July 20, 2005

Omen remake!

Omen.jpgWe talked about the fact that Fox were planning this quite some time ago, then we had vainly hoped it was going to be a new film, not a remake. Well not so according to Coming Soon:

20th Century Fox has hired Behind Enemy Lines and Flight of the Phoenix helmer John Moore to direct The Omen 666, reports Variety. The film is a remake of the 1976 horror classic about the arrival of the Antichrist in the home of an unsuspecting family. Dan McDermott is writing a script that contemporizes the story. The project is on a fast track

There's a couple of things that worry me about the quote, first the plot description makes it sound like a comedy, "Hello there Dad! I'm the AntiChrist!". However the big two worrying phrases are "contemporises the story" and "on fast track". Bets on it being ruined are? Why can't they leave these remakes and make some decent, original movies?

Posted by at July 20, 2005 06:26 AM


My heart sank when I read about this too. But Empire is suggesting that it might be made a little more psychological... ie the child is not quite so obviously the Anti-Christ, so it leaves you not knowing whether to support his Dad's attempt at killing him. It could be the Dad being paranoid/psychotic. I like the sound of that a lot.

Then again, they're calling it Omen 666, so it'll probably have all the subtlety of the usual Hollywood hack job.

Posted by: JohnW at July 20, 2005 06:55 AM

Can we start a petition asking the Hollywood suits to stop making remakes and make something original for a change.

Please, leave this classic film alone and do something else.

Posted by: diskjokk at July 21, 2005 01:34 AM

Can we start a petition asking the Hollywood suits to stop making remakes and make something original for a change?

Please, leave this classic film alone and do something else.

Posted by: diskjokk at July 21, 2005 01:34 AM

there is only one original Omen and will always be. How pathetic that these people don't have enough imagination to come up with their own script and not ripoff the brilliant work done by David Seltzer, which will stand for all time. How impoverished is Hollywood. Is it any wonder attendance is down?

Posted by: Dr. Sands at August 25, 2005 12:08 AM

I love the classic horror movies such as The Omen.
They have a better effect, as they aren't so glossy
and dont include a pop music soundtrack etc.
They have great story lines, actors..the list could go on.
I really annoys me when they keep re-making classic movies,
but not only that..re-making them and screwing them up.
All for the cash.
C'mon theres got to be someone with good new ideas out there..
hasn't there?

Posted by: J Hardiman UK at October 28, 2005 09:13 AM