July 23, 2005

Metal Gear Solid director and star?

MetalGearSolid.jpgOver at FilmRot they've got another great rumour from the UK Teletext service, true or not it's an interesting one and I guess one that's going to get fans of the games quite excited. Although possibly not in the positive sense.

Teletext UK are alleging that the upcoming movie-adaptation of Metal Gear Solid has itself a director and star in Rob Cohen and Josh Lucas...

Cohen? Well I personally think he can pull something good out for MGS, I really liked xXx and I don't care what everyone else says, it was a great action flick. However I'm not so sure if I can see Lucas taking the role. I would have had an older more grizzled veteran playing the role, but then I've seen stranger things work.

What about you fans of MGS? Can you see Cohen making this work, and if you don't see Lucas for it who do you think can fit the role better?

Posted by at July 23, 2005 02:22 PM


A Metal Gear Solid movie? This would be a difficult task. It's a fun game with an awsome story with sometimes quirky dialouge. This could be a great movie, but there is a certain feel and spirit with the game that a movie cannot deliver. Video games turned into movies have never been great, with the exception of Resident Evil, which was good by luck. Why is that? Simply because the second movie pissed me off so much making me enjoy the crap that is the Super Mario Bros. movie more.

When it comes to video games turning into movies, film makers cannot seperate the movie style from the video game to well. For instance the crap we have seen in House of the Dead. That movie could have been somehting great, but failed.

If Metal Gear is done just right, we could have the first ever successful video game movies in let's say, a trilogy! That would be great! What Sam Raimi did for comic book movies, Rob Cohen will hopefully do for video game movies.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 23, 2005 03:30 PM

o9h no. oh god no.
Not Rob Cohen. Please...

I've been playing Metal Gear Solid for secen years, I don't want that hack to ruin it and turn it into pointless action like he does with all of his movies.

And Snake is David Hayter. Without David Hayter's voice it will just be too awkward for fans.

I hope Hideo Kojima stops this.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 23, 2005 04:33 PM

i think a MGS movie would be awsome the only problem which would they base it on 1.. 2 sons of liberty... or 3 snake eater?... i made a list of people i thought would fit the character not all of them tho but take a look i think they fit pretty well... tell me what u think

Solid Snake - Josh Lucas
Liquid Snake - Jason Isaacs
Big Boss - Sean Connery
Psyco Mantis - Doug Stone "voice for game"
Revolver Ocelot - Sam Elliott
Ocelot - Ewan Mcgregor
Vulcan Raven - Vinnie Jones
Vamp - Oliver Martinez / Simon Baker
Fortune - One of the williams sisters :p
Fatman - Kelsey Grammer / Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Raiden - Cillian Murphy
Otacon - Jake Gyllenhall
Merly Silverburgh - Izabella scorupco
The Boss - Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
The Sorrow - Ian Mcdiarmid
The Pain - John C. Reilly
The Fear - Kiefer Sutherland
The End - Dennis Happer / Rod Steiger
The Fury - Richard Doyle "voice from game"
Eva - Asia Argento
Volgin - The russing guy who battled rocky in one of the movies i cant remember his name ?

who do u think should play what ?

Posted by: venommm at July 24, 2005 01:23 AM

I know you can't have all of the actors look EXACTLY like in the game, but honestly,

Cillian Murphy as Raiden?


Ian McDiarmid as the Sorrow?
Hell no.

Dennis Hopper as The End..
You're kidding right?

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am COMPLETELY against this.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 24, 2005 01:38 AM

venommm, all I have to say to you is, THAT LIST WAS AWSOME!

Raiden looks like a woman, we need an actor who looks like a woman for that role. Or they could just hire an actress to play a man's role. If the woman has a man's voice and looks like a decent girl, why not? Cillian Murphy does look like a girl, sort of. If the chance came around i'd have sex with him.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 24, 2005 02:06 AM

haha funny lizard freak and hey joe im not doin it just because of looks i like all of those actors they are high qualty actors whats wrong with cillian murphy u diddent say why i mean diddent u see his preformance in batman begins dont get me wrong but i actually enjoyed it he made a good scarecrow and i think he would make a decient raiden i mean i seen somewhere over at imdb some kid wanted arnold swatzenager or how ever u spell it to play vulcan raven and they wanted fricken paris hilton to play the boss .. thats all i have 2 say those were ridiculous ones i like mine

Posted by: venommm at July 24, 2005 02:51 AM

I always evisioned Chris Christopherson as Ocelot. I also once read the suggestion the the Swayze brothers should be the snakes. Patrick as Liquid and his B movie brother as Solid. A hilarious and terrible idea I think.

The problem with this is that Solid Snake insired by Snake Plissken from Escape from New York. People might complain about the similiarities between them, unless they changed the chraracter of Snake which would be sacrilege. They should leave MGS well alone. A movie is pointless since the games were such cinematic pieces of storytelling. I'd rather see an anime of it be made.

Posted by: Gordon Shumway at July 24, 2005 05:47 AM

I totally agree with you Gordon, by the way, you sound familiar, have we met somewhere before?

Posted by: A.L.F at July 24, 2005 03:26 PM

I hate this movie idea but if there ever was one, I'd pick Hugh Jackman as Solid Snake.

Posted by: Daniel at July 24, 2005 05:11 PM

Yeah Hi A.L.F, I recognise your name, maybe it was that time I was visiting my family on Melmac.

Posted by: Gordon Shumway at July 25, 2005 05:52 AM

Russel Crowe would be ideal as Snake. would just have to get that gladiator beard back

Posted by: Anon at July 26, 2005 07:59 AM

Snake = Russel Crowe
Colonel = Anthony Hopkins
Liquid = Brad Pitt
Otacon = That guy with glasses out of Stargate SG-1, thinking his name is michael shanks or that might be someone else
Meryl = Charlie Theron (she was in the italian job)
DARPA chief = Danny Glover
Master Miller = Robert Patrick, the baddie liquid robot in Terminator 2
Ocelot = Kris Kristofferson (was mafia boss in Payback)
Decoy Octopus = Fuckin anyone could play him, take your pick
Vulcan Raven = I was thinkin a wwe wrestler could play him, perhaps goldberg or brock lesnar, or someone with big shoulders
Psycho Mantis = Wears a mask, so doesnt matter
Sniper Wolf = Uma Thurman would be ace

Do not put Raiden or Rose or any of the characters from mgs2 in it. if the game was nonsense, the film would be worse, no need to complicate matters. stick to what works :)

....please ffs someone MAKE THIS FILM and don't balls it up! add some storyline, not just mindless action crap

search the names on google images to get a better look at em and tell me what ya think

Posted by: Anon at July 26, 2005 08:18 AM

I see someone agrees with my Kris Kristofferson for Ocelot! Cool. You selected a good range of lookalikes but Im concerned that they will only work superficially in most cases. Actors need to do more than look like computer game characters to succeed. I was worried that you wrote that it doesnt matter who plays Psycho Mantis because he wears a mask. Well if it went to Paul Walker or Casper Van Dien or something I think that definately matters!
Also casting a WWE wrestler is kind of setting a movie up as mindless action crap.
But I really like your idea for Octacon and Uma as Sniper Wolf would be interesting.

Id still prefer an anime, 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' styley!!

Posted by: Gordon Shumway at July 26, 2005 09:33 AM

I had to think of a few reasons why i'd pick the people i did to act their parts, eg. brad pitt as liquid, as he could add an intelligent-yet-psycotic feel to liquid, which is the impression liquid gave me during mgs, and the impression pitt gave me from films such as Twelve Monkeys, and Fight Club. You're perhaps right about using a wrestler in the film, they don't normally benefit the films, seeing as everytime i see The Rock starring in a film I tend to think "Oh, God, this is gonna be one of them ones where they pour explosions and supposed-to-be-witty one liners out of the tv and expect you to love it". Then I thought..."Vin Diesel?......Fuck off!" He's just sooo Not Metal Gear Solid isn't he. Definately I would have a trademark-psycho actor playing mantis, I was just trying to get the point across that his looks wouldn't really matter seeing as he had a mask, as long as the actor had brilliant voice-acting skills. I would HATE for them to mess Mantis up, that would be worse then messing Snake's actor up! And it would wreck it too if they tried to portray Meryl as another "Badass chick with an attitude" that you see so many of these days in films. Why do directors still think this is original!? There's one in every-fucking-film that's been released in the last 7 or 8 years!
Last of all, yes, Kristofferson would be Per-fecto for Ocelot. Just look at him - add a long moustache and long balding hair...it's perfect! His voice is ace too!

Posted by: Anon at July 29, 2005 02:53 PM

Christian Bale, or Benicio Del Torro as Snake. Benicio would be good.
Orlando Bloom as Raiden.

Cna't think of any others.

Posted by: Chris at July 30, 2005 12:14 PM

I love Metal Gear Solid like a wife. But i hope Hideo reviews the whole script and makes sure they dont screw this up.

Posted by: TheBoss at July 30, 2005 02:56 PM

Christian Bale looks too youthful n doesnt look rugged enough, beniccio del torro just hasnt got the Solid Snake-esque feel to him, looks nothing like him. Raiden I'd leave out of the whole thing, he wrecked MGS2 and I doubt he'd be sorely missed from the film if it was made. God i hate that girly haired poof.

Anyway I doubt they'll make a film to Metal Gear Solid. would be good if they did, but they'd probably fuck it up as per usual, unless they actually got a die hard mgs fan to make it(which they wont, it'll probably be the same guy that made terminator 3, or house of the dead or something). Metal Gear Solid, at the moment, is loved by nearly everyone...its probably best if we leave it that way.
They should never have made mgs2. a disgrace to the mgs title

Posted by: Anon at July 31, 2005 12:24 PM

Gordon, I've always seen Snake aka Kurt Russell in this role.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 31, 2005 03:01 PM

are the really having Raiden i mean did the guy ever play the games or did he just read the manuels.

this is hideo's baby he should have control, also hes a ex-movie-director

Posted by: TheBoss at July 31, 2005 07:45 PM

i would love an mgs film, but i too would be expecting too much in hoping that any product would meet a fans expectations. the only person equiped for making this movie is hideo kojima. anyone else would try to bring their own style to it, which ultimately would ruin what mgs is. as for choosing actors there is only one man who could ever be snake and that is kurt russell, who kojima originally based the character on, he has the voice and the look, or perhaps i should say he HAD the look. yes, unfortunately he is too old to be taking on the role of snake again any time soon. however, it might be nice to see him play the role of big boss, if an early mgs title was used to base the film on, perhaps his demise at the hands of snake in zansibar? but to be honest any kind of film they release with this title is going to be some kind of a disapointment. oh, and by the way kris kristofferson is an awsome choice for ocelot.

Posted by: Lipton at August 3, 2005 08:44 PM

I think David Hayter should play solid snake,liquid snake,solidus snake and big boss.David Hayter has been in action movies before. ANYBODY DISAGREE

Posted by: Big_Boss at August 3, 2005 08:46 PM

Venommm that is a brilliant list except raven should be played by Michael duncan smith.

Posted by: Big_Boss at August 3, 2005 08:48 PM

I think hugh jackman would make the perfect snake because look how he played wolverine in x men just picture him with a beard or stuble and long hair and the bandana that snake wheres in MSG if you see he makes the perfect solid snake...................

Posted by: hassan at August 4, 2005 05:34 PM

i think mgs is 1 of the best action games of all time and i would love to see a film of it but i too recon that die-hard mgs fans like us would still have a few niggles at it.
kurt russell could play an exellent snake but abit to old im right in saying? mabye big boss in the org. mg games but i doubt they will make an older one, ps1+. if they did mgs3 i think ewen mcgreger could play a great ocelot. raiden if they no mgs2 should be played by a young white male very feminate not orlando bloom or that kind of area someone very thin. mantis should be played by someone very unhealthly thin because mantis probably didnt eat. meryl shall point blank not be played by michel roegerezz the one from swat and resi 1 she is to manly she will ruin the role, meryl is a charicter who like battle but dosen't live for it like snake or roegerezz
why does every one hate raiden so much he ain't that bad?

Posted by: el train at August 9, 2005 10:49 AM

There's just one possible choice for Snake: Hugh Jackman(Wolverine of X- Men) and for Liquid who better than Brad Pitt?
Big Boss = Kurt Russell
The Boss = Meryl Streep or Glen Close(they are quite older and with a little training why not?)
Mary = That girl of Boogeyman, i' dont remember his name
Well , that's all, salutes from Chile

Posted by: Superpeuco at August 9, 2005 07:16 PM

i think it has to be

solid snake = kurt russell for def!!

liquid snake = kurt russell (with blondish wig) (though crappy english accent could be a problem)

roy cambell = don s. davis (general hammond from Stargate series)

octacon = : James Spader or Michael Shanks (both played daniel jackson in stargate movie or series)

naked snake (mgs3) = kurt russell (it'll be the last filmed, if they do all three, so he'll be older newayz!)

raiden/jack mgs2: keano reeves? (dyed hair of cource!) or perhaps orlando bloom?

raven (mgs1) : bruce willis? or a wrestler guy

ocelot (mgs1+2): clint eastwood would be funny (revolver n all!), would look right thou... but he could do the "most powerful handgun in the world, and could blow your head clean off" speech. prob not so good for russian accent either...

DARPA chief (mgs1): danny glover for def!

Kenneth baker/arms tech president (mgs1): antony hopkins (also thought of him for role of ocelot or mantis.)

volgin: definately that russian guy in rocky movie!

ideas by other i think are brill

brad pitt for liquid, or the liquid guy from terminator 2.

wwf/wwe wrestler for raven, it has to be a huge guy!

uma thurman for sniper wolf, but could also be The Boss (mgs3)


oh yeah and did someone up there not realise that master miller and liquid were the same!?! so they would have to be the same actor, duh!

Posted by: sonik at August 12, 2005 01:16 PM

For one Ya'll got some really good Ideas, about who should be who in the movie, but lets clarify some shit for ya'll
For SNAKE you could have David Hayter play him cause he does look like Snake in a way, or get Hugh Jackman, from X-Men, he looks more like him than anyone. Colonel i gree that Anthony Hopkins would be alright and for one Vulcan Raven is a big black guy, not a big white wrestler guy, so scratch your idead on that, but we all appreciatte the thought. I always thought that the Darpa Cheif, always looked like Danny Glover so we think the same, and i kinda agree with the
Uma Therman for sniper wolf, cause yeah she could pull it off, but she would really have to pull out all stops on it.As for Brad pitt being liquid i also kind of agree, cause if you seen his character in "Interview with the vampire" it would kinda work, As for the Ninja, it would have to be the original voice from the PSX version not the voice from The Twin Snakes Version, though both are good.
And on another note completely who would like it if we got to create our own V.R.Missions on a metal gear solid game, like you can make your own park in Tony Hawk games. But not just V.R. Missions, cause you do got game three in the woods, Plus AC!D takes the story out in the open but you get my drift e-mail with your thoughts.

Posted by: Krazy Jason at August 15, 2005 07:06 PM

The director should be Hideo Kojima, no question. Without Kojima, Metal Gear doesn't work. He is the only person who can make this movie feel like Metal Gear.

Josh Lucas as Snake? Worst casting ever. The only people who could pull of Snake's character are:

Karl Urban would be a great pick
Hugh Jackman maybe
Eric Bana maybe (see him in black hawk down, he can pull off the tough guy thing)
David Hayter (The guy who voices snake in the games. Doesn't look like Snake though.)

Posted by: John at August 18, 2005 01:33 AM

I've always thought as Sean Connery for Revolver Ocelot 'cos he can do the Russian accent thing!
Solid & Liquid would have to be played by the same guy (for obvious reasons!)
How about The Rock as Vulcan Raven?
Angelina Jolie as Sniper Wolf (she looked good with blonde hair in "Gone In 60 Seconds)
I agree with Joseph Simmons for most of the rest of them!

Posted by: Mr Rik at August 18, 2005 03:17 PM

Sorry meant venommm there not Joseph Simmons, just read it wrong! My bad!

Posted by: Mr Rik at August 18, 2005 03:19 PM

Why is it when you guys are thinking of who could play Vulcan Raven, The big black guy with the raven on his head, you all think that a big white or tanned guy can play him, it's like casting a women for a mans role, get your guys shit right

Posted by: Jason Christopher at August 18, 2005 05:27 PM

ok what i think is to forget the actors and keep all the origanal voice actors from the game itself. now it seems strange cuz then youll have to think of simarlarities between actors. but ihave a great idea dontmake the movie w/ actual actors but animate it like they did w/ the Final Fantisy movie. it would be perfct you could keep the same voice actors and animate the faces in the movie!

Posted by: the onds pal at August 20, 2005 12:39 AM

Jason Christopher, get your shit right, vulcan raven isn't black, he's Sioux.

Posted by: John at August 20, 2005 04:33 AM

Man i don't give a fuck I know he's sioux, man we all know that, people know he's a black sioux. So a black guy would play him best so fook oof.

Posted by: Jason Christopher at August 20, 2005 03:45 PM

Look at the pictures of him. He's not white. He's not black. You can't use a pale actor. You can't use a dark skinned actor. Vin Diesel or someone would have to try n get away with it, however whether he's upto the task of acting the part of Raven is another story. Sick of people sayin Kurt Russel for Snake, he seems a bit too comical to play the part of the greatest soldier on the planet. Most of these people that are being suggested are just lookalikes, no-one's thinking about the acting. eg. Angelina Jolie isn't right for Sniper Wolf, she's not dark and evil enough to play her part. and Clint Eastwood for Ocelot, again doesnt work(personally I think Kris Kristoffersen could be the only option for Ocelot, only one I'm satisfied with)

And MGS2 and Snake Eater characters shouldnt even be brought into consideration. If an MGS film was made and the director had any brains, he'd focus it entirely on the first game...the second one was smeg anyway

Posted by: Anon at August 20, 2005 07:49 PM

Anon, Kris Kristofferson would be a horrible ocelot. He sounds like a typical redneck southern hick. He could NOT pull of a good Russian accent.

Also my suggestion as Karl Urban for Snake is not based on just looks, Urban could easily pull of the Snake attitude and would probably come closer in the voice department than anyone other than Kurt Russell, but I agree Russell won't work. He's too old.

And to Jason Christopher, you are a moron. I think you're the one who needs to "fook oof" because a black guy can not play Vulcan Raven. Retard.

Posted by: John D at August 21, 2005 06:18 PM

if they do make the move it should probaly be cg so the voice actors will be in there because david hayter is the only person that has the voice to be snake and all the other actors would make snake be dorky

Posted by: jak at August 22, 2005 07:42 PM

For one i just found this place and i already agree with Jason Christopher, about his suggestions, especially for raven, no shit, he looks dark/tan skinned in the game and Michael Duncan Clark isn't black black, he's a light brown black, if you use proper lighting and shit. And it does matter the appearence of the actors too, you dumb fucks, yeah ya need good acting, but if no one comes close enough to looking like the part then what the hell is the point of casting them. I agree with Jason, ya'll can suck a nut. oh yeah and Jason that would be sweet as shit if we could make our own V.R. Missions, and levels cause i got some ideas in my head that no one here would be able to beat.

Posted by: Stitchxface at August 22, 2005 07:43 PM

hahaha stitch

you're a fag.

Posted by: john d at August 23, 2005 04:18 AM

rock on john d

Posted by: jak at August 23, 2005 09:04 AM

Oh by the way, my overall picks:

Solid Snake: Karl Urban
Liquid Snake: Eric Bana (sorry but you kinda have to drop Liquid's accent. I mean it would still be english, but the one in the game is way too cheesy for a movie)
---Just because they were twins in the game doesn't mean they would have to be played by the same guy in order for the film to work. You can never be 100% faithful to a game when making a movie, because the movie would be totally screwed up.

Meryl: Franka Potente (main chick from Bourne Identity)
Vulcan Raven: The Rock (If he could do the Scorpion King well, he can do this)
Naomi Hunter: Jennifer Hale (Her voice actor in the games)
Mei Ling: Kim Mai Guest (voice actor in the games. looks like her somewhat.)
Colonel Campbell: Paul Eiding (his voice actor from the game)
Darpa Chief: Danny Glover
Revolver Ocelot: Daniel Day-Lewis
Psycho Mantis: Crispin Glover (the guy is just weird and he fits the look well)
Secretary of defense Jim Houseman: William Bassett (his voice actor from the game, looks a lot like him)
Sniper Wolf: Milla Jovovich

Posted by: John D at August 24, 2005 01:36 AM

David Hayter would be the best actor for snake and Big Boss it wouldnt be right with a differnt voice. Hugh Jackman looks like him more but they have props and make up so David hayter would be the best.TELL ME IF YOU DISAGREE.

Posted by: Big_Boss at August 24, 2005 09:23 PM

You can't make David Hayter look like Snake with any props or make-up. He just doesn't fit there. You don't need the exact voice. Who cares?

Oh and by the way, ArmsTech President Kenneth Baker should be Brian Cox (bad guy from Bourne Supremacy who shoots himself)

Posted by: John D at August 24, 2005 09:27 PM

Sniper wolf should be played by pamela anderson first of all because she has big boobs and she is very experienced in action films(barb wire)and she looks like her alot.

Posted by: Big_Boss at August 25, 2005 09:20 AM

you can make any body look like any one with props and make up david hayter would be the best fit for big boss and all of his sons. the voice of liquid and sol;idus might be a problem but they will figure it out.

Posted by: Big_Boss at August 25, 2005 09:30 AM

In metal gear solid 2 S.O.L. when you are swimming looking for emma right before you go in one of the doors you will see a picture of a woman in black underwear and blond hair she is a duplicate of EVA i think hideo could get her to play EVA.IT IS NOT AN ANIMATED PICTURE SHE IS REAL.TELL ME IF YOU THINK THE SAME.

Posted by: Big_Boss at August 25, 2005 09:42 AM

Well i thank stitchxface for agreeing with me, and the fag that called him a fag can suck on a diseased dick for all i care, but let's just say this all the actors ya'll are suggesting well it gives a good example of how writers for such video game movies as streetfighter, fuck the story of the video game up entirely so just thought i'd let you know.

Posted by: Jason Christopher at August 25, 2005 04:42 PM

Calm Down Lads Its Only A disscion---
Snake- Kurt Russel Or Hugh Jackman
Raiden- ?? Think People
Liquid Snake- Agent Smith With Wig (forgot his name)
Sniper Wolf- Milla Jovovich Or Someone maybe Urma Thurman or an inknown actress
Raven- Aronld Swartzenegger
Psycho Mantis- Johnny Depp
... oh what the hell just gimme the whole frickin movie and us guys on this page will make it we know whats right
And yeah Hideo Kojimma To Direct (complete with translator)

Posted by: JT at August 25, 2005 06:55 PM

Jason, what are you, 5? "suck a diseased dick"

Wow, good one jackass.

Posted by: John Daly at August 26, 2005 07:58 AM

OK...if you want to make a Meatal Gear SOlid Movie, first thing u gotta realize is NO STUPID LOOKN ACTORS. If your not in the movie buisness or at least have some experience just keep those thoughts of actors inside ur head. Now there are a million people that look like snake, but there isnt a sigle actor known to look like one. No insults too jeezuz....

Metal Gear Solid is put simply a great cinamatic story line, but just for gaming, I'm not in the filming buisness but even i know very well that if you want a great Metal Gear Solid Movie, you need immaginitave people with millatary connecetions. How a difficult task to find people like this, but when somone does make a Metal Gear Solid movie, first thing they gotta do besides getting actors together is how in the he** they are going to do somthing as crazy as starwars stunts. Think about it for a sec, now Raiden as a women; NO FU**ING NO!!
Rob Cohen as Snake? Hell no, he in the first place, dont look shisnit like snake. The actress has to have some kind of beard with half-asian eyes but somwhat bigger then the avarege with a hair-due test of Snake's hair style without the bandana, until anyone finds somone like that i doubt metal gear solid will be comming out. So far, i have seen the WORST suggestions I have ever seen about metal gear solid in my LIFE. Even mine is better, so make up some better suggestions. I have one, how bout look at the 15-20 year old movies involving young actreses of the age. Would be a good idea, most of the old movies have the really good looking ones from games. Just to tell you, im younger then the age of 20 so no i havent seen much but i have seen some, least worth a shot before getting actreses to a Metal Gear Solid Movie. Bah too much tyiping...

Posted by: Solid Snake at August 26, 2005 08:36 PM

Dude lay off man, i highly doubt that anyone in here is five years old, except for you maybe, cause u seem to be suggesting some of the stupidest shit, and like the one Snake guy before me said everyone needs to chill the fuck out we aint even writin the fuckin flick so chill the fuck out. And again, i agree with Jason up there, shove a disease infected shlong in your mouth so your mouth will swell up with warts and shit so that u can't breathe, thats all he's tryin to say, take it into suggestion Mutha facko. You need to be bitch slapped with a lead pipe, you stupid little boy, run back to mommy and hug her titties you wack ass bitch.

Posted by: Stitchxface at August 27, 2005 03:11 PM

What the fuck? "Take into suggestion". Maybe you mean take into consideration? Either way, you lose for being a retard.

Even if I was younger than you, which I'm not cause you're probably 12, I'd still be much smarter considering you are a little white kid trying to sound black who calls people a "mutha facko" (whatever the fuck that means). Go listen to some Simple Plan albums and masturbate to animal porn you fucking pussy.

Posted by: John D at August 28, 2005 10:56 AM

Hahahaha this page is funny. Looks like John D and Jak are about the only people i've seen through the whole thread who really slightly know what they're talking about. The rest are stupid people with stupid ideas, like the type of people who made Terminator 3.

And did I see someone earlier mention Pamela Anderson in the metal gear solid movie???

....and Arnold Schwarzenegger aswell??? Comedy at its best! I personally think MGS is too good for a film, especially the ones that are made nowadays

I think the problem most people are having, is they're thinking of the most famous actors they know, and trying to fit them into the best part for them on MGS, rather than thinking of the part, and thinking of the best actor.

Posted by: Anon at August 31, 2005 04:54 PM

Anon your a fag

Posted by: Big_Boss at September 1, 2005 07:14 AM

and you must be at the most 11 years old

Posted by: Anon at September 1, 2005 04:07 PM

bitch, you know damn well what the fuck i meant,
And another thing is who the fuck is simple plan,
animal porn is retarded and you are obviously stale for using that as an insult, cause no body calls it animal porn any more, they call it beastiality, you dumb fuck, i don't need to masturbate cause i actually get laid you limp dicked minute man faggot.
and dude if i'm twelve than i got to be the smartest
twelve year old ever,
since i'm in college,
you stupid peice of shit.
and now you, Jason and my insane self aint even talkin about the fuckin movie, cause now i got beef with your little ass.

Posted by: stitchxface at September 1, 2005 04:28 PM

Anon you seem to be the only person here with any intelligence. Most of these people should be too ashamed to speak for the lack of class they show. I do agree with all those who said just not make a movie out of MGS. Just leave well enough alone and try to make an original story for once. They should watch the Tomb Raider movies again and just call it even. Maybe an anime feature would be worth while, but if they are going to make this a live action film than most of this casting is nonsence anyway. Does anyone really think Brad Pitt is going to take a secondary role in a video game movie? Uma Thurman really? Something tells me A-list actors are a no show in secondary roles. I understand your all just having fun with these ideas but try to expand your imaginations a little, think outside of mainstream. There are more actors out there than we will ever know of, not every role needs to go to Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. Try a little harder, in your insults as well. You all seem to think your intelligent try to prove it and use a larger vocabulary, lets see it college boy, break out your thesarus. Thats a book that shows a variety of words you can use. Try it.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 1, 2005 07:06 PM

I think game-to-film's should be banned altogether. Only thing they've ever done is bring the reputation of the game to shame. Directors and movie writers just have no originality any more, so have to steal video game storylines and make pathetic sequels to classic films such as Terminator, Batman and the rest of a very long, long list

Posted by: Anon at September 2, 2005 02:09 PM

Anon agian I salute your intelligence. If only smater people ran hollywood.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 2, 2005 04:00 PM


Fucking faggot, what kind of loser comes onto a website and starts talking about getting laid all the time? A 12-year-old fag who has never had a serious conversation with a girl in his whole life, that's who. You and I both know you have had sex before.

And another thing, you don't have to hit enter after every sentence dumbass, it just looks retarded. Then again that seems to be your area of expertise anyway.

Posted by: John at September 4, 2005 08:31 PM

the smart people started leaving hollywood around 10 years ago crackerjack. the commercial management people are taking advantage and moving in

Posted by: Anon at September 5, 2005 01:54 PM

Its sad, so sad. I do think there are some smart people in hollywood. They are just few and far between, then again maybe its because there are not many smart audiences anymore. I mean did you read some of the comments above. What is happening to society? Is it lack of education or is it MTV or what? Lack of parenting maybe. Lot of stupid people in the world so maybe thats why Hollywood is run by people more interested in bankability rather than talent. Look at Johnny Depp. Big studios acted like he was plaugued because of his previous roles. Then along comes Pirates and suddenly he's bankable. I do understand they are in it for the money but how much do you need to make before you can concentrate on talent instead of dollars? Sorry, somewhat unrelated tangent. Back on track can someone give me a list of good game to film movies. I am having a difficult time thinking of any.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 5, 2005 03:01 PM

think loooooooooooong and hard, because i have the strangest feeling you'll be thinking for quite a while. problem with directors these days...

Director to loads of big-wig film makers sitting round a table in suits: WE NEED TO MAKE A FILM PEOPLE, AND WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT A BOXOFFICE SELLOUT!

Suit: Well, what makes a good movie!?

Director: I Need A famous actor like Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie in it, I need 700 million pounds to spend on special effects, explosions and need a private jet so we can fly the actors favourite brand of cereal straight from his hometown to the set!

Suit: Okaaay...what's the film about?

Director: I have NO idea, but it's gonna be original! It's gonna have the lead role played by a WOMAN! that's right, a WOMAN! WITH ATTITUDE! Bet no-one's ever thought of that before!

Suit: Brilliant!

Director: AAAND...WE'RE GONNA HAVE AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN PLAY A ROLE IN IT! and he's gonna be Coool and a Gang-star bad ass!


Director: And Finally, we're gonna make the commercial of it have ALL the best bits of the film displayed, and have that geezer with the cheesy voice in the background saying "ONE MAN... HAS TO SAVE THE WORLD,,,ON HIS OWN!!" or "ONE WOMAN HAD HER FATHER/MOTHER/FAMILY/CAT KILLED....NOW, SHE'S OUT FOR REVENGE!!! STARRING..." etc etc....so whadyathink!?

Suit:...I'm just a bit concerned that you may be lacking the main roots of the plot

Director: Well, I duno, we'll just steal the basic plot from some popular modern playstation game, and base the characters on a fruitier version of the video game characters

Suit: ....won't it anger the video game fans who are seeing the story they are such big fans of altered in this way?

Director: the hell do i care? now how much are you paying me for this?

Posted by: Anon at September 7, 2005 06:19 PM

Someone in there would probably say something along the lines of:

"Who cares how good it is, those smucks'll pay to see it anyway."

Which we will.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 7, 2005 06:57 PM

Uhm dude
And on the whole gettin laid bit i didn't start it i brought it up
after you were talkin about how you like jackin it to beastiallity porn dumb fuck. Get you shit sorted out before you write it.
You keep regurgitating all this lame shit i've heard before, man write somethin new you stsrtin to sound a bit stale homie

Posted by: Stitchxface at September 8, 2005 03:36 PM

What is happening to our society? Where does the blame go? Is it the schools pumping out people like Stitchxface or is it the parents fault? Stitch where do you think you got left behind? Who do you blame?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 03:46 PM

Homie? do people still say that? you mexican or something, or just trying to sound cool?

Posted by: Anon at September 8, 2005 04:19 PM

this thread's borin, let's find another one

Posted by: Anon at September 8, 2005 04:20 PM

I am genuinly interested in Stitch. Does he blame others for his depleated intelligence or does he only blame himself? I would like to see Tom Cruise evaluate him. Ok cheap shot at Cruise. Stitch enlighten us about yourself and what made you what you are.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 04:32 PM

Wow you didn't know that people still say homie, you really don't pay to much attention to certain things to you ya prick fuck.
And whats up cracker jack, you remind me of that one guy from the 8-mile movie whose always preachin to his "homies", about how badly they treat women, thats who you sound like man. And what is happening to society Bush is, and Bush is Also to blame. But as for me, you want to know about me, well then.
I think i got left behind somewhere in highschool, Everytime i walked down the hall and seen a skinny blonde bitch i always wanted to smack the shit out of her, for no apparent reason. I blame all the bullies and pretty much people like the one dumb fuck who sead this thread is boring. My mind split in two. and uhm now i hate everyone any other questions feel free to ask me, and uh ya'll suck, xcept for you cracky jack.

Posted by: Stitchxface at September 10, 2005 06:11 PM

You in prison Stitch?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 11, 2005 04:16 AM

what kinda dumb question is that, fuck no.

Posted by: Stitchxface at September 11, 2005 03:24 PM

Stitch, you're a reeeal sad person yknow. shame you can only say these things over the internet and not to peoples faces in real life. and i've never heard of a "prick fuck" that's for sure...that one of the ones you invented trying to sound original and tough at the same time?

lets see, example of one of your sentences stitch...

"You're a dumb
animal fucking dad raping porno nun, ya dumb fuck-prick stain
go suck a limp doggy dick ya
horse fucking cock molestor. you
fuck drugged up crack bitches with your 2 inch dick because
you're a dumb fuckwit shit head prick face turd stain dog molestor
you fuck!
go fuck a fucked up fuck fuck with a prick and a fuck shit dog dick
ya fuck head dick face! fuck!"

...I'd say you've got some serious anger inside you kiddo...did a girl you reeeeeally liked break your heart at school then? did you see her looking at you one day, thinking she liked you when really she was thinking "that guy's a jerk" and you plucked up the courage to ask her out and she laughed in your face? and broke your heart? because that's what it sounds like from the sentences you type, you "fuck-prick-dick-limp-dog-shag-horse-cock".

Get a life, ya loser. Go lose your virginity somewhere, pay for it if needs be, just make sure you vent some of that anger out your system or you'll end up becoming so depressed you'll hang yourself from the ceiling fan

Posted by: Anon at September 11, 2005 03:27 PM

Well, I think that the principal actor is the key to have a good movie, and Dominic Purcell (John Doe),or David Hayter can full that space. and of course Hideo Kojima have to direct the movie, if he leave it to another director the whole movie would be just crap!

Posted by: Daniel at September 11, 2005 04:15 PM

Wow Anon, nice job. Maybe we should open a mental health facility together:) Kids these days. How much do you want to bet Stitch's father ran out on his family early in Stitch's life. Stitch youmay want to read a book or two. Try to learn some new words. Anyway this is supposed to be about movies not patheticly unintelligent morons. So I like Daniel's idea of Dominic Purcell. I really liked Purcell in the short lived tv series John Doe. I don't think he was good casting for the original Vampire in Blade Trinity but I have been enjoying the new series Prison Break. I would like to see more of this particular actor.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 12, 2005 02:28 PM

Wow, I came onto this blog expecting some good debates over the movie, but I am shocked...still all these back and forth insults and psychotherapy is pretty hilarious so please keep it up!!! As for the movie...I think it should be done in CGI like Final Fantasy was. That was an outstanding movie...sure the plot was hard to follow at first and it took multiple viewings to figure out EXACTLY what was going on, but in my opinion that is one of the absolute best game to movie adaptations there are. The visual effects were stunning and the plot was awesome...it gets kudos just for having a plot!!! Now if they insist on making it live action then I agree with Keith Urban as Snake and agree mostly with all of your alls opinions...except for one...Uma Thurman as Sniper Wolf...you must be crazy. She doesnt have the allure of Sniper Wolf...I would go with a blond Monica Belluci...now she could pull it off.

As for all this hate and discontent...it must be a phase...all college and high school kids go through it...they have identitiy crisises where they cant figure out if they wanna be gangsters, preppies, goths, or freaks. I propose this as a diagnosis to out friend Stitch up there. And it that is wrong then continue. But hey man...you need to keep talking...dont hold it in or we are going to read about you on CNN for going on a killing spree or commiting suicide!!! Now, as for Bush fucking up society...are you fucking stupid? Please tell me you arent serious about that comment. You must be one of those avid Michael Moore followers which tells me one thing...you just pulled mommas tit out of your mouth and are away from home for the first time and pretty naive towards what is happening in the world. Now i dont mean these things as an insult in any way...i just want to figure things out like ol' crackerjack up there. So keep hitting it up man!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at September 12, 2005 03:09 PM

I suppose your on to something Mech, probably better for Stitch to get his demons out with words on a blog site directed at people he doesn't know and don't know him than getting his demons out with violence toward people around him. We could do so much good for the world you, Anon and myself. Stitch keep it going buddy, let it all out. Cry if you need to.

I'm trying to decide if I layed the dry humor on thick enough here. Let me know.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 12, 2005 03:39 PM

Okay where to begin, well first off, I’ll Start with anon, dude trust me, you wouldn’t want to see me face to face, or I would probably hurt you pretty badly. And I’m a scrawny little wimp and I’ll tell you that online cause I’m not trying to act tough on the internet like you are. I am a little pussy when it comes to fighting but I could still fuck you up.
And your little sentence, I mean “paragraph”, you wrote as an example of one of my sentences. Let me re-write it as to what I would actually say, aside from what you would say:

"You're an obtuse
Ass fucking, Father raping, gay porn loving bitch, you brainless prick-fuck, cum stain licking whore.
Go and suck a limp dog dick, you horse fucking, child molester.
You drugged up crack whore, with your half an inch dick.
Since you're a dumb fuck witted, shit head, cock breath, shit stained dog molester
You moronic fuck!
Go and fuck a fucked up Bitch with a dick and a pimpled ass, shit stained asshole,
you dull headed cock lover, fuck off!"

You had like 3 really long and misspelled sentences. From what I take from it, you like dogs a bit too much.
Here is what you wrote:

"You're a dumb
animal fucking dad raping porno nun, ya dumb fuck-prick stain
go suck a limp doggy dick ya
horse fucking cock molestor. you
fuck drugged up crack bitches with your 2 inch dick because
you're a dumb fuckwit shit head prick face turd stain dog molestor
you fuck!
go fuck a fucked up fuck fuck with a prick and a fuck shit dog dick
ya fuck head dick face! fuck!"

See the difference, yours looks really stupid.
I don’t need to sound original, and I don’t even need to say that I am.
And actually dude, usually the girls come up to me, and ask me if they can see my hands, they look at ‘em, then giggle with there friends, then I usually get there number later in the day.

Unless you were just describing your own experiences with women, then just shut up.
And trust me dude I’ve tried the whole hanging my self thing, it didn’t work, I actually did it on a zip line from a tree in my back yard to the back porch, I passed out but I awoke moments later.

And Cracky you are actually awarding him, when you are one of the smart ones in here.
And you are strangely enough just saying wow as if he wrote something intelligent.
Shit man, you must really be stupid. And also I’ve read a lot of books, you sort off need to read when you're studying to be a screenwriter. Oh and the father thing I have two dads and one mom, and if you like to know anything else, go ahead and ask.
And what dry humor are you talking about; neither of you arrogant mother fuckers is funny in any sense.
And Mecho, dude, I’ve found my identity out of that group, it’s a freak. Well it’s actually serial slaughtering, wicked clown, and freak. But you pretty much got it.
And all preppies need to be shot dead in their forehead.

And Mecho you must be a republican if you like bush that much.
Sounds like if you were on President Bush’s dick any harder you’d be his condom he wore before he fucked us all over.
And yeah bitch, Bush is the stupidest fucking president ever. He hasn’t done anything right yet, and it’s been almost five years.
And Michael Moore is just some stupid fat ass who up and decided to get political, nothing he says makes any damn sense. Bush and Moore can fuck each other.
And your right I just pulled a tit out my mouth, but it wasn’t my mom or anyone in my family.
And dude, don’t try covering your ass by saying this isn’t an insult, because it is.
You guys need to take those dicks out of your mouths and put ‘em back in your ass cause it’s fucking up your ability to write anything right down.

Posted by: Stitchxface at September 13, 2005 05:20 PM

Stitch used the word obtuse, good job. We can only hope his screenplays are written as eliquently as his postings here. I smell oscar. I was wrong to assume your father had left you at an early age, in fact you claim to have two dads. I hope your mother knows which is your biological father. You have tried suicide? I am not sure what to say about that and be as clever as Stitch so I will leave it with the immortal words of Yoda. "There is no try. Do or do not." I'm kidding, don't go the suicide route. It's never the right answer and besides your mom, two dads and it sounds like a whole slew of girls will be greatly dissapointed, I know we would miss your poetic ramblings. "Obtuse" good one.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 13, 2005 07:45 PM

All of you fagats shut the fuck up I thought this was about metal gear solid not making fun of each other you are not true fans. o and stich you are trying on the hardman act.

Posted by: Big_Boss at September 14, 2005 09:53 AM

Hey dude if you're going to call us all fags, atleast try to spell it right it's not "fagats" cause it just looks like you're trying to speak french. It's "Faggots" Or just "fag" for short. And if me and the other two or three guys in here wanna have nothing but insulting conversations between us, then were free too. So, uhm, Mr. Big underscore Boss are we all supposed to just listen to you now, I would disagree to that.
And dude if we're all fighting with each other on what would make a perfect Metal Gear Solid Movie, then we are obviously true fans.
So take some time to sit and think, and really try to understand what the purpose of this site is for. And whatever the fuck the Hardman act thing is, I suck at acting. Like I said earlier, i'm a wimpy pussy in real life, and I will openly say that on here. But I can still fuck someone up if the time calls for it. And Cracky I only call you cracky for short, hope you aint offended by it, and I thank you for the use of yoda, cause yoda is the shit.

Posted by: stitchxface at September 14, 2005 03:31 PM

Yeah Big, what Stitch said. Pretty much all that can be said about Metal Gear has been unless you want to enlighten us with your views.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 15, 2005 02:04 AM

This thread blows.

Posted by: John D at September 15, 2005 10:21 PM

I am back again and am happy to see the old antics are still here regarding myself, stitch, and crackerjack...good, I was hoping for some entertainment today. well, where should i begin? Stitch, I am really worried about you man...you are starting to make me want to sleep with my lights on dog!! You said somethings that I could really post a good insult on but what is the need...you pretty much clarified everything everybody here has said about you being a weird motherfucker. Where are you from man? I guess the phrase "You are unique...JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE"...fits you well. Now I dont condone suicide...but you were just doing for attention man. If your life was really that bad and you really wanted to die...how fucking stupid can you be to fuck up killing yourself. I am sorry if that offends some of you, but I have no remorse for dumb motherfuckers who TRY to commit suicide and dont succeed...that and anyone who actually does succeed. I am a Marine and have been for the past 5 and a half years...I participated in OIF I and have watched first hand my fellow brothers and sisters at arms die. I know first hand what it is like to have to fight for your rights and freedoms cause I went over a faught for the Iraqis. Now you can believe the news and all that horse shit or you can trust someone who was there...we did what was right for those people and they love us for it. We can talk politics if you want to but I advise you not to get started with me...I know first hand how this shit works...I fight so you can party in college and post on blogs like this without worrying about being killed for your views...I keep you free and able to hang onto the freedoms you have and fight to ensure another 9/11 doesnt happen. That all goes along with why I am a Bush supporter. He is doing everything he can...what you people dont realize is that there are levels at which the government can act and if the federal government has to be called in, it is becuase all other levels failed which is not Bush's fault. It is piss poor planning on others and they need a scapegoat so who better to blame than Bush. I can go into much more detail but my hands are hurting from typing so i will quit there. Now as to further comment on your blog...what is it with you and dicks man? Are you a gay freak, serial killer, ass clown kinda guy or what? nd could you clarify to me exactly what kind of group that it...I can honestly say that I have never met a person like you before. You need some help dog...but that is why me and crackerjack are here...to help you in your time of darkness!!! As for MGS...I made a mistake as to who should play Snake...I said Keith Urban when I meant to say Karl Urban...that could have been disastorous!!

Posted by: MechoPower at September 16, 2005 11:31 AM

Well said Mech, you back in the states now? Had a buddy in Iraq who is home now and he saved his friend over there from suicide by taking the firing pin out of the guys m16. They both got a nice trip to Germany after that. Karl Urban is good. He is about to really break out after Doom. I think his star is on the rise and he could pull off a role like Snake, though I still am not condoning this film. I would probably see it though.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 01:58 PM

stitch, stop tryin to act so hard. its always the ones that try so desperately to come across as "hard-men" that are always the wimps bullied at school, and are jealous of everyone who is that ever-so-much better off than themselves.
and the little speech i wrote was MEANT to have mistakes in it you fool. it was an example of one of your pathetic strings of insults. honestly, i am laughing at you at this very minute. the very fact that you believe your insults have any effect on me makes me crack up. you've actually somewhat brightened up my day with your wannabe-gangstar attitude and your silly 7-year old insults, you're a clown, boy! it's a gift that might make you something one day!working in a circus, maybe

Mecho, crackerjack, thank you for keeping me sane with your higher-than-20 IQ's. i thought the world was full of "stitchxface"'s and "Big_Boss"' for a second there

Posted by: Anon at September 16, 2005 01:58 PM

I can't figure out if Stitch is harmless or not. I'm glad I don't know him personaly just in case he does ever snap, doesn't have to be strong to pull a trigger. Back to the game to movie I just wanted to add the liklyhood that Urban would do this movie after already starring in Doom is low. He would know that would pigeon hole him as the video game movie guy not a good career choice.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 02:10 PM

Yes, crackerjack, I have been back in the states for awhile now...i havent deployed since OIF 1...they are on OIF 4 right now. I am an intstructor now, meaning that I teach my job to new Marines just coming into the Corps...so that makes me nondeployable. It really wasnt that bad over there...just depends on your mental stability and shit. I saw some pretty fucked up things...but nothing that would make me go insance or become a psycho clown killer!!! Sorry, but that still gets me...that is some funny shit!!! It is good to know there are mature people out here along with me (i.e.-crackerjack and anon) who can have fun blasting eachother and take it all in good fun!!! Honestly, what are the chances any of us would ever meet...Stitch...you just went a little too far overboard...but hey...you are talking and expressing your emotions in a somewhat positive manner so keep it up...i dont wanna see you CNN Headline News. You do seem to be doing something constructive with your life, so kudos to you. But seriously...what could possibly make you hate the world so much? And why do the girls ask to see your hands and then giggle? Do you have them painted like a whole lot of clowny rainbow colors or what? Come on man...open up to me...I am here for you dog!!! Now onto MSG agian...what, does no one agree with me on Monica Belluci for Sniper Wolf...damn that woman is hot...all i need it 30 seconds!!!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at September 16, 2005 02:19 PM

I pretty much agree for Monica Belluci to do anything she wants. Best part is my fiance' agrees. She noticed how sexy Belluci was is Matrix Reloaded. I could get caught watching Belluci in girl on girl porn with a half empty bottle of lotion and she would be ok with it. Speaking of masturbation I think the reason Stitch says girls look at his hands is the old rumor that a guys hand shows the size of his penis. Apperantly he still hangs out with junior high girls because no one over the age of thirteen pays any heed to that rumor.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 02:46 PM

Well Mr. Mecho, I see that I have wrote something good by making you want to sleep with your lights on, and since Halloween is coming soon, that made me feel even better.
Plus I thank you for that compliment about me being a weird ass Muh-fucker. Unique isn’t the right word, I believe that freak took care of it all.

Where am I from, Michigan.
Now I don’t condone suicide either, but when I read what you wrote I fucking cracked up. That was some funny ass shit.
Now my life wasn’t that bad man, I mean I was only 14 at the time of stupidity.
I just felt like doing some stupid shit, but that was some funny ass shit, keep me laughing mechy.
And I see why you are a bush supporter, cause you are actually apart of the war. Hey man I respect that shit ya’ll do, and sorry that your homies died over there, but I just don’t support bush. Cause I see all these down ass republicans starting to turn democratic cause of him. And I’m democratic because I was raised in the ghetto.
Here is how it goes;
Democratic: supports the ghetto people and such
Republicans: Support the rich and such
That’s why you and I hate each other. But seriously, I’m sorry for your loss.

No dude, I’m not a gay freak, but that is one of the reasons why I tried killing myself, cause people kept calling me that. And I’m not a serial killer but I am a wicked clown.
Now some of my homies in other states might me killers, but not me.

I highly doubt that you want to know what kind of group I am in, so I’ll leave it alone, but you could ask Krazy J he knows.
And dude seriously, you and cracky could not help me.

God damn Annie, haven’t you learned anything about me yet you moron.
I said I’m not acting tough, I’m not a hard guy, so shut you bitch ass up.
And Dude, I just to let you know, I was never bullied at school, and the day I ever became jealous of a prep or a jock would be the day that I would succeed in killing myself.
Ahhhh, Mr. Annie, I know what the fuck your retarded little string of fake insults were about. I know that my shit doesn’t insult you- well if it’s written like that.
Why do you think I re-wrote it? To show you how I would actually insult you, I haven’t yet.
And dude I am pleased that I brightened your day, that’s why there is wicked clowns like me, to cheer up retards like you. And dumb-dumb ( I apparently have to talk down to you now,) I am not a gangstar, or a gangster, my group of people are a little bit tougher than them.
And trust me I don’t use 7 year old insults like you do, but I can if I want to.
And dude there are more people like me out there, and we don’t belong to a circus, we belong to the dark carnival. I’m not really Harmless, but then again I am harmless at times because like I keep fucking saying, I’m a wimpy puss. And Dude I am doing all this in good clean blasting fun, or whatever the fuck it was you said.
Trust me man, if I got pissed at ya’ll, I could have a homie of mine make this blog site unavailable by giving it a virus, so dude trust me I am not venting shit on ya’ll, I’m in a good mood when I’m on here.

And dumb fucks honestly, fuck nut up there, asked me what happened to me with chicks in high school, Junior High School era, and I said that they giggled at my hands. Which means back in junior High, and some of high school, they did that?
I want to know where I wrote that, they do that during present time.
What they do present time is just flat out ask me what the size of my dick is.
Ya’ll need to seriously take in what you read before you write a response to it.

Posted by: stitchxface at September 17, 2005 05:23 PM




....oh my God, is this kid for real?

Give me a virus then, go on, pleeeeeeeeeease!!! I'm begging you, just to see if you actually can, or if it's another one of your empty sad childish threats!

Oh my word, why is this boy trying to fool us? He can't even fool himself! You know what you honestly sound like boy?

You sound like you're 10 or 11 years old...you sound like you get bullied at school, that you're jealous of the world, that you go to a school where black kids bully the little punks like you, and the only way you can make yourself feel better is by pretending to be one of them online where no-one can see who you really are...you sound like you're trying to give the impression that you're in some way intellectual, and you sound like you're Trying to Scare Us!


Sheer comedy!

So I've got to "Shut my Bitch Ass up" have I?

You haven't even tried to insult me have you? I don't think you should bother stitch, because I don't think anything you say is ever going to be taken seriously again on this thread, seeing how you've made yourself the laughing stock of it. Even if you TRIED to insult me (which you say you havent, although i doubt that, in fact quite the opposite, you've tried too hard) it would just be a complete joke, and a highly amusing one at that. It's impossible for you to insult either me, crackerjack or mecho, stitch, we're immune to you, especially after the nonsense you've been spouting.

But don't let that get you down! Please, do still try, because we all like a good laugh!

Posted by: Anon at September 18, 2005 09:18 AM

It finally happened, Stitch Bored me. I feel the need for intelligent adult conversation and thats not Stitch. I will still pop in from time to time but I have no more desire for Stitch's mad ravings anymore.
Sorry guys.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 18, 2005 02:24 PM

Damn you annie boy, look wha you done gone and dit, u made our bes bud cracky go away. Why am I even trying to write redneck I don't know.
Dude Every time I come on here to read what your talking about my heart has been lifted for the day. Cause it's funny, you talk about me trying to sound like a "Hard Man" when it's obviously you that is trying to sound that way. Cause i've told you dude, i'm a pussy, I am what I eat. Okay that last thing right there that is about maybe Junior High level for me. So is this, you are what you eat, dick.
And actually Annie the saying is Oh my god I think this guy is real.
For one dude, I said my Homie would do the Virus, not me, and he's fuckin sleepin with his thumb in his ass.
And dude a childish threat is "i'm gonna go and tell mommy on you"
A computer virus threat, that is about high school level.
If I wanna scare you on here i'll just say BOO, ya bitch.
Dude how the fuck can I fool myself. I aint even trying to fool anyone you special little child. And I am Successful, I bored Cracky to death, and he left. Wow thats fuckin awesome, I highly doubt the "intellectual" conversations he's gonna have will keep him entertained for long. That shit would bore the fuck out me. Any way i'll talk with you later Annie Boy.

Posted by: Stitchxface at September 18, 2005 04:09 PM

Heh heh, yeah sure, whatever you say stitch. ran out of material so you just gotta say exactly what i said about you and reverse it onto me. you know when you've met someone who's too intellectual for you to argue with anyway, you obviously get it a lot, so ill let you run along then

Posted by: Anon at September 21, 2005 01:54 PM

Yeah so the fuck what annie, it's true for you, just as it's true for me too, so fook off.

Posted by: Stitchxface at September 21, 2005 05:23 PM

you think you know an awful lot about me seeing as you don't know me....oh yeah, that's right, you make it all up. typical little 11 year old kid

Posted by: Anon at September 22, 2005 02:24 PM

What ever you little girl, ya gotta stop the stupid childish, act you be doin. You don't even make sense any more. You gotta stop regurgitating your speaches. hows about you go get some new material.

Posted by: stitchxface at September 24, 2005 02:22 PM

Told you I'd stop in once in a while. Stitch I remember reading that you are going to school to become a screen writer. I really hope they start teaching you how to write correctly some day. If you turn in a script with writing as poor as you do here they are all going to laugh at you. They're all going to laugh at you!

Posted by: crackerjack at September 25, 2005 01:42 PM

stitch its not that i dont type correctly...it's you're just too much of a dummy to understand. no-one else seems to be complaining. i get the feeling you're in the retards class at school

and look who's talking...childish? get new material? look in a mirror kiddo

Posted by: Anon at September 26, 2005 01:25 PM

Well it looks like the adam sandler Cds you listen to never go unheard, and annie boy no one else complains about your typing cuase they're all the same as you, I can understand it perfectly, and that is also why i have to talk down to you. And sorry pal I was in all regular ed classes when i was in school, unlike yourself you has to dodge students just to get into your special ed classes.

Posted by: stitchxface at September 28, 2005 04:05 PM