July 05, 2005


Hmmm... I don't know where I've been, but I've just heard about the latest Adam Sandler project called "Click". The film will co-star the hot as a frying pan Kate Beckinsale and Sean Astin (who I gained a lot of respect for with his work in Lord of the Rings).

The premise sounds interesting enough, even if it also sounds exactly like the kind of film Sandler would do:

A workaholic (Sandler) comes across a universal remote that allows him to pause and fastforward and rewind through his life. Complications arise, however, when the remote begins taking control of his life.
Meh, I'll see it. Could contain some decent brainless Sunday afternoon laughs.

Posted by John Campea at July 5, 2005 07:14 AM


If Austin is in this it seems a little odd as it's premise is a little close to Slipstream, another time travel movie which he made last year. It was shown at the London Sci-Fi film festival earlier this year but is headed for a straight to DVD release this August (possibly due to Vinnie Jones once again making a fool of himself on celluloid). Essentially Slipstream focuses on a scientist and FBI agent who have a machine which 'jumps' you back in time ten minutes. They get caught up in a dangerous bank job and use the gadget to save the day. It wasn't a great movie but had a decent backbone of a plot. Seems like Click has taken part of the idea and will no doubt lay on the funnies...maybe Austin is tying to return to the glory days of LOTR and is looking for a real machine to take him back there... Nevermind a few years in b-movie hell and Charlie Kaufman will write you something.

Posted by: Justin Merritt at July 5, 2005 09:42 AM

Truthfully, I don't like Adam Sandler at all, as a matter of fact, I dislike him. But it's a rule with me if Christopher Walken is in something I have to see it. So I'll be there next July.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 5, 2005 09:44 AM

Sounds like a bad sequel to Stay Tuned.

Posted by: Pudie at July 5, 2005 09:55 AM

The public is getting tired of the so called stars and their
opionions. They are paid to act, so let them do it and keep
their comments to themselves. We are not interested in what
they think or their political preferences. We will NOT see
anymore of Cruises films or the films of the wacky political stars.
Why haven't they left this Country yet??

Posted by: S. Angelini at July 5, 2005 12:09 PM

Okay, first, where did THAT come from?

Secondly, while I love Astin first and foremost for LOTR and Rudy (cry every time at the end) how can you not love him for his role in 50 First Dates? Great performance as the roid raging wanna be body builder...

Yeah, not kidding.


I mean it.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at July 7, 2005 01:34 AM