July 08, 2005

Fantastic Four Reviews

Fantastic Four reviews are coming in hot an heavy... and OH MY GOODNESS is the movie getting slammed! No really folks... I haven't seen initial negative reviews like this since the car wreck known as Electra.

I think we all thought this movie was going to suck big time right from the begining, but the trailers have slowly been winning me over to the point that I actually thought I may enjoy it. Well... there are a lot of film critics out there who are suggesting I won't like it one bit (I'm going to see it later today).

Well get ready, because here's what a few of the pundits are saying about Fantastic Four:

"Compared with the psychological probing and spiritual brooding of Batman Begins, Fantastic Four is proudly dumb, loud and inconsequential."

"Sad, then, to see that the Marvel rag that elevated the human element in the pow-biff-bam of the superhero world has been transposed into the most plastic of comic-to-movie adaptations yet."
Jan Stuart, NEWSDAY

"If you want to see how members of a family that's fraught with discord and dysfunction learn about teamwork and the nature of kin -- and dispatch bad guys in the process -- rent The Incredibles."

"The really good superhero movies, like Superman, SpiderMan 2 and Batman Begins, leave Fantastic Four so far behind that the movie should almost be ashamed to show itself in the same theaters."

"Falls below even the likes of Batman & Robin and The Punisher and all involved should be ashamed of actually inviting comparisons to the shelved Roger Corman adaptation."

Ouch ouch ouch. Yeah I was expecting some negative reviews... but even I wasn't expecting them to be THIS negative. If you want to read even more slamming, you can wander over here. Look for my personal review later tonight.

Posted by John Campea at July 8, 2005 08:59 AM


yep, avi loves whoring out the marvel properties to anyone and everyone. still waiting for someone to announce the spider-ham movie. with the creative momentum on dc's side at the moment, i think warner bros won't learn from marvel's mistakes and we'll start getting clunkers by the time the 2nd tier dc stuff like "wonder woman" comes out. no one in hollywood ever learns.

Posted by: ShoeStringBudget at July 8, 2005 10:14 AM

I'm marginally surprised by the reviews. I had already expected them to be bad, but even the decent rating comments on Rotten Tomatoes are half handed compliments!

I don't know about the rest of the world, but Fantastic 4 has been completely over marketed in the U.S.. I feel like I've already seen the movie, and greatly fear that all the good moments have been seen in the trailers. All the same, my 9 yr old daughter is looking forward to seeing it and so tomorrow morning I'll take her to a matinee showing. I'm expecting to cringe, and even though my kiddo has above average movie taste for someone of her age, she'll probaby like it.

Posted by: Meli at July 8, 2005 11:40 AM

I may be seeing it later today. For someone as young as I am, I'm quite enlightened to the better films out there. I've seen more movies then everyone in my family combined, but I'm still not 'above' going to see a movie just because Jessica Alba is in it. :p

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 8, 2005 12:12 PM

Damn. That is crazy.

I love how Wired has an article currently to the effect of "You can't tell them it won't be a hit" and talking about the ad campaign.


Posted by: OwlBoy at July 8, 2005 02:34 PM

Saw it this morning. Caught the first showing at 10:50am at my favorite theater..

I'll be honest, I went in thinking this movie was going to totally suck. From the start of the project, I thought it was a hopeless wreak. Another miscast, badly written and poorly directed marvel movie. (FYI I like the recent movies like Xmen 2, Spiderman 1 & 2, Hulk, Daredevil and so on but the over all hiustory hasn't been kind to marvel) The trailers didn't give me much hope either. Also I'm not a big fan of the Fantastic Four. I really liked them back in the 70s and early 80s but the characters in the comics from that point on never really thrilled me. (That said, I just love Marvel Knights FF currently being produced.)

Just to tell you how bad I though it was going to be, I even had a rough outline typed up of the points I figured I was going to hate based on the trailers and early plot leaks for the review I saw going to write on the super hero hype forums.

How wrong I was. I was wrong and all the negative reviews were wrong wrong wrong and more wrong.

Fantastic Four is a (dare I say it? Yes I shall) fantastic super hero movie and is a good translation of the characters. I'm stunned.

It wasn't me either. People audience were laughing and cheering (at the right places) through out the film. I'm really not sure what the reviewers are picking up on but the film is entertaining. I'm not going to spoil the film but I had a big old grin on my face virtually the whole time.

Another thing, the movie IS bright and and vibrant. It isn't a dark modern retelling. Yeah there are times you feel that you aren't seeing the real world but you know what? Its a nice change of pace and I didn't go in expecting that. Figuring I would see something on par with Nu Marvel reimagings.

I could see where people would have nits about the actions and the look of certain characters but the comics themselves have violated the characters far worse. Who knows if the writers didn't just happen to pick up one of those books instead of those who are long time reads view as canon. This nits don't effect the capturing of the characters in film nor effect the quality of the picture.

The story worked for me. Yes its an origin story but it didn't feel rushed, out of place, or uninteresting.

The Thing did not hit me as a guy in a rubber suit. Whatever they did from the trailers to the final product, they did it well. In fact all the special effects worked very well on screen.

Lastly, this IS a movie you can take your kids too. There is only one scene where it might be viewed as rough but I've seen worse in Bugs Bunny cartoons and it wasn't that realistic.

Posted by: Robert Merritt at July 8, 2005 02:43 PM

To the poster above:

If you were at the opening day showing of the Fantastic Four at 10:50am then of course the crowd was laughing and cheering because they are all gah gah over marvel comic's movies and thus a very one-sided crowd.....as are you.....you liked Daredevil and the Hulk????

There are very few comic book movies that are good...Batman Begins being one of them - and it has raised the bar. F4 looks terrible in the trailers and the critics have reinforced that for me....I may watch it on the Movie Network on a rainy Sunday afternoon...maybe.

Posted by: Prophecy at July 8, 2005 04:05 PM

I actually liked DareDevil... and I LOVED Hulk. Meh... it's all subjective.

Posted by: John Campea at July 8, 2005 04:14 PM

Well John we all know that your taste in films is up your ass....just kidding!

Posted by: Prophecy at July 8, 2005 04:31 PM

Just came back from seeing it. And.. well. It was a cornball.
A corn sandwhich if you will.

It was a semi-good time at the movies. But it was in no way somethig memorable. In a world with films in the calibur of Spider-Man 2 and Batman Begins, movies like Fantastic Four can't compete. If they do make a sequel, they desperatly need to replace Story and get a better director.

The sheer amount of one-liners asmost ruined the movie for me.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 8, 2005 04:52 PM

Listening to Prophecy trying to push his thoughts reminds me of High Fidelity, where John Cusak yells "you can't argue preference" at Jack Black and Jack Black screams back "Why not".

Don't call someone one-sided for going to see a movie opening day. I go to plenty that I am not a fan of and I like plenty that I shouldn't like. I even went to see Harry Potter POA opening day and I am not really a fan of the series at all. I just so happened to be visiting back home for a week and my younger brother asked me to go with him to see it the afternoon it was shown. I found myself enjoying it and laughing along with it, but does that make me one of that one-sided crowd that is such a Harry Potter fan that I would rather die than actually think it was bad? Please... I wouldn't even know what Harry Potter was if it wasn't for the fact they keep making the movies, which I have seen one time each, with my brother.

I have a question for you. Is someone thoght less of for liking what you consider lesser movies? In fact, what about someone like Robert who probably likes all the movies you like and then some. To me it's called having an open mind and being willing to sit down and enjoy a movie.

I plan to go and see Fantastic Four and I will probably like it. I go in with the expectations that it will be fun to watch, that it will have good effects, and that that cast isn't half bad, having at least liked 4 out of the 5 in other movies/shows.

The truth is, I would rather hear someones honest opinion then actually have to listen to someone argue about someone elses honest opinion.

Oh and I guarentee you if the Hulk had cut out the CGI, that it would rank with the best of the comic book movies. That would probably be why they are doing a second one without the CGI.

Anyway I this point I value Robert's opinion and not yours. I especially love how you managed to throw in the fact that you judge before you see something.

Posted by: Al at July 8, 2005 05:08 PM

I will definitely watch this movie, to hell with all the reviews.

Opppps, pardon my French. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at July 8, 2005 05:22 PM

to prophecy:

what audience wouldn't have a skewed opinion toward wanting to like the movie? people go to see a movie because they have an interest in what they are seeing, and they also want to like what they've paid to see. even if they go in with low expectations (or are dragged along with others who are more enthusiastic about the film), they still want to be surprised with a good movie.

as far as good comic book movies go there's a bunch i can think of off the top of my head... superman, batman 1, batman returns, and more recently: x-men, x2, ghost world, spider-man, spider-man 2, sin city, batman begins... all of these are generally agreed upon to be good movies (you could probably add the hulk and a few others to that list as well)

Posted by: tj at July 8, 2005 06:13 PM

F4 looks like a fun ride.
can't wait to see it.
(not expecting it to be in the same class as Batman Begins but)

Posted by: louis at July 8, 2005 06:55 PM

scathing review of F4 here from last week: http://www.brianklotz.com/2005/06/swa-exclusive-fantastic-four-review

Posted by: dr. theopolis at July 8, 2005 07:04 PM

I think it would make a great family film. I think at lest the kids will enjoy it. I know my grandson wants to see it. And he is 9.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at July 8, 2005 09:51 PM

Do not underestimate the power of a family friendly movie. I sadly feel this will outgross Batman Begins at the B.O.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at July 9, 2005 12:18 AM

Going on the reviews I was really expecting The Fantastic Four to suck big time but after watching it last night I don't get what the reviewers are going on about.

I had a good time watching this movie. It's a summer movie but it isn't dumb and I do think they got the cast down. I liked that it wasn't all broody and "woe is me I've got super powers".

Posted by: Vix at July 9, 2005 02:47 AM

I like the FF movie it was cool, funny, campy (in a goodway), popcorn movie entertainment. I hope there's an FF 2.

Posted by: Alfredo at July 9, 2005 10:41 AM

If anyone is interested, I have amassed a "few" reviews of FF and the *cough*actor*cough* that portrays Doom.

Posted by: dark_phenix [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 9, 2005 03:42 PM

I didn't have high expectations for Fantastic 4, but I was entertained. It's not deep and it's not dark, but it's a little campy and fun. I couldn't really buy Jessica Alba as being the head of a genetic research department for a billion-dollar company, mostly because of her age. Otherwise, it was just good, light-hearted fare.

It was a lot better than Dark Water - and I should've known better than to go see DW when the critics gave it a "B" and users a "C" on Yahoo.

Posted by: Whyskey at July 10, 2005 01:47 AM

spiderman with side kicks,spider man strory line ,spiderman villan,the green goblin mask is already over used.not even worthy of renting it.

Posted by: JR at July 12, 2005 12:08 AM

I just saw it.

In no way is this a classy movie.

But the kids in the theatre with me were laughing, and at a couple of points they applauded, and I did too, with a big grin on my face. That's what the Fantastic Four movie is for, nothing else. If you expect nothing and I mean nothing more than happy kids, your money and your time should be well spent.

Posted by: David Blue at July 12, 2005 07:08 AM

As a comic FF was probably one of my top five. I believe Doc Doom
to be one of the greatest Super Villians. He was never in the ship as
far as I recall, never really had super powers except his own intelligence and
armor, Johnny Storm was blonde, Sue Storm was mature, Reed Richards was
taller. It goes on and one. Who on earth every made this movie? I hope they
make money out of it.

Posted by: Alter Ego at July 12, 2005 01:24 PM

I never trust critics. I sometimes think they are people who were not talented enough to make it in the 'real' entertainment industry and so they ended up as critics. Whether that is right or wrong, what IS true is that they only represent another person's opinion - not law or right or wrong about a movie. It's all subjective anyways, isn't it?

That being said, I've noticed a trend where critics rave about the 'darker' movies - so Batman Begins and Sin City are automatic shoo-ins, however good or bad they are. I saw Batman Begins and I personally did not like it at all. Frankly, I found it boring and the character exploration was not nearly enough given what I heard the critics lauding about. How did he end up in the prison in the beginning? Why did Liam Neeson seek him out, of all people? Was there really exploration in the relationship between Batman and Rachel Dawes, or was she conveniently his childhood friend to provide the only link they actually had to one another?

On the other side, I found Fantastic Four a compelling whirlwind of excitement, character development, strained relationships full of angst and triumph, and clever one-liners to keep one entertained throughout the entire movie. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just say that there's a lot more history and emotion behind Reed Richards and Sue Storm's relationship, and all characters undergo a personal transformation that allows them to evolve from freak accident to superhero. Just because it utilized bright over dark colors and humor over tragedy does not by any means make it a poor movie by my standards. I don't believe something has to be ugly or dark or depressing to be good. Fantastic Four accomplished family friendly and was a good movie to boot. Those who want to have a good, fun time enjoying an exciting action-adventure superhero movie should go see it!

Of course, it's only my opinion - but who says you have to always agree with the critics? Watch the movie and form your own opinion, critic-free.

Posted by: Kalina at July 12, 2005 09:18 PM

I totally agree with Kalina about the fact that a movie should not have to be dark to be good. I hope someday that they will make a Green Lantern movie but one more in the form of the FF which is alive and has color. I have thought about why Liam Neeson sought out Bruce Wayne. I think it was because he knew he was Bruce Wayne and wanted to get an inside to destorying the evil city of Gotham. So if he could train Bruce to help him do it it would be a kind of poetic justice. Of course Bruce in the end would not do such a thing so Liam was angry at him. I still believe that FF could have been better but it was a lot of fun.

Posted by: Alter Ego at July 13, 2005 04:36 PM

The Critics who reviewed this movie are just OLD, close-minded, stuck in their ways, men and woman who have no clue, period. Comparing movies in movie reviews is ridiculous. Its like comparing apples and oranges, they are different! Duhh!

Children have no expectations, unlike so many adults, and can see Fantastic 4 for what it really is, a great and highly entertaining movie! Most adults just see what they thought it should have been or who should have played who, meanwhile missing the whole movie! Silly adults!

I am an adult of 23 years and initially went to see Fantastic 4 just to watch Jessica Alba. I had no expectations for this movie and was PLEASENTLY surprised by the amount of fun I had watching it! I mean it was great fun! I had a huge smile on my face the whole time and was laughing out loud! I couldnt have asked for more! The humour was right on. Special effects were awsome. Everything just seemed to fit perfectly together from beginning to end. The cast was perfect and could not have been cast any better. Even some of the story lines could be interpreted on much deeper levels! I was so suprised! This all coming from someone who thinks most movies stink!

Dont listen to the negative, idoiotic critic reviews and watch this movie for what it is and not what you think it should be. Its a small masterpiece in my mind and I recommend it to eveyone! A real Gem. If all else fails, bring a kid to the movie and they will show you the way :D

Posted by: Jesse at July 13, 2005 10:36 PM

I am 48. I loved Jack Kirbys FF4 comics as a kid growing up in the
60's. My brothers and I had over one hundred of them.

I went to the movie with very low expectations.
I hated just about everything I had seen about it on the web.
The casting, make up etc, etc.

I spent the first 30 mins. of the movie finding fault with everything.

But by the end I was won over.
I really liked it.
I liked the character developement.
Very true to the comic.
A few scenes seemed right out of the comic.
the fight scenes were good.

I hope there is a sequel, it ended to quickly.
Bring on Galactus, the Silver Surfer and the Inhumans.


Posted by: brian at July 14, 2005 10:43 PM

It's one of those movies I can see several times.
I liked it more the second time and even more the third.I don't care what the critics say
...I dig it!

Posted by: Marty at July 17, 2005 10:49 PM

This movie was great! I don't usually go to these types of movies, but it was between seeing Wonka or Fantastic Four. I decided to take my 8 year old son to see this one. It was funny. It had a plot. It was entertaining. It was a little violent when the bad guy kills a few people, but not nearly as gory as the news. I think I only heard one bad word, which my son pointed out because I didn't think I heard any. I don't think the word "ass" is too bad. Anyway, I recommend it to anybody. I have been telling everyone I see how good the movie is. Don't listen to the critics, go check it out for yourself. At the end everyone was clapping in the theatre. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie where the audience got so involved.

Posted by: MB Smith at July 23, 2005 05:19 PM

i totaly agree with Marty, i've probily have watched it 10x.
i've only seen a bootleg my father's friend gave me. stupid idiot said it was a download. yeh right!

anyway, forget people who despise it. i like to right fanfictions about FF. the charecters are soo fun to write about!

as for a sencond movie, i cant wait!... Bring it on!

Posted by: calla at September 5, 2005 01:23 AM