July 28, 2005

Kate Beckinsale as Wonder Woman?

Ever since the Wonder Woman project was announced a LOT of names have flown around to fill the golden brassiere. Up until this point the one that I really saw playing the roll was Jessica Biel. She's actually quite a competent actress, very attractive, and if nothing else showed us she can do action sequences quite well in Blade Trinity (oh what a horrible movie that was).

But now the name shooting around the web today is Kate Beckinsale. The buzz came from a small offhand comment Bechinsale made recently. The good folks over at The Hollywood News give us this:

Read into this one as you will, but British actress Kate Beckinsale, whose most famous role was in the hit movie UNDERWORLD, is said to be in talks to play WONDER WOMAN in the movie of the same name. She apparently told IOL.com, "I dressed up as her last Hallowe'en so it would be good to do it again."
Ok, now that's hardly an authoritative endorsement... but it's enough to get the rumor mills churning... and why not? Beckinsale would be fantastic in this roll. An even better actress than Biel (See The Aviator), even better looking than Biel (although that's no knock against Biel) and has loads of action oriented experience. She also wouldn't have a problem filling out that brassiere.

Ok, but what really makes me dwell on this one is that Beckinsale reminds me a lot of other female arch types Josh Whedon has worked with before. I can easily see Kate Beckinsale fitting into that mold. So there you have it... hardly authoritative news... but an nice rumor to think about.

Posted by John Campea at July 28, 2005 11:43 AM


Finally! A rumor that makes sense!

Before now none of the names that have been flying around have given reason for excitement. In my opinion, Beil would be the worst choice! She's a no shape stick and she is not very high on the acting scale. I've never seen anything to impress me. She's like many actresses today, one character, one attitude all the time. I've yet to see any real diversity. Perhaps I'm a harsher critic than most, but if she was cast as Wonder Woman I'd write the movie off completely.

I still hope they explore the unknown actress route, but if they want a name I think Kate would definitely be a strong contender for the role.

Posted by: Meli at July 28, 2005 12:50 PM

Dressing up as Wonder Woman for Halloween certainly consitutes exhaustive research. Give it to her already! She's worked so hard for it!

Posted by: AMG at July 28, 2005 01:09 PM

i've always thought Charlize Theron would make a terffic Wondy. tall, statuesque and could act the hell out of it. she'd have to dye her hair an attractive brunnette color (unlike the horrible jet black of Aeon Flux) but she could use her real hair color for a "disguise" either on P.I. or in the "real world".

Posted by: dr. theopolis at July 28, 2005 01:11 PM


Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 28, 2005 03:22 PM

She's so HOT right now!

Posted by: adam at July 28, 2005 03:41 PM

Oh yes, Beckinsale as Wonder Woman, I'll shut up now. ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 28, 2005 04:58 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at July 28, 2005 05:18 PM

Wait a sec how tall is she?

Posted by: Alfredo at July 28, 2005 11:31 PM

Now THIS would be a good reason to go see the movie!

Posted by: Guest at July 28, 2005 11:45 PM

Alfredo said what I was gonna say. In 'Underworld,' she looked tiny. Shouldn't someone who plays Wonder Woman be more, well, Amazonian?

Posted by: Ian C. at July 30, 2005 08:13 PM

Kate Beckinsale in "Van Helsing" is what did it for me. Her being able to portray a character that was both regal yet warrior-like and in that long flowing black wig, convinced me she could make one hell of a Wonder Woman! She's also in the right age range (early 20's) and still relatively unknown (by non-action/sci-fi geeks). I just saw a pic with her wearing blue contacts and she TOTALLY pulled it off! I think we have a definite contender for Wonder Woman 2007. Now we just have to see if her dynamic persona will win over Joel Silver and Joss Whedon.

Posted by: Adam at August 22, 2005 12:36 AM

what about Misty May, she is Amazonian and 5'9" tall. You could say she is not an actress but if they can teach Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan to act why not her. Plus Misty May played Wonder Woman on an episode of Eve.

Posted by: Jonathan at September 4, 2005 08:29 AM

I love Kate..and I'd be more than happy with her in the role. She proved in Underwolrd she can kick ass and look great doing it lol.

But she would truly need to gain a few extra pounds/curves.

Posted by: carol at December 29, 2005 11:18 PM