July 27, 2005

Doom trailer online!

I can't believe it. Since I started cycling to work I leave too early to do stories in the morning, so I get into work, cram a few in and get on with the day...that means I can't really sit and watch trailers, it's that kind of office. Still, it's not going to stop me posting this and asking all you guys to review it for us.

The trailer for Doom is on the Internut! So here's the deal. Click the link for the trailer which is at IGN FIlm Force through FilmRot, watch it, think about it for a few moments, and come back here to post your review of it.

Here's what FilmRot had to say as the synopsis...

Guys in lab coats are doing experiments when something goes wrong and a bunch of people die. Some military types are called in to take control of the situation when they find that something evil is killing everybody. More death ensues, stuff jumps out at you, the end...Oh wait, that was the plot of Resident Evil.

Oh dear. It's killing me. Quick everyone, get over there and post your review now!

Posted by at July 27, 2005 10:54 AM


Meh... i think "plot" in video game movies is FAR overrated. No matter what anyone says... no video games have much plot to them. Oh some of them have good CONCEPTS... but they're all really shallow... AND THEY SHOULD BE... they're games.

All Doom really needs is big explosions, some good looking mansters, decent actions and funny one liners from The Rock. Do those simple things and I'll be entertained.

Posted by: John Campea at July 27, 2005 07:47 AM

I think you wrong about video games having shallow storys.. Some games are based only story's and the game seems to come second, Final Fantasy for instance..(which I hate).. I do agree that video games have great concepts.. Hitman I think would be a great great movie if done right.. Also Halo has high potential, yet im not holding my breathe on that one..
OH YEAH!... ANd Splinter Cell the movie is also a great story, and greta concept for a movie..

Using DOOM to rate the story's of all video games is stupid, as far as I know DOOM has little to know story, I own DOOM3 and I still have no clue why the doctor is evil....

Posted by: Ray` at July 27, 2005 08:11 AM

Well good morning boys and girls. I just checked out the Doom trailer and I must say that the movie is going to be fine and here is my logic behind this movies forecasted success.

First it is staring the Rock. I love the Rock, he has been getting better and better after each movie he does. The Rock is the new action hero and he fits that part very well.

Second, it has a very similar appeal as did Aliens. The marines come in to destroy a un-human like threat, but this time the Rock is leading the pack.

Finally I agree with John, this is a video game movie and the plot does not have to be as deep as "Pie". Give me monsters, explosions, a bare boobie if you can and the Rock kicking a$$ - we will all be pleased as punch.

So you can see that I feel the Rock is a major ingredient for success.

Posted by: Brad at July 27, 2005 08:54 AM

The trailer does nothing to distinguish itself from similar films, such as Resident Evil - even though there are many differences between those two games. For instance...

1) This film will contain first-person footage in tribute to the game. Is any of that in the trailer? Nope.

2) The monsters are not zombies. Is it made clear that they are demons in the trailer? Nope.

3) The story takes place on another planet. Is this mentioned? Nope - it might as well take place underground beneath a mansion in the middle of the woods as far as the average film-goer is concerned.

The point I was trying to (inelegantly) make is that based on this first trailer the marketing department should be fired. I'm sure there are great distinguishing, exciting things in this flick - none of which are present in the trailer. I've already seen Resident Evil, I don't need to see it again.

Posted by: mediamelt at July 27, 2005 09:03 AM

actually it mentions that it's happening on mars. At the start of the trailer :)

Still kinda hoping for some connection to actual hell.

Posted by: igl85 at July 27, 2005 09:24 AM

I've really been pulling for this movie. Based soley on this trailer the acting seems terribly stiff but I wasn't expecting it to win any best actor oscars anyway. Looks like fun though which is enough to put me in the theater.

Posted by: adam at July 27, 2005 09:58 AM

Look's cool, can't wait.

"This film will contain first-person footage in tribute to the game. Is any of that in the trailer? Nope."

00.55 - 00.56

Posted by: kohina at July 27, 2005 11:57 AM

John, can't disagree more. Games can have masses of plot, and if they are that type of game they really should. The Halo series, Hitman, Splinter Cell are all games that have big plots as Ray' pointed out. There are many more out there too, and they can make for excellent movies.

Problem is that so far they haven't and it seems that's due to studios and financial backers just going after the fast buck from an existing product audience.

If they invest time, money and get the original people involved, especially at scripting time, videogames could make great stories.

As for the trailer, well it's Doom. So watching it shows that it looks like it'll live up to its name and more. As Brad said, action, Rock and big guns.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 27, 2005 02:27 PM

I am waiting for Universal to take what they have and reshape video game movies and right their past wrongs. A Doom movie? Come on , the games themselves sucked and lacked. And the trailer didn't really amuse me at all. It looked like a Resident Evil movie with a new cast and the title changed to Doom. SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!!!!

Universal has the rights to Crash Bandicoot, and should be focusing on what great things they can do with that. Crash Bandicoot had some great games, you know, when Naughty Dog made them. Now if you make the movie total CGI (no other way you can do it really) and an original story from the game and add a twist, THAT WOULD MAKE ONE GREAT AND FUN MOVIE!

Jak and Daxter would be another good video game to movie.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 27, 2005 06:00 PM

I think the movie looks pretty good. I just hope that it won't be too action packed like the kind of stuff in triple x. I think they should make a movie out of Devil May Cry. That would be cool.

Posted by: Joe at July 27, 2005 06:27 PM

Resident Doom.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 28, 2005 03:53 AM

I think the "Hell" element has been taken away from the story. I remember an announcement, a while back during its pre-production.

Posted by: ChrisP at July 28, 2005 01:32 PM

Woa ChrisP, yeah, that was ages ago! You need to keep up to speed on the Movie Blog posting!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 1, 2005 06:39 AM

Hmmmmmmmm. The movie looks like its been done be4, yes like Resident Evil. I think they could have stayed truer to the game and worked to give it better characters and a more detailed plot. From wot ive seen on the trailer and heard about it, several spects from the game have been removed which really takes some of the fun from it. WE want to see DEMONS, we want to see them fighting hells army. That was the fun when playing the game, seeing how many ways you could blast the demons. This for some reason reminds me of universal soldier 2 the return. This movie will probably be a massive flop. They really shud have taken more time to work at it. sighh. nevermind.

Posted by: mat at August 2, 2005 12:58 AM

"The final 10% of the human genome has finally been discovered". WTF?


Would have prefered if teleportation experiments had opened a gateway to hell --- but then again, they could have never had a hit with anything based on *that* tired old concept. Douches.

Posted by: Coco Lopez at August 7, 2005 02:46 PM

I'm gay.

Posted by: mat at August 10, 2005 01:03 AM

Haha, I always knew it. Do you want to date? e-horny.com

Posted by: Coco Lopez at August 10, 2005 01:05 AM

Hayy, np I liek u. DoOM is gunna rok u

Posted by: mat at August 10, 2005 01:05 AM

oh i no, i eat u n then liyke wen i c doom n computer pc (lol michelle!) we ply and liek get rul scurd so they i was liek no. u cant do that n the monster said liek why not? andi was all liek dude i'm not supposed to be eaten that way and hes like yes u r and im like i no. so thye he a8 m3 then i dyed my hair yhellow and started listening to 50 cents (because hes real cool cat yo, lmao briney BFF LOL!) n liek visit my myspace site at www.myspizzle.net/2hot4_sexy_queeniss_4_u/html.

pece my niz n biz i <3 u

Posted by: Coco Lopez at August 10, 2005 01:09 AM

I have a question about the Doom movie. Am I the only one who thinks that the original movie script (without Mars, Marines, and Hell) was hastily reworked in deference to Doom fan discontent? The teaser looks like the movie is patched up to appear to be set on Mars with Marine heroes when that is not how the original movie was filmed. I say this because no matter how you look at those uniforms, they are not military--even futuristic paramilitary special forces have helmits, rank, buzzcuts, and they do not wear black. Also, remember the movie was originally slated to be released on August 5, but I think it was changed to rework the film. I'd like to know what others think. I really like The Rock and Karl Urban and would hate to see such great actors in a sadly patched-up movie rife with stale actions sequences and stupid one-liners.

Posted by: crazyhorselaw [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 13, 2005 12:44 AM

i like doom it is so fuckin grat

Posted by: death at September 12, 2005 10:27 PM