July 26, 2005

King Kong Credit Card

KongKong.jpgMovie Marketing is a great whore. But hey... it pays the bills. The upcoming King Kong has LOADS of marketing potential, and it seems they're not just looking at toys for tots either.

According to the official website for the King Kong film, they're getting ready to launch a King Kong Credit Card for your spending pleasure. Here's the word straight from the official site's mouth:

Commemorating the theatrical release of King Kong, Universal and Chase are launching the King Kong Limited Edition Universal Entertainment Master Card, available beginning October 1, 2005. The new card, an illustration of Kong on the the front, depicting a poignant moment on Skull Island, is the ultimate design for fans eagerly awaiting the release of the movie.
I'm sorry... but you have to be pretty DAMN excited about a film to have to see it's picture on your credit card. Well... who am I so speak? I had "Star Wars on everything from my blankets to my underwear (still do).

Posted by John Campea at July 26, 2005 04:47 PM