July 22, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Website

The official website for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is now up and online. You can visit the site by going here. The problem is... there's almost NOTHING there. You can look at the poster, or download the trailer. And that's it. Whheeee... the magical Harry Potter website. Everything else looks pretty, but all 8 or 9 buttons just rollover and say "coming soon".

Honestly people... if you're not ready to launch a website... then don't launch the website yet. But it won't matter. Millions of Harry Potter fans are going to run over there to hear 4 seconds of the soundtrack and a couple of flash images. Sigh.

I want to be excited about this movie. I really do. But so far none of the Harry Potter films have blown my socks off... and honestly part 3 was just horrible. Maybe they can pull it together for this one. I must admitt some of the visuals of he dragon are looking great... so who knows.

Posted by John Campea at July 22, 2005 12:11 PM


I'm not a potter fan at all, but I can honestly say that Part 3 was a fair bit better than Part 1. (I never bothered with part 2 however).

Effects were better, story more complex, characters less black and white, and a tad better developed...and a bit less sappy/happy/crappy.

The Franchise has a way to go before I ever look forward to any entry in it. The few summer blockbusters I've seen this year (Batman, War of the Worlds) certainly put any of the Harry Potter films to shame...

Posted by: Triflic at July 22, 2005 02:35 PM

HArry Potter is just crap unless your a child. I can honestly say I would probably enjoy these movies more if I was a kid. I just find the majority of it to be, well, just palin stupid. But who am I to say bad things about something I never read, just watched. The books are probably better than the movies.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 22, 2005 03:03 PM

Well lizardfreak, they're not really just for kids and how can you say they're "crap" if you haven't read the books? *sigh*

On that note, yes, I am a fan of the HP series but I am not that enamoured with the films. I think they're "ok". Most avid readers are likely to be more critical over the movie if they've read the book first. Hardly ever has a movie been able to do a book justice.

I believe WB launched this site to coincide with an upsurge in Harry Potter interest following the release of the sixth book. Frankly, I just wish they hadn't done it. It looks unifinished and rushed.

As for this film, I am really hoping it is better than the previous three. While the the third film took a different tone, I still think it is the best of the three (aside from the world's cheesiest ending, argh!). The fourth story of the Harry Potter saga has great elements that could either be done horribly or done just right. After seeing the dragon, it really gives me some kind of hope for the movie.

I also have faith in the director, Mike Newell. I really have liked his previous films (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Pushing Tin, Mona Lisa Smile). Maybe having a British director will be a good thing for this film. :D

Posted by: Jen at July 22, 2005 06:11 PM

To lizardfreak and others, if you have a lot of time on your hands, read the books instead. Chris Columbus and Alfonso Cuaron for lack of a better phrase, gangraped the source maerial. They turned a serious book (for the most part) and turned it into "omg kidz r in trooble! run111!!"

If Mike Newell stays true to the final scene, this will be PG-13, if he fucks it up it will be PG and I won't be seeing it.


1. Cedric Diggory is killed on the spot the minute him and Harry (grammar) enter the graveyard.

2. Wormtail cuts his own hand off as sacrifice to his master. He cuts his own hand completely off.

3. Wormtail cuts into Harry's arm, though in the book it says blood pours out, in an interview they're going to make it 3 drops. wtf

4. Assuming they don't use shadows. Naked Raplh Fiennes.

5. Priori Incanttem (I'm too lazy to explain) will most likely scare the kids out of the theatre.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 22, 2005 07:54 PM

Based on previous TMB postings and the pictures on the website, puberty seems to be hitting these kids pretty hard.

And yes read the books sillies.

Posted by: Tim at July 24, 2005 12:58 AM

Number 1 was OK, 2 was getting better and no. 3 had just wiped its ass with no. 1 + 2, I think it was the new Director that got at it and brang it to its dark side, as Christopher always made it seem joyful and happy with kids running under rainbows and candy falling from the sky with parents skipping about with joy. I thought the first 2 were crap, putting it bluntly. No. 4 looks awesome and I liked the book, but all the fun and excitement starts in no. 5, so does anyone know if this new director is going on for Harry Potter 5, 6 and 7? Tell me, please.

Posted by: God4areason at August 8, 2005 11:10 AM

i love harry potter movies i reckon their the best. i reckon no one can replace emma watson, daniel radcliffe, rupert grint, tom felton, matthew lewis they play their part so well i reckon the 4th movie is going to be better than the rest. thats all love lisa oxox

Posted by: lisa at August 9, 2005 02:53 AM

i think harry potter is the best. i like it better then star wars(i'v never liked starars so.... well it's awsome that all i can say

Posted by: bridgette at August 21, 2005 12:21 AM

okay lizadfreak or wat the heck your called... i am 17 years old, not to mention the fact that i know full grown adults that enjoy the movies aparently you have no imagination or you wouldnt be saying that about the movies. i have always been into magick, and i believe in it fully, maybe not the way that it is in harry potter but that doesnt mean that the story line isnt good i think you need to look up David Blaine then you can come on here and say how much you dont like it.

Posted by: jessie at October 25, 2005 12:30 PM