July 05, 2005

David Goyer Talks The Flash

Aside from Superman, the comic book adaptation currently in production that I'm most curious to see is The Flash. The good news is that David Goyer is writing it (he also wrote Blade and Batman Begins). The bad new is that Goyer is also directing it (he directed the HORRIBLE AS HELL Blade Trinity).

In a recent interview with the New York Daily News, Goyer let some details slip about the new film. Here's what was said:

"Fans know there's been more than one Flash over the years," Goyer adds. "There's been a lot of speculation and rumor, but both Barry Allen and Wally West will be in this movie."

"We're going to go into the 'Speed Force' and a lot of the cosmic aspects of the character from the more recent past," Goyer says. "Trust me, we're going to do a lot more than have the Flash run on water and create vortexes."

I don't know. That all makes me nervous. Wally West AND Barry Allen? Going into the Speed Force? I'm not going to pass judgment this early in the game... but to me that all sounds stupid. Keep it simple man. The best comic films do. But that's just my opinion.

Posted by John Campea at July 5, 2005 07:26 AM


Having Goyer attached as the writer alone makes me nervous. Attached as a director doubly so. Action sequences are not his forte.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at July 5, 2005 08:33 AM

The first Blade was cool and Batman Begins rocked I'm glad he's on this project I think he's going to be good for DC the same Avi is for marvel.

Posted by: Alfredo at July 5, 2005 09:12 AM

I dunno, this guy just runs fast doesn't he? I really don't think there's going to be much of an audience for that. You need a superhero that can kick ass, beat up the bad guys. He's a pretty minor superhero too, people don't really know very well who he is. Just running fast doesn't make for very interesting FX either I don't think. Seems like there's alot of other superheroes that would be better for their own movie than him.

Posted by: Del at July 5, 2005 03:48 PM

Hey there Del

I've gotta disagree with you. I don't think the "powers" make the Super Hero. It's the "character" that makes him/her. Persoanlly, I always thought Barry Allen was one of the more interesting "charactets" DC comics had ever put out. Wally West too.

As far as visual effects potential... holy crap there's a lot you could do! I think it has to potential to be great... but the fact that Goyer is also directing it makes me nervous. He should stick to writing I think.

Posted by: John Campea at July 5, 2005 03:58 PM

I think goyer is a very talented writer, but he needs a talented director to decide what works best in the context of the movie as a whole. Blade 1 & 2 : OUTSTANDING thanks to norrington and del toro.
Batman Begins : SUPERB thanks to nolan. Blade Trinity : TRAIN WRECK.
and thats all due to the fact that goyer cant tell the differnce between what works on the page, and what works on the screen. Give him a few years and I think he'll improve. But please, PLEASE, for the love of GOD, do not let him direct The Flash. I have wanted to see the scarlet speedster on the big screen since they cancelled the John Wesley Shipp T.V. show.
And as far as visual effects are concerned, I have to agree with John... HOLY CRAP!!!!! The potential.... ooooooo, the potential.
Goyer, stick to writing it. I actually dont think anyone could do it better. But please let someone else direct it. Someone with a much better eye. Action scenes, pacing, actor performance...etc.

Posted by: jay warren at July 5, 2005 07:47 PM