July 12, 2005

Fantastic Four 2

The Fantastic Four is getting it's sequel. Once again proving the mathamatical equation: $56 million boxoffice on opening weekend (nullifying the "bad reviews" integer) + cast already signed = sequels. It's just plain math folks.

As I said in my video review of Fantastic Four, it's a poor movie... but at the same time it was pretty fun. Some good laughs, decent special effects and ok action. I guess that's exactly what audiences were starving for. Throw in the fact that it's a pretty family friendly film and you've got yourselves a LOT of money. The good folks over at MovieHole give us this:

Avi Arad, chairman of Marvel and all-round studio spruiker, tells The Los Angeles Times that because of the numbers - the sequel is a sure-thing now. "Of Course there will be a sequel", he tells the paper. "Now the constituency is much larger".
From an artistic point of view, the idea of a Fantastic Four sequel doesn't really get me all that excited... however... from a business point of view they would have to be brain dead to not shoot a sequel at this point. It's like printing free money. Who doesn't want free money?

Posted by John Campea at July 12, 2005 07:42 AM


I love it! Bring on the big purple man!

Posted by: Alfredo at July 12, 2005 08:15 AM

This sequel will flop like a fish out of water. I wanted way more out of the first movie, it just didn't deliver.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 10:38 AM

Everyone needs a second chance. Maybe they will fix the bad spots.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at July 12, 2005 11:36 AM

I think we all expected a sequel no matter what, even crappy movies get sequels. I would like to see an actual plot for the next movie - hey it could happen!

Posted by: Meli at July 12, 2005 03:59 PM

The first movie was a family movie. So I expect the sequel to be a little more interesting. The first movie had to many freindly and comical characters. Making it seem like you were watching the "Incredibles." But I'd give this movie 7 out of 10.

Posted by: Don S at July 15, 2005 10:55 PM

The first one was just made for the whole family. So expect the friendly superheros to return. It wasn't a crappy movie, but then it wasn't perfect either. I really didn't get the point of showing the ending where Dr Doom was showed like he was about to wake up. I gave the movie 7 out of 10.

Posted by: Don S at July 15, 2005 11:04 PM

You have to look at the first movie for what it was. They needed this movie for the sole purpose of setting up the characters. It happens in every first superhero movie. The second one will be a lot better with more action and increased conflict.

Posted by: David at October 6, 2005 03:00 AM