July 11, 2005

Michael Keaton and Brendan Fraser in The Last Time

BFraser3.jpgI don't know why I'm such a fan of Michael Keaton's. It's not like he's done much in the last 10 years (Except for Desperate Measures... that movie ROCKED!). I'm also not really sure why I'm such a fan of Brendan Fraser either... a guy whose best film to date was probably George of the Jungle (Hey! I liked that movie!). But for whatever reason, I AM a fan of both of them.

So news of "The Last Time", a new project starring both of them, has me interested. Yes, it's sorta scary that it has pretty much a rookie director heading it (Michael Caleo), but even Spielberg had to start somewhere. Here's a little synopsis of the film:

The story follows a cynical salesman, played by Keaton, who gets a new lease of life after he falls in love with the fiancee of his new business partner (Fraser).
Hmmm... not the most original plot outline I've ever heard either. But oh well. I'm still looking forward to it.

Posted by John Campea at July 11, 2005 07:06 AM


michael keaton is the best. just watched herbie fully loaded the other day and he's still got it.

Posted by: B A T M A N at July 11, 2005 07:54 PM

Hi John Campea: maybe you´re a Brendan Fraser´s fan because he is not only GREAT doing comedies like George of the Jungle or playing the action hero ( The Mummy ); he also SHINES performing serious roles...think about Gods & Monsters, The Quiet American, or, lately, Crash...
Those sound like good reasons to me...(uuuhhh... and could I add that he is absolutely handsome ???)

Posted by: Delilah at July 13, 2005 10:40 AM

can't wait to see the movie it's got two great actors in it judging from past careers of each this movie will rock

Posted by: suzy at July 18, 2005 10:11 PM

Umm... well hello my name is Desiree as you can see. I am Michael Keaton's Numero UNO fan, i own all his movies counting down to Pacific Hights and White Noise, don't get me wrong i like brendon fraser also, but it's like he's still a kid, if you see him on interviews and stuff like that, you will see him belch, pick his nose, fart, and probly laugh through the whole thing! Yes he may be handsome, but his acting skills need a lil more practice! Michael keaton is an outstanding actor with a great attitude he should be judged by that and not by his fame and fortune, thats just from my prospective! If he was asked to play like a 6 hour movie there's no doubt in my mind that he couldn't do it, he can play in almost every type of movie, he can play action and adventure, horror, comedy, mystery and suspense! He's awesome! and hopefully all of you will come to your senses and stop drooling over a guy that doesn't even act his age, and start drooling over a guy who's mature enough not to pick his nose and fart in public, i have nothing more to say thank you for listening!

Love Desiree! P.S. Oh and Michael if your reading this right now plz plz e-mail me at [email protected] or just send me a letter if you want at: Desiree Fredrickson 301 sylvan ave modesto ca, 95350! plz and thank you!

Posted by: Desiree Fredrickson at August 31, 2005 05:25 PM

i like Brendan Fraser too.
He is a awesome actor and he looks good in every movie.
my favourite movie is still Breathing but i love all about him.
since i saw him in encino men over ten years ago i am a fan.
happy new year

Posted by: flyingdreams at December 28, 2005 03:22 AM