July 06, 2005

Keith Richards To Join Pirates of the Caribbean

I'll admit that I got really excited when I first heard that Keith Richards was joining the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean to play Johnny Depp's dad. It was perfect (especially when you consider that Depp modeled his character after Richards in the first place).

Then came the news that Richards had to back out due to his touring commitments with The Rolling Stones. However, now it's being reported that Depp has convinced Richards to hop back on the project. Here's what M&C; had to say:

According to reports, Depp personally convinced Richards to take the role of his father in the sequels, which are being shot back to back by director Gore Verbinski. He also arranged for special filming sessions beginning in February to work around the tour dates. "It looks like it's going to happen," Depp told reporters at a news conference in Nassau, Bahamas, where the films are shooting. "But I don't know when. It's all going to depend on where we are and where he is, because he's got a little thing called the Rolling Stones tour to do."
This is good news. There's just something about Richards that has huge comedic potential (I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be honest). But watching him and Depp together playing father and son with these characters is going to be classic. I'm looking forward to it.

Posted by John Campea at July 6, 2005 07:10 AM


Wow ... rock stars that can hardly speak in movies? How come I didn't think of that? I think it is lame-ass gimmick. I only hope he has about 5 minutes of screen time and does not tank the movie. Personally, I am getting sick of movies that due well at the box office being turned into trilogies! It was an ok movie, but two more? And they wonder why ticket sales are down ...

-- Penniless B.

Posted by: Penniless B. at July 6, 2005 11:56 AM

I would love to see both of POTC movies. I really liked the first one. I wanted to see it because of Geoffrey Rush. But really enjoyed Johnny Depp. I am not all that big a fan of his. So I was pleased.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at July 6, 2005 09:20 PM

Like people say, if you find a cash cow milk it dry. And to the ones milking, it doesn't matter to them who they piss off from doing so. It doesn't work so well for movies because eveyone seems to think you must have a sequel or prequel, or they are just thirsty for money. If the movies and sequels are good, there is no need to complain. Make a Bio-dome 2 or Tarzan 2 or Toy Story 3 or Forest Gump 2 etc. The shit will fly and movie goers and general fans will be friken pissed as hell at these abominations. These Pirate of the Caribbean movies might be very good like the first one.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 6, 2005 09:32 PM

I think these movies will be another great trilogy. Most of the movies out there now aren't that great, and the 1st POTC was excellent, so I have no doubt the next 2 will be even better. Plus Keith Richards should make the movie really fun!

Posted by: BN at December 15, 2005 02:44 PM