July 14, 2005

Neil Marshall after The Descent

DogSoldiers.jpgNeil Marshall is going from strength to strength. His Dog Soldiers movie which he wrote, directed and edited was superb fun and despite not being officially released in the US, it's been a huge hit. Particularly, as he himself has credited, because of the Internet.

Then he wrote and directed The Descent, which I hope to see this Friday, by all accounts showing a mastery of the genre and really moving from his previous work.

Now, from Timeout, he talks about his upcoming projects, and I really am sitting up and taking notice:

'Eagle's Nest'. A World War II action thriller previously pitched as 'Die Hard' meets 'The Remains of the Day', the film is actualy more a tribute to the action adventure classics 'Where Eagles Dare' and 'The Eagle has Landed' the director explained:

'It's about a hypothetical rescue attempt on Rudolph Hess after he parachuted into Scotland in World War II. The 'Die Hard' scenario comes in when the rescue attempt goes wrong and the German unit takes Hess to a country castle in the borders of Scotland. 'The gamekeeper has to do the John McClane thing and keep them there until help arrives - he has to stop them escaping and picks them off one by one.'

That does sound interesting...and bizarre, although the McClane comparison does make it sound a little weary, we have to give it to Marshall, his ideas seem wild on paper but he can really bring them to a fantastic reality on the screen. Next up will be...

...a medieval heist movie called 'The Sword and the Fury'.

'It's about what happens 30 years after King Arthur dies and Excalibur falls into the wrong hands. Guinevere then hires a band of thieves to steal it back - it' a proper, gritty romp.'

Then, if the desire to return to horror is there, he plans to make...

...'Outpost', a sci-fi horror that tells the tale of a genetic experiment going horribly wrong.

Sounds like there are some really interesting films ahead, and with Marshall behind them they really will be exciting and entertaining. Watch out for these. Is anyone else a big a fan as I am?

Posted by at July 14, 2005 03:27 AM


Looking forward to this myself. Dog Soldiers was fun and over at AICN, Descent is getting raves.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at July 14, 2005 08:48 AM

I was lucky enough to be at the premiere of The Descent in London last Wednesday and I was blown away. It's a claustrophobic, tightly paced number with a great cast and some genuinely creepy moments. There's enough to make everyone jump and the gore count is fan pleasing as well. There're nods to a whole load of classics including Alien, Don't Look Now and Carrie - but more importantly you can see that if we're lucky Marshallis someone who'll be turning out high quality flicks for years to come. And it's not as if he's going short on ideas.
When it hits the US screens I wholeheartedly recommend you give it a go.

Posted by: Justin Merritt at July 14, 2005 09:19 AM

I'm definitely looking forward to these films; I absolutely loved Dog Soldiers. The non-CGI & the gallons of blood made it fun like the old school horror films. I'm a fan of heist stories, so I'm really looking forward to The Sword & The Fury. The idea just sounds cool.

Posted by: Eric From Philly at July 14, 2005 11:24 AM

Just seen this The Descent, awesome film, from start to finish this film does not hold off, from pools of blood to protruding bones, I left the theatre feeling exhuasted, it's a long time since that has happened... not since House of 1000 Corpses... (The Devils Rejects also being an really great movie) Neil Marshall rules!

Posted by: DC at July 27, 2005 08:47 PM