July 12, 2005

Mission Impossible 3 writers speak

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mission Impossible 3 or FilmForce Mission Impossible 3

MI3.jpgTwo of the screenwriters who have worked for so long on the Alias show with J. J. Abrams are side stepping over to Mission: Impossible 3 for a short while to create the story behind the title. Coming Soon managed to catch them and ask them what was in store for the franchise:

...screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orzi are heading off to Rome to start working on Mission: Impossible 3 with their long-time collaborator J.J. Abrams...

..."We actually took the same approach that we tended to take with J.J. on 'Alias'," he responded when asked about how the political changes in the world since the last movie might be incorporated into the third chapter. "It's all a giant metaphor for what's going on in the world now, but you never use names and you never say countries. The great thing about 'Mission: Impossible' is that the whole franchise was based on fake countries. They were always going off to Gonawanaland or wherever they were, and it was always a metaphor for some kind of current political situation."

So nothing really new there, although we can be assured of a pretty good story, and as they say, something close to a film version of Alias....except without a pregnant Jennifer Garner!

When quizzed about Tom Cruise they had positive things to say...

"I have never met anyone with more enthusiasm," Kurtzman said about the movie's star Tom Cruise. "He's so dedicated and passionate. The minute we handed in a script that he liked, he said 'Great! I'm going to start training.' And the movie wasn't even greenlit!"...

...Orzi continued. "When he was finishing 'War of the Worlds', we asked him if he was tired, and he said 'No, I'm not tired. This is fun!'" "You can tell that he loves to [make movies]," Kurzman agreed, "and what more can you hope for in the biggest star in the world then to have a cheerleader who's really excited to start saying your lines?"

I'm perked up a little on this movie now, if these guys are on board and Abrams is directing what they've written, then this could be a damn good storyline, and slightly more indepth than the last movie. There's only a few things that could mess this up now, and those are the actors! What are the chances of that happening then?

Posted by at July 12, 2005 07:13 AM


ha-ha, I love it, 2 days and not a single comment posted on this thread. I guess that just goes to show yuo, were bored to crap about hearing about IM3. Just make the friggin movie already!

Posted by: Tim at July 14, 2005 12:36 AM

dear Tim,

unless u didnt know, they are making the movie as we speak.

Posted by: john [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 14, 2005 12:47 AM