July 26, 2005

Michael Chiklis on Fantastic Four 2

Michael Chiklis is one of my favourite actors on screen at the moment, sure he's no Shakesparean great, but he's good on screen and great to watch. So it's good news that he's preparing for another series of the successful television show The Shield as well as a very quick leap to the next Fantastic Four. From CHUD through Comic Book Movie:

CHUD asked: "Do you have anything set between Rise and The Shield?"

Chiklis: "A vacation! I've worked for 17 months straight, no break. I shoot this until beginning of August and I start The Shield in mid-September, and then I go right into, from what I understand, the second installment of Fantastic Four. And I think right after that, into another project that I'm talking about that I can't discuss just yet."

CHUD: "Another Fantastic Four already, huh?"

Chiklis: "It's not confirmed yet, but the conversation is that as early as next spring, maybe early summer to shoot."

That didn't take much to get out of him! It shows that the Studio are ready to put more money behind the next Fantastic Four movie before it has even finished its cinema run. Personally I'm up for this, as there are loads of possibilities, particularly around the development of Doom as well as the heroes. Is anyone else looking forward to this?

Posted by at July 26, 2005 07:53 AM


It is probably because FF stopped the movie "slump." Now those $$ are flashing in people's eyes. I haven't seen the first, but maybe on DVD. Batman Begins was the only Superhero flick I wanted to see this summer.

Posted by: Shane at July 26, 2005 11:33 AM

CHUD: "Another Fantastic Four already, huh?"

That sums up the enthusiasm by the public toward a sequel.

Posted by: Franklin at July 26, 2005 11:52 AM

I'm looking forward to this, especially if they get a better director.

Fantastic Four wasn't a good movie, it was just a movie with characters I wanted very much to see. If they put any kind of effort in at all, the second movie won't be worse. With better direction and a good villain who has enough time to shine, as Doom did not, it could easily be much better. The cast is good enough, or more than good enough in Michael Chiklis' case, and the characters are well established. The Torch is still going to be lively and funny. Jessica Alba is still going to be a babe. The special effects and action are going to be about the same or better.

I'm optimistic. Not optimistic enough to think that the second Fantastic Four will be in the Incredibles class or anything like it, but basic decent, solid, family-friendly movies that are up-beat and fun to watch have become rare treats, and I think this might be one.

Posted by: David Blue at July 28, 2005 03:07 PM