July 15, 2005

Halle Berry talks X-Men 3

Halle_Berry2.jpgHalle Berry is Talking X-Men 3, the next installment of the comic book X-Men franchise, although really she's not saying that much, but it's enough to get your mouth watering a little. Over at Comic Book Moviethey have a collection of quotes from her as she was presenting some money to the American Heart Assosciation (good on her, us lot with dodgy tickers can do with more help, although if Halle Berry turned up to comfort me...oh boy, my monitor would go mad!):

...I'm hoping Storm is going to fly! Not the plane, I'm not talking about the plane! Fly!"...

...There's going to be lots of...there's going to be some new X-Men characters from the comic book series that you haven't seen before. And it is the end, so prepare for some big, you know...ending, if you will...to occur.

So it's the end then? I really can't believe that. Perhaps for the current incarnation of the X-Men team, but I can't believe they'll leave it with three movies, not with so many other comic adaptations on the go that look like they'll hardly make the mark. Could it be the end though? The last one?

Posted by at July 15, 2005 03:23 AM


This isn't the end, we can all feel that this isn't the end. And if it is, well that just sucks. Nothing we can do about it except wait for the spin-offs like Wolverine.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 15, 2005 08:11 AM

Brett Ratner will be the Schumacher for this franchise.
Bad director+bad casting (Cumming out, one of the Williams sisters in...)=bad movie
It will tank like Daredevil, Punisher and Elektra did. May be, Avi Arad will understand that it need a good story and an good director to do a good movie, like they did with the 2 Spider-Man and in a lesser degree with the X-Men (the second was better tough).

excuse my bad english, i'm french -sorry-

Posted by: steack at July 15, 2005 09:14 AM

"And it is the end, so prepare for some big, you know...ending, if you will...to occur."

Maybe she's referring to the impending disaster that X3 will be under Ratner.

Posted by: Franklin at July 15, 2005 12:47 PM

That sucks if it is the end. I really wish there would be more than three. Too bad Storm is in the movie though; she sucks. I hate her stupid quotes.

Posted by: Joe at July 15, 2005 03:38 PM

I love Halle Berry, she's gorgeous and a decent actress, but I get the feeling she has too much influence over this film. But then again I think the director has too much influence too (the Williams sisters? LOL), so it probably doesn't matter. I think the chances of this being any good aren't very high.

I even wonder if they're just getting too expensive to make so this is sort of a way to end it anyhow: Just let it be bad, they'll still make a couple hundred million, but the fans will stop pestering them about making any more and they can move on with other, new superhero franchises.

Posted by: Del at July 18, 2005 12:39 AM

I just hope they don't go total ape shit with this one and smoother the good rich and tasty X-Men between two slices of shit, I am so pissed off right now. The first movie was good but kind of disapointed me, the second movie rocked! Now, we all have waited patiently for the best of what makes X-Men great to come and stretch out from the 3rd movie and beyond. Looks like this is only happening with spin-off movies now.

This one better not suck, i'll cut my pinky off and eat it, then shit it out and smoother all over the movie screen. Then I will take off all my cloths and scream how much the movie sucks and cut my balls off and toss them at some of the other audience members. Then i'll demand a refund, wipe my ass with the money they give me back, hold down an usher, and stuff whatever money was given to me up their nose.

So let's all hope that this movie does not suck, I do not want to go to an Arkam Asylum.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 18, 2005 02:37 AM

I like Storm and Halle Berry. Halle is a great actress , Storm is the best hero in marvel to my opinon.

Posted by: Toyin at July 25, 2005 04:47 PM

Many people have been complaining about Halle's demands for a larger roll and about the creators bowing to her will. I personally think she's very talented and plays my favorite X-woman with the grace she deserves. While I agree that it is poor form to demand a lead part in an ensemble movie series, Halle seems to want it for the character rather than herself. But if she is doing it out of pride I do disapprove, X-men has been around and will be around much longer than she, and she should feel honored to play such a pinacle character in the franchise. While I say all this with an optimistic tone I remain skeptical as to the quality of the film.
I worry as to what will happen with Singer gone, and from what I've heard about Ratner, I don't expect much. Also the loss of Nightcrawler is a harsh blow indeed, if only for continuity's sake. When you start dealing with actors refusing to come back then you have problems. Also, from what I've heard about the plot bits and the number of mutants being introduced, I worry that there will be too much for non veterans to handle. Phoenix, Juggernaut, Angel, Beast, and Leech are all appearing and each needs a quality explanation. Cupple that with having to excuse Allan Cumming's disappearance and boosting Storm's significance and there will just be too much going on. One just can't fit all that into one movie and give each of them the attention they deserve, unless the makers chose to give this volume a time-length to rival Gone with the Wind, Titanic and Lord of the Rings, which might please some of us, but certainly will make many people bored. All in all, I think this movie is in serious danger of being a flop simply because they are biting off more than they can chew while also changing horses mid-race.
Yet all the same, if this is conducted well, it may just be the best X-men film to grace our screens. Let us remain cautiously optimistic that it will not fail. And as to people saying that Storm must be recast or cut, I will remind them that recasting is NEVER a good idea, every time a character is recast the series in question fails. And cutting her is completely out of the question, Storm is simply to iconic a character to remove. Yet for those of you who still insist that Halle must be removed, has anyone considered Thandie Newton for Storm, I think she would do an excellent job. ((Sorry Halle. I really do think you do a great job.))

Posted by: KaitouHotaru at August 19, 2005 06:54 PM

Hi my favourite character of the x-men has got to be jean i cant wait to the release of the new x-men film.my second best must be storm i like the way she creates the weather i would really like to meet Famke Janssen or even speak to her. good luck with the film see ya later.

Posted by: Steven Allan at January 1, 2006 08:45 AM