Scott will sign up for one and be told to leave an opening, then other lesser Directors will come in to try and revive the series again with, most likely, much failure.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 9, 2005 06:03 AM

You could be right, maybe they will continue the Alien franchise even after Alien 5. But I'll bet that will be the end of Ripley's story. I thought that was the point of doing it, at least thats what Weaver has said. But then again, Alien 3 was suppose to be the end as well heh, so who knows. Depends on how much money it makes and how good it is I guess.

Posted by: Del at July 9, 2005 04:55 PM

Yes a great script matters, but you also need the right Director, and I don't think Alien would have been a hit without Scott. The first film is still the best in the series. Pure Science Fiction and Beautifully directed.

As for sequals, I am still waiting for Alien VS Predator: A Love Story

Posted by: herby at July 11, 2005 02:16 AM

Yeah the script is important. AVP was ok but it was kinda halfass, the story line sucked bad and it wasnt nearly as bloody or jaring as any of the other alien movies.The only real thing it had going for it was its awsome effects, robotics is alwase the way to go.

Oh and Id like to say that I think alien 4 sucke ass!!

Posted by: Agent george at July 16, 2005 10:20 PM

I must agree with Del's original comments.

First of all, the better the director, the better the film, but.............if the story sucks, it won't matter WHO helms the film.

Secondly, I would definitely like to see Siggy in "Alien 5" but would also like to see someone rein her in and tell her to stick to what she does best......acting.

Lastly, I hope these rumours of an AvP sequel aren't true, especially if it means a further delay of A5.

Posted by: Beau at July 21, 2005 08:31 AM

Regarding herby's comments........"Alien" WAS Science Fiction, but then again, so were all of the sequels, as they were set in the future also.

If you were to identify another sub-genre for each movie, then "Alien" was a HORROR movie, whereas "Aliens" was an ACTION/ADVENTURE or a WAR movie. IMHO, the first sequel was the best movie of all.......but then again, I've always been more of a war movie fan than a horror movie fan anyway.

Posted by: Beau at July 21, 2005 08:38 AM

Aliens wasnt as much of a horror, but it was an awsome sequil.
Usualy if they r made thas soon after the 1st there prety good.

Posted by: Agent george at July 22, 2005 01:12 AM

Ouarzazate City is very unique to get the so true image of unhuman makes to Its youth. So, all of the Ouarzazis are so frustrated and blinded to live on theirs life as It is. Because of the worst manners of every domains'life to get all of the Envirenment's Areas too darkened. Right, Cinema's movies have started to be so insructed in theirs ways to make a very important views of minds, successfully since 1985 till right 1990, the real reasons that all of he Ouarzazis efforts were considerably taken in the best moods to get the Productions' Films in the most highlightened parts of Beings to be. But, today no more Cinema at all because of the beasty workers and irresponsables who are disqualified to be the so right people who work in faith under the Name of Holy Cinema Movies till right now.

I beg all of your pardons to be right here in Ouarzazate O.S.C.A.R to make very special views to discover many unhuman disabilities according to the main Movies' Treats. So, all the Production's Teams Movies, especially the Moroccans Workers are not so qualified to straight on their so wild thoughts in this so Holy Domains' Life. Come to Ouarzazate to discover the wildness, aweakness, wickness and the wildest manners of the all irresponsables of Moroccan Productions' Movies. And many thanks to you in advance.

Best Regards.

One of your faithful common Man, who is thought to the worst future of Productions' Movies Cinema in Ouarzazate City.

Posted by: John at July 24, 2005 10:26 AM

I am hoping thay make a precqual to Aliens about what happoned to the ppl on LB426

then i will have sum thing to poot on my domain

Posted by: NightAss at August 26, 2005 04:01 PM

i think a 5th alien movies would be really cool. because if you recall in the 1st movie the ship they discovered, what if there was another? what if there were more alien ships? what if they could sense riply because of the effects from the cloning and come after her? there could be a war on earth between humans and aliens. i think that would be a great way to end the series.

Posted by: cameron croke at September 15, 2005 07:14 AM

I would love to see a episode 5 and 6. Both of which would be more akin to Aliens (part 2 or the series).

Episode 5 could perhaps be set on Earth as the Aliens have started to invade earth in one of it's major metropolis. It would probably be great if Sigourney is still in this one and attempts to to inform the populance and aid in the the destruction of the xenomorph on Earth. During this episode it would be appropriate for her to past the torch to a new believer in the cause to eradicate the known space of this specimen.

Episode 6 could be be the founding and destruction of the original home planet of the specimen. An all out war on the planet (actually a moon of a planet) would be great. The original aliens should look slightly different from the ones that use humans as host (they probably have been using a different alien civilzation as their host). Perhaps something goes wrong with the carriers sent in to destroy the planet causing them to crash. One ship survived the crash and the company on board (which includes the new hero from last film) must survive securing a zone near the main underground hive (which goes deep to the very core of the moon) entrance for reinforcement to to land. Eventually backup arrives and proceeds to charge the hive to plant a super weapon that's capable of destroying the whole moon. They find the ancient mother of all alien inside which tries to prevent their attempt to set up the weapon deep underground.

I guess that's how I would do it. Let's hope either Ridley or James Cameron directs this.

Posted by: Blasfamous1 at October 11, 2005 04:03 AM

I have nothing against Weaver or the character of Ripley but the need to keep bringing her back (even from the dead) to fight aliens has gotten very tired now. I don't have a problem with another Alien move but keep Ripley out of it.

Posted by: Morbius at October 11, 2005 05:44 AM