July 29, 2005

Lord of War trailer

LordofWar.jpgIt's pretty fair to say that Andrew Niccol never got back to the stars that was The Truman Show or Gattaca. His latest movies have been much more schmooze and much less beef. (There's a lot of meat references getting in my posts of late!).

Now I'm not sure which way Lord of War is going to go, but with the subject of gun running I don't think that it will be too in the realms of love and romance, and more in the realms of Nicolas Cage at his best. Although Cage appears briefly in the trailer you can glimpse the voice and mannerisms of some of his best performances...all too short to make a hopeful stab in the dark even, but if these clips are anything to go by it could be a good one for Cage, and an interesting movie for Niccol.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending how you look at it, it shows and tells all too little. Either we don't know enough to want to see the movie, or we know too much. I'm thinking this is in the latter half of that statement, and I'm just not sure if I do want to go and watch this movie or not. As JoBlo said, serious or fun, you can't really tell. The hype said one thing, the trailer says another. What do you think after seeing the trailer at Yahoo movies?

Posted by at July 29, 2005 05:25 AM


man, do I hate windows media player but from what I coulld here between lag-ridden frames of the trailer actually seemed pretty good. Fantastic opening image (Bullets + Cage)

Posted by: DonWoo2 at July 30, 2005 03:08 AM

Saw this movie last week at a screening. It was excellent. Definitely one I'd see again. The trailer really didn't depict the movie very well, as I thought it was going to be more of a "blow em up" type film than it was. It's way more intelligent than that and has a much bigger message than that.

Posted by: slanderso at August 30, 2005 12:58 AM