July 11, 2005

Hollywood's Weirdest Casts

The good folks over at FlmForce have posted up a really neat little article on Hollywood's Weirdest Casts". It's basically a rundown of a whole bunch of films that have casts that you never would have though about putting together in one single film. Like, putting Luciano Pavarotti together in a gangster film with DMX (Oh god... I probably just gave some Hollywood half wit an idea).

THe list includes films like Mars Attacks and Around the World in 80 Days. Their commentary on each film is rally good too. So here's your homework boys and girls. Head on over there and give the article a read, and then come back and tell me what other films you would add to that list of improbably actor combinations in films. I'm curious.

Oh Oh Oh... I already thought of one. How about Bad Company with Anthony Hopkins and Chris Rock (Man was that a huge mistake).

Posted by John Campea at July 11, 2005 07:21 AM


one that comes to mind more recently is the remake of 'The longest yard' adam sandler as a quarter back???? i know he played a linebacker in water boy but that was supposed to be funny.
then Nelly???? also having three old wrestlers was kind of strange, them being Kevin Nash, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Goldberg. but then again Goldberg had played football at pro level and Austin at college so i guess its not a huge surprise.

i cant really think of entire casts but what about:
The Rock in the upcoming DOOM????????
Ricky Gervais in Mission Impossible 3?? (if thats still happening)
Paris Hilton in House of Wax??
anything with 50 Cent in it???
the whole cast of Herbie Fully loaded??
Vinnie Jones in X Men 3?? (if thats still happening)
the wife in The Shinning????????????? thats one thing Kubrick did that i didnt understand
the guy they cast for John Arbuckle in the Garfield movie??

oh yeah and the cast from Flying High/Airplane whatever the hell its called. anything with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Leslie Nelson, and the guy from Unsolved Mysteries is pretty weird!

Posted by: Rich at July 11, 2005 12:32 PM

The upcoming Dukes of Hazzard movie is filled with a unique cast:

Burt Reynolds
Sean William Scott
Johnny Knoxville
Jessica Simpson
Willie Nelson
Lynda Carter

I'd love to sit around the set and drink beers with that crowd!

Posted by: Prophecy at July 11, 2005 02:55 PM

"Little Nicky":

Adam Sandler,
Jon Lovitz,
Patricia Arquette,
Harvey Keitel,
Rodney Dangerfield,
Reese Witherspoon,
Quentin Tarantino

Posted by: T-Jax at July 11, 2005 03:01 PM

"Last Action Hero" (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Quinn, Ian McKellen, Tina Turner, Angie Everhart and lots of cameos)

The voices from "Antz" (Woody Allen, Dan Aykroyd, Anne Bancroft, Danny Glover, Gene Hackman, Jennifer Lopez, Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone, Christopher Walken)

Posted by: T-Jax at July 11, 2005 03:12 PM

Michael Keaton as Batman? He's 5'10 and I outweigh him.

Oh wait, that worked out ok.

How about that gay guy from "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" they got to play the macho action cop lead in Speed?

Oops. That worked out alright too.

I suck at this game.

Best ensemble cast for a comedy. Noises Off. Carol Burnett, Michael Caine, Julie Hagerty, Christopher Reeve, John Ritter, Nicollette Sheridan.


Posted by: Rodney at July 11, 2005 11:15 PM

Okay, Joel Shitmaker who tried to make it seem like he was Tim Burton and his crappy Batman Forever movie. It was alright for the most part, I could deal with Val Kilmer as Batman. Tommy Lee Jones cast as Two-Face was just pure genius. Jim Carrey as the Riddler? It worked for the most part until the two villians teamed up pissing me off in ways that if I were to tell you what I did to the person sitting next to me yopu would call the cops. Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carry? Fuck that, just doesn't work, but Shitmaker tried.

I don't have anything against gay people or for that matter gay directors, but in both Batman Forever and Batman and Robin (REALLY BAD CASTING CALLS ALERT) Shitmaker put a lot of his gay side into the film and if you go back and watch the ends of both movies you will see that, and you cannot enjoy the movie when everthing is way out of proportion as to be ridiculus.

I am still pissed off about Batman and Robin the most. I wanted Christopher Loyd to play Mr. Freeze. And Poison Ivy shouldn't even have been in that movie.

Want worst casting calls ever? Joel Shitmakers Batman movies, worst casting calls ever!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 10:50 AM