July 07, 2005

Corpse Bride Trailer

The new theatrical trailer for Tim Burton's Corpse Bride has now hit the web. As I've said before, I'm not a fan of Tim Burton at all. I don't' HATE his films... but I've never really liked his stuff (although there are 1 or 2 films that I think are pretty good).

After seeing this trailer... my opinion hasn't really changed at all. Visually it looks pretty nice... but aside from that... the whole concept for the film just seems silly. None of the humor in the trailer works either. Oh well... who knows... it may surprise me when it hits theaters. For now I remain doubtful.

If you'd like to catch the new trailer you go surf on over here.

Posted by John Campea at July 7, 2005 07:36 PM


Unlike you John I'm a big fan of Tim Burton but this film looks REALLY corny. And that's disappointing considering I realy like Nightmare Before Christmas.

And I agree, none of the humor in the trailer was.. well. humorous.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 7, 2005 08:32 PM

I'm a fan of Burton as well, and I can't wait for this movie. It's based off a folk tale, and, well.. all folk tales are a bit silly, so I have no problem with the story or anything. Just about every Burton film is a bit silly anyway, so I guess people who don't like Burton won't like this movie just because it's definately a Burton film.

I didn't laugh out loud at the jokes or anything, but I didn't think they were bad (the jokes in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trailer make me cringe, but I guess they were geared towards younger children anyway). I can't tell if I really like the main characters and the voices yet, but everything in the whole trailer is beautiful.

Posted by: Aaron Huff at July 7, 2005 10:44 PM

I love Tim Burton's work as well, but I think I have grown out of him with these films. Maybe if I was a kid I would enjoy this movie as much as I did with The Nightmare Before Christmas. Ever since I was 12 I started becoming a Sam Raimi fan after watching the Evil Dead.

Mars Attacks! upset me a bit, Big Fish was excellent, butI hope Corpse Bride and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory do not disappoint. Trailers always throw people off and tend to make a movie look stupid. Burton really needs to bring it back down to Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands.

No matter what though I always give Tim Burton a chance. I want to go into the theatre and walk out with a smile on my face and say

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 7, 2005 10:58 PM

Guess what? If you don't like Tim Burton films now, you never will. I'm too but just had to throw in a few things here:

Here's what this film has going for it:

It is not another remake
Not another 'tired' CG movie
It's hand-crafted by a large portion of the team that made 'Nightmare
It features Danny Elfman music
The lead character is voiced by Johnny Depp
Christopher Lee voices one of the characters
It's Tim Burton co-directing a STOP MOTION ANIMATED FILM

Sorry that's all the steam I have left in me tonight. Time for bed. Just remember, if you don't like anything he's done, you are NOT going to like this film. Why should you?

Posted by: trysop at July 9, 2005 12:37 AM

Hey there Trysop..

I think you just nailed another reason I don't like Tim Burton. "If you don't like anything he's done...you're not going to like this film".

You're bang on correct (although I didn't mind the first Batman film). This just goes to show you how limited Burton is. All of his films (with a few exceptions) feel exactly the same.

One Burton fan once told me "All you have to do is see 5 minutes of one of his films and you'll know it's a Burton film". He said it as a compliment. But to me... it just speaks of how limited he is.

Just my two cents worth.

Posted by: John Campea at July 9, 2005 12:44 AM

i am a huge fan6 of burton5s movies an5d i have loved every on6e except plan5et of the apes. i thin5k he tells stories won5derfully an5d are very artistic an5d beautiful. as much as people try to tell me why they don5t 6like his movies i stil don5t un5derstan5d. possibly becuase they are very fairytail-esque but i6 like to stay in5 touch with my in5n5er child an5d escape reality66 an5d live on5 imagin5ation5 on5ce in5 a while s6o i look forward to his movies. yes the corpse bride looks childish but its suppose to be an5d so was n5ightmare before christmas. i hope you can5 read this post cuz my keyboard 6is busted an5d every on5ce in5 a while it will put6 in5 6s an5d 5s an5d it won5t let me de6lete them. grrrr, but i had to make a post. ciao everyon5e, have a great day.

Posted by: Marla Singer at July 9, 2005 02:59 AM

Hey Dave, didnt know you were a big Burton fan too. I am in full anticipation for this movie. Big Fish left me in shreds, I just love that film. ;-)

John says, "This just goes to show you how limited Burton is. All of his films (with a few exceptions) feel exactly the same."

John, how can you say if a director is limited, based on what? Is it because of the genré of films he/she makes, then if that's the reason, if in your opinion Burton is limited as a director, he may not be the only one?

Posted by: Simone at July 9, 2005 04:15 AM

Everyone has their own opinons and feelings, when it comes to Tim Burton and the audience reaction, the gray scale is huge. Love him or hate him, like or tolerate him, a little or a lot, everyone has diffrent views. And it is just so wide spread with Burton it's crazy.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 9, 2005 06:37 PM

John- "You're bang on correct (although I didn't mind the first Batman film). This just goes to show you how limited Burton is. All of his films (with a few exceptions) feel exactly the same."

Tim Burton has a style that he uses in just about all of his movies, but in each movie the style is a bit different. You can look at Nightmare Before Christmas and The Corpse Bride and notice the Burton style in both, but there's something different about each one. The style, the feel, the characters, and the story- they're the same but they're different. That's what makes Burton a great director. You say you like Batman, which a lot of people say is one of his least personal films, so I guess you just don't like the style.

I would think that since he's so limited and all his movies feel and look the same, his huge fanbase would just get bored and no one would ever get excited about his movies. Ehh.

Posted by: Aaron Huff at July 9, 2005 07:38 PM

If that is how you describe someone's directing ability as limited, Tim Burton is not alone then as a limited director. I am thinking George Lucas, he may have directed American Graffiti, and THX 1138, but we all know he is known as the director of the Star Wars films, very limited inded I suppose? Everybody remember Alfred Hitchcock? His films are just mostly crime-mystery, again, very limited, but regarded as one of the best directors of our time.

Tim, youre in good company boy! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at July 10, 2005 08:21 AM

This movie looks awsome! I mean from what i saw in the trailor there it really doesn't look disappointing (aside from the corny jokes which i happen to like). the animation is beautiful and is a welcome releif from all the crappy CG movies that have come out lately. plus there's all the great actors they got for it, johnny depp (who is in just about every tim burton movie), helena bonham carter, emily watson, and christopher lee (all thats missing is vincent price). oh and of coarse the brilliant music in it by (big surprise here) danny elfman.

all in all i really don't know if this movie is going to be better then nightmare. i'm just not going to judge it by some stupid two minute trailor. my advice is check it out. why not? it might surprise you.

Posted by: Raven at July 15, 2005 08:49 PM