July 06, 2005

George Clooney Article On CNN

You know, in an entertainment industry where people like Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Rob Schneider and other over-priviledged stars are constantly making asses of themselves, it's refreshing to come across a mega-star who seems to keep his/her head straight and feet planted on the ground. Take George Clooney for a moment.

The man seem to have the ability to get involved in important discussion and debate without coming off as an arrogant jerk or some kind of know-it-all. He invests money in smaller films and puts tons of time into charity work and important causes that he believes in. Now that's impressive.

CNN just ran a really good article on George Clooney that you really should read. It's almost like a blue print of how (in my opinion) Hollywood movie stars should conduct themselves. Here's an excerpt:

"I'm a hybrid," Clooney said recently, after he accepted the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival's first Spirit of Independence Award. "I succeed in both worlds. I hope that selling out on 'Ocean's Eleven' is not such a bad deal. The trade-off is, I get to go make something uncommercial that will probably lose money."

Clooney is confident enough to go toe to toe with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly or to protect a movie extra from an abusive director or to coax not only fellow "flaming liberals" to join his campaign against hunger in Africa but also Pat Robertson as well. (On ABC's "Nightline," Clooney got the televangelist to admit that in certain extreme situations, condom use is a good thing.)

George Clooney seems to carry himself with such class and yes also exude a sexiness that would have even me getting laid 32 times a week if I could pull off half of it (I can't pull off half of it by the way). And oh yeah... he also makes some kick ass films.

Posted by John Campea at July 6, 2005 07:01 AM


...He was also a good sport about his portrayal in TEAM AMERICA... having nothing but praise for the film.

Posted by: Darth Muppet at July 6, 2005 09:21 AM

I dunno who wrote that article, but I don't remember ever seeing Clooney go "toe to toe" or any other appendage to appendage with O'Reilly, who really pounded Clooney relentlessly about the 9/11 charities (Clooney started the fundraising, but had no idea where the money was going, it never got to the families, most of it went to administrative costs and paying for celebrity egos to be on the show, etc) Last I heard of that "fight", Oreilly kept taunting Clooney to come on his show to argue his point, but Clooney never showed up. So if the article writer is wrong about that, I dunno if I can believe anything else it says. Sounds like another fluff celebrity piece to me.

Posted by: Sam at July 6, 2005 01:58 PM

Hey Sam,

Actually, Clooney didn't go on O'Rielly's show... but the 2 of them did appear on another show together where they went at it. Ultiamtley, Cloonley called O'Rielly out pointing out that O'Riely made more money than he did, and challenged him to appear on the Relief show and oversee everything to make sure everything was above board and to look at the books.

To O'Reilly's credit, he accepted the offer and did go to the show and looked over the process and books. Later said there was nothing wrong with what was happending.

Posted by: John Campea at July 6, 2005 03:05 PM

After a few missteps (Batman and Robin, anyone) Clooney has worked on the right mix of commercial and more adventurous fair. It just really goes to show if you're passionate about the project people will show up.

Posted by: Vix at July 6, 2005 09:16 PM

I have liked him for a long time.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at July 6, 2005 09:27 PM