July 07, 2005

John Cusack talks The Contract

JohnCusack.jpgI think John Cusack is a superb actor, natural, normal and entirely engaging on screen. I rank him high in my personal top ten of actors today.

Coming Soon have a few words with him about upcoming projects, for instance the film he really desires to make, a film on the life of Edgar Cayce:

What was interesting was listening to Cusack passionately talk about the project he wants to do on the life of Edgar Cayce, a very intuitive sensitive individual to the supernatural who died in 1945...

..."Then my father and I started working on a screenplay before he past away so I have that connection with my father too...

...I think [Edgar Cayce is] a fascinating creature. Houdini and these people tried to debunk him and nobody could, so he definitely had a connection to this other world whatever that is and it's kind of irrefutable," Cusack continued.

According to Cusack, others have been trying to make a film on Cayce's life for quite some time. "But, I'm going to do that one," he said smiling.

Definitely sounds interesting, and when someone makes a movie about a subject that they feel so passionately about you are usually treated to something very special. It'll be interesting to see this come to fruition.

What really caught my eye though was the comment on the upcoming movie The Contract. Remember that this was also starring Morgan Freeman and is the story of a family man meeting a hitman. Freeman is playing the Hitman. That surprised me, considering Cusack's past roles you might instantly think he would be the hitman, but it looks like Freeman will be. The more I thought about that the more I liked it. Do you think it's a good switch? Can you forget Grosse Pointe Blank?

Posted by at July 7, 2005 03:30 AM


Who can ever forget Grosse Point Blank?

I love everything that John does, I shall be waiting for this one for sure! ;-)

Posted by: Simone at July 8, 2005 03:31 PM

Any chance I could get intouch with John?

Posted by: Krista at July 26, 2005 03:31 PM