July 26, 2005

Nice Ewan McGregor Piece on CNN

I've got a lot of respect for Ewan McGregor. Yes, I like the fact that he was Obi Wan Kenobi (he and Liam Neeson were easily the strongest parts of the 3 prequels), but the man's pure talent goes way beyond the blockbusters we see him in (like Star Wars or The Island). He made his name with indie projects like Trainspotting and Young Adam and then showed us a whole different dimension to himself with his role in Moulin Rouge.

At any rate, the good folks over at CNN have an interesting article on Ewan McGregor today. Here's a peek:

These days, McGregor moves back and forth comfortably between indie movies and mainstream, action-heavy fare like the "Star Wars" movies or "The Island" (above), his new sci-fi thriller. Well, maybe ''comfortably'' is the wrong word. Talking to Entertainment Weekly, McGregor complained that "Island" stunts that required him to spend days seated on a jet-propelled motorcycle were ''crushing on the old genitalia'' and practically ''rendered me infertile.''
I suggest going over and giving the article a read.

Posted by John Campea at July 26, 2005 03:05 PM