July 15, 2005

Cry Wolf trailer

CryWolf.jpgI'm sure we've all had enough of teen slashers by now, so how well the movie Cry Wolf is going to do will be solely based around the premise that the rumour mongerers at school actually create this killer through their latest scam. IMDB carry the following:

Nobody believes a liar - even when they're telling the truth. When a young woman is found murdered, a group of local high school students decide to further scare their classmates by spreading online rumors that a serial killer called "The Wolf" is on the loose. By describing "The Wolf's" next victims, the students' game is to see how many people they can convince - and if anyone will uncover the lie. But when the described victims actually do start turning up dead, suddenly no one knows where the lies end and the truth begins. As someone or something begins hunting the students themselves, the game turns terrifyingly real.

It's a nice concept, and the trailer actually looks pretty good. Much like a teen slasher but with some interesting visuals and some grainier, tougher scenes. However I still can't help but think it's just a tougher Scream with a slightly different hook. Does this appeal to you more than the average teen slasher?

Posted by at July 15, 2005 03:10 AM


I'll probably see it just because of Lindy Booth. She's such a bear.

Posted by: JohnIan at July 15, 2005 04:00 AM

The first part looks very similar to Gossip (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0176783/) where 3 students are spreading a rumour about a couple, enjoy watching it grow, but at some point things get out of control. I really liked that movie. It seems that Cry Wolf is based on the same idea, only that this time the subject of the gossip is a serial killer. I think a scene in the trailer looks almost identical to one from Gossip.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 15, 2005 09:15 AM

Who's the British actor? Could he BE more wooden?

Posted by: JohnW at July 15, 2005 09:38 AM

I hope this movie doesn't turn out to be cliche', becuase it already has that vibe to other teen slashers movies that we are all sick of. Hopefully this will not be an eye roller or a yawner. I can't wait to see how this one turns out, it has great potential.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 16, 2005 08:58 PM

Looks nice, Just a shame for the stupid army-jacked. But it looks promising.

Posted by: darko at July 17, 2005 03:56 PM

This movie looks REALLY good. I enjoyed Scream and I can't wait to see this movie.

Posted by: Ben at August 6, 2005 06:01 PM

To play the game that the kids in the movie play, you should check out the Cry Wolf AIM game that AOL just released. I must say, it's pretty cool - http://www.crywolfgame.com/CryWolfGateKeeper/

Posted by: flipflops405 at August 9, 2005 04:02 PM

Wow, this film could not be more of a yawner. It's not even a slasher film. Do not be misled by the trailer. Let's not forget, this movie was made by someone who won a contest to make a movie. This is not high cinema. Save your money and see it in 8 months on USA network at 3am.

Posted by: Beau at August 26, 2005 08:24 AM

wow this movie looks great! not only scary it actually looks like it has a good story to it i hate those murder movies that really have no plot.

Posted by: lisa at September 11, 2005 01:54 PM

Usually I always fall for the trailers when I see a horror/suspence movie and it always turns out stupid,But this trailer looks kinda cool and plus I been playing the Cry Wolf Game so its kinda given me the idea of what the movie is about.Hope it's not another dissapointment though! Like the skeleton key,I thought that movie was good from the trailer but it sucked big time!

Posted by: Thehottie at September 15, 2005 08:32 PM

I saw an early cut of this movie 6 months ago as the main film editor is my future brother in law. The work is Hollywood quality, it is a good who-dunnit movie with some screams to go with. Other than Jon Bon Jovi, the faces are all relatively new and gives it a more easier to become involved with approach. Will you remember it forever? - I doubt it, but it won't be a disappointing night out at the movies! Enjoy!

Posted by: Scott at September 16, 2005 04:40 PM