July 07, 2005

Mad Max 4?

I missed this story totally when it was first talked about, but here it is from Moviehole:

George Miller's one-time full-speed-ahead plans for "Mad Max 4", are back on, the veteran filmmaker tells Australia's Empire Magazine...

..."Yeah, there's a real hope", Miller says, when asked whether he thinks the sequel will be resurrected...

..."You don't sit there saying, "Oh, I better make this film better than the last one". You say, "is this a great story"?

..."The last thing I wanted to do is another Mad Max, but this came along, and I'm completely carried away with it. We were about to do the film, but the war came and the American dollar crashed and it was almost impossible to ship vehicles to our location. We had a deadline, and we couldn't meet it. We also had a deadline on Happy Feet [his next movie], so we said, "It's one or the other". So it's happy feet".

I think the last thing I want to see is another Mad Max. It's going to be just another sequelisation of a series that should remain where it is...didn't they realise that after Thunderdome? Mind you, they could do it in water...and call it...Water something, WaterPlanet? No, this is a bad idea, leave Mad Max, at least we've gone back to loving the first and forgetting about the last. Would you want to see this, especially since it looks like Mel Gibson won't be in?

Posted by at July 7, 2005 03:44 AM


mad max 4 would rock!!!
as long as it doesn't go down the crap star war prequals road.
it really need mel back for the roll too.
i don't want to see the son of max or crap like that.
there was to many kids in thunder dome.

Posted by: ross at July 7, 2005 07:14 PM

I've been waiting for some solid MM4 evidence to finally brew, all these rumours that have been floating around for so long.

I thought his son died in the first MM... So how are they planning to make MM4 about his son?? Does this mean we'll be watching a baby attemmpt to ride a bycicle for the next movie o_O

Posted by: Deathscythe at July 27, 2005 12:52 AM

If there's no Mel then there is no Max

Please please dont let this be a tacky cash in
If Mel wont do it scrap the idea
Gibson is Max and without him the movie will be a farce

Posted by: Goose at September 5, 2005 11:28 AM

I would agree that the third movie took a turn for the worse, and chose a tangent off of the main line theme that was best left unvisited.

The concerns about Mel's participation could easily be fixed with a quality story that he'd like to be a part of portraying, I'd bet. That and a salary worthy of his participation.

It would appear that so many possiblities that can mirror the efforts of the second movie, without distortion as Dome did, and tell a compelling story in the same flavour as 2. I think the failure of Thunder Dome was to put so much activity around that which distracted from the main story line. This series has always done best when the focus is upon Max and the quandries he faces against bad odds and some truly corrupt denizens of the wasteland. The attempt of Dome to provide all this extra eye candy only attempted to clutter and muddy up the story.

The success of 4 would be to return the to formula that became cultist embraceable, not another pop commericial failure.

Posted by: Max Spector at September 12, 2005 04:12 PM

Thunder dome has something to do with the whole idea of post atomic war days. Dont get me wrong the badlands and its folks rock, but thunderdome was a way to show that life after war goes on and people have to trade to survive. Cities will regrow and people will have to find someway to live. You cant just keep stealing gas and food. Someone has to feed the boys.

Posted by: lalala at October 17, 2005 11:59 AM

if there is another mad max sequel my dream scenario is to put part 1&2 & cramit together where there is law & order & wasteland bad guys driving cars & bikes with nitrous max get his rebuilt interceptor with more horsepower not even lord humungus cant catch up to it like in the road warrior !

Posted by: marcos a rivera jr at December 19, 2005 04:50 PM