July 26, 2005

Homolka - Bernardo Movie Deadly

Every Canadian knows the names Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. The couple committed the most nefarious crimes this country has probably ever seen and it shocked the whole nation. Without going into the needless details, the general jist is that these 2 demons kidnapped, drugged, raped and killed teenage girls in Ontario... including Karla Homolka's own sister.

The horrible events happened over a decade ago... and has been thrown back in the spotlight due to the fact that Homolka was only sentenced to 12 years in prison (she cut a deal to turn evidence on Bernardo) and was just released earlier this month. And now it's going to step up another notch...

An American company has producer the film "Deadly" which will premiere at the Montreal World Film Festival to be screened between August 26th and September 5th. Screenings that Ontario Premier (head of the provincial government... sort of like a Govenor of a State in the US) has called for a boycott of. The good folks at the Globe and Mail give us this:

The $5-million film, called "Deadly", was directed by Joel Bender and stars Laura Prepon (That '70s Show) as Homolka and Misha Collins (24, Girl Interrupted) as Bernardo.

“The purpose of the director Joel Bender is an extreme close-up of Karla Homolka and her role as half of Canada's most infamous couple,” the festival said in a statement.

“How could a woman be so much in love with a man that she became an accomplice in a series of horrific murders?” The film is based on facts that were reported by the Canadian media, the statement also said. Homolka was sentenced in 1993 to 12 years in prison for the murders of Ontario schoolgirls Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French. The sentence also took into account her role in the death of her sister, Tammy Homolka

Movies tell stories... and this is quite a sad, horrific story indeed. Probably one of the saddest this country has ever endured. I'll see this film... if for no other reason than to be horrified by it. I think we need to be horrified by somethings... and reminded of them too sometime.

Posted by John Campea at July 26, 2005 01:08 PM


The Toronto news media have been indicating that the title has been changed to "Karla"

Posted by: Triflic at July 26, 2005 13:21

Wow. I remeber reading a book on these 2 when I was like 14 or 15. It was my first true crime novel and it disturbed the living crap out of me. Should be an interesting movie.

Posted by: Pudie at July 26, 2005 13:34

Considering how this story is based on a person who was given a slap on the wrist rather than death, i think that im disgusted that this is being made. All it will do is glamourize and sugarcoat a disgusting killer. "oh, poor girl. she felt remorse in the movie so she wasnt so bad."

Posted by: Andrew Earmark at July 26, 2005 17:25

Hey there Andrew.

I don't see how 12 years in prison is a slap on the wrist. Not to mention, if they didn't cut the deal with her there was a chance that Paul Bernardo would have walked. Then how pissed off would we all have been?

Yeah, she's a monster... and I don't think the movie (from what I know) will show her as any less.

I'd rather see her get 12 years and Bernardo Life, than her get 50 years and Bernardo walk. I don't think they could take the chance of that happening.

Just my two cents. Cheers!

Posted by: John Campea at July 26, 2005 17:51

She is not worth the skin she wears...and it truely disgust me that she is alive and walking after murdering two teenagers...May God be the judgement and let her rot in hell for the torturious murders she so willinglin participated in. TRASH....Bring back CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!!!!

Posted by: Trash at August 02, 2005 13:15

Lets all remember now that none of what we right matters to anyone.

Posted by: LIQRicky51 at August 07, 2005 13:47

if u look at the stats, Capital Punishment is OBVIOUSLY not a deterrent for crime. the states is no better then us, and they have it. it would have been nice to see her go away forever, but they needed her to get bernardo. its a toss up.. but is she really the lesser of the 2 evils?

Posted by: Denise at October 27, 2005 22:09

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