July 07, 2005

Dark Water Internet trailer

DarkWater.jpgJo Blo are carrying a heap of new clips and a featurette for the Hollywood remake Dark Water, however none of that's important, what they do have is a new trailer for the movie and it has a lot of extra shots. Have a look at the Medium or the High and then pop back here.

What did you think and have you seen the original? I have, I loved the original and it was typically underplayed, creepy and with hidden menace. What concerns me about this trailer is that it hints that the movie is a lot more in your face. There are a load more effects, scary shock moments, and generally more...well...action. Now I'm not judging the movie before I've seen it, but my typical Hollywood remake unease is on its hind legs again. Are they going to overdo this movie and give away too much, make everything far too obvious and spell it out for the dumber audience? I hope not, although this trailer is hinting to me that they might have done just that. I hope I'm wrong.

Thoughts on the trailer? No giveaways please...just what you think either if you've seen the original, and even if you haven't.

Posted by at July 7, 2005 03:19 AM


I remembered reading this a little while ago on Twitchfilm:

"I feel a case of misleading advertising coming on ...

An internet only trailer for Dark Water has turned up online and it's really trying hard to sell this thing as a jump-a-minute scare fest. Thing is, it isn't. At least the original, like all of Nakata's films, isn't and from what Canfield told me after he caught a screening of the remake this has stayed pretty true to the original intent. [...]

I really like the original Dark Water, prefer it to Nakata's Ringu actually, but if people go into this film expecting the scarefest that that trailer is selling they're going to go away pissed, and justifiably so."

Posted by: T-Jax at July 7, 2005 05:13 AM

So what have the done, added effects to the trailer? Sure you can cut something to appear jumpy, but it's more than that, there are effects there that are insitigating the scares. Whether they are actually scary or jumpy in the film is another matter, and putting that to the side for the moment it's still showing too much of the "other world" events, and they're too in your face. It looks like more than editing to me.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 7, 2005 06:08 AM

I just saw this movie and its terrible. Thought i would warn the rest of you good people.

Posted by: mike at July 10, 2005 12:59 AM

I wish I had read Mike's comment before I went to the theater. I just got back and I agree with him. What a steaming pile. I don't know if I just don't get Japanese horror or what, but I didn't think much of the Ring either. I thought the acting was good in this movie, particularly Jennifer Connelly, but the story doesn't really pull you in and it does a bad job of keeping you interested. Spoiler alert, if you wasted your time already seeing this, or would prefer not to waste your time read on.

What is the deal with all these japanese horror movies having little girls as the evil ghosts? Honestly what the hell is scary about a little girl? That's all from me.

Posted by: JD at July 17, 2005 12:46 AM