July 14, 2005

Cameron Diaz is not Wonder Woman

CameronDiaz.jpgThere's been great speculation already on who is going to be the new Wonder Woman you just have to check back on our threads to see, but there's never been anything concrete as yet. However, Femal First through Comic Book Movie have found the first refusal:

A source revealed: "An approach was made to Cameron but she turned it down flat. It was not a firm offer, more that the producers wanted to sound her out as a possibility. She did not even look at the script. I think she wants to get away from her 'Charlie's Angels' image and get on with more serious roles"

Well firstly I'm glad, yes she's Amazonian but she doesn't fit with my idea of Wonder Woman. However that may be a good thing, my image is still fixated on that of the original TV series...perhaps it's time to let go. Secondly I'm also pleased that she's turned down what could well have been an easy role for her and looking for more meaty roles. Still, you can't help think she has turned down a big movie.

So who's next?

Posted by at July 14, 2005 02:57 AM


Cameron Diaz as WONDER WOMAN?! Man, I am losing all confidence in the script if they're going after HER to play Wonder Woman:

1 - She looks NOTHING like either the comic book nor the old tv series
2 - She isn't particularly HOT
3 - She isn't a brunette!
4 - She doesn't have a voluptous body!
5 - She's not a great actress!

Those all lead me to beleive that the draw is going to be for whoever is wearing the skimpy outfit and the storyline. I fear this movie is going to suck as badly as Electra.

Personally, I'd like to see Katherine Zeta-Jones as Wonder Woman!

Posted by: SpideyFan at July 14, 2005 10:02 AM

Thank goddness for this news, I hate Cameron Diaz. And how the hell could they even consider her tiny ass playing Wonder Woman?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 14, 2005 03:42 PM

I'm glad she turned down the role, it's completely smart move on her part. She's nothing like Wonder Woman comic or TV series. However, the fact that she was even approached gives me a sinking feeling that we're not going to get a good Wonder Woman.

I'm still hoping for an unknown in this role.

Though I would not squawk at Spideyfan's suggestion of Cathrine Zeta-Jones. She's beautiful, a strong actress and is believable when she has to kick a little ass.

Posted by: Meli at July 14, 2005 04:15 PM

first off cameron diaz would have to kick her crack habit in order to put some meat on her "christian bale-machinist" body..lets get j-lo in thatb outfit definitley not because of her acting but rather her ass in those blue/gold/red shorts.

Posted by: dan at July 14, 2005 08:03 PM

first off cameron diaz would have to kick her crack habit in order to put some meat on her "christian bale-machinist" body..lets get j-lo in that outfit definitley not because of her acting but rather her ass in those blue/gold/red shorts.

Posted by: dan at July 14, 2005 08:04 PM

Mr Whedon, listen to me....cast Jennifer Love Hewitt as Wonder Woman. She is perfect for the role, and she has a loyal fan base that would support her. Its the smart way to go.

Posted by: Bret at July 15, 2005 11:21 AM

Isn't Love Hewitt a little young? I second the Zeta-Jones nomination, along with the following:

Uma Thurman
Carrie Anne Moss
Stacy Keibler (WWE)

Ok, the last one was a little tongue-in-cheek, because she's blonde, and well, she's from the WWE.....but she's got legs that go on forever, and she is smoking hot.

Posted by: Derek at July 16, 2005 12:37 PM

Jenniffer Love Hewitt? Youve gotta be joking. How much does she weigh, about 100 lbs? And she's what, maybe 5'2". Can you imagine her in fight scenes beating up bad guys? Nobody would buy that. Its bad enough trying to find an actress that can sell an action role, without her being so small and petite as well. Thats the problem with female action or superhero flicks, they seem good imaging them but then when you actually see the actress in the role it more often than not doesn't work. Most actresses are just not physically capable of being convincing kicking ass. Thats why female superhero movies consistently fail, that and the fact that males are just not that interested in seeing a female in that kind of role. I can predict already that this movie will be a disappointment at the box office. And watch later this year how badly Aeon Flux bombs, and.... that vampire chick movie as well. Mark my words.

Posted by: Del at July 18, 2005 12:00 AM

I think it should be Angelina Jolie. She is HOTT. Plus Wonder Woman is Amazonian so her mother probaly expected her to be lesbian when she gets older. Angelina Jolie says she is a expert at lesbian sex. Not that sex has anything to do with the movie, but its HOTT. Conclusion = Angelina Jolie + Wonder Woman Suit = Me Going To See It.

Posted by: Damien at July 18, 2005 09:00 PM

Del... a petite action hero worked for Whedon when he cast Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy...give Love a try. Love is power, Love is justice, Love is Wonder Woman.
Derek... as for Stacy Keibler, I think she is perfect to play Beautia in New Line's SHAZAM movie. Do a "Shazam" search in the Movieblog (located on the upper left side of your screen) to call up the article and for my post on it.

Posted by: Bret at July 19, 2005 02:49 PM

I think Tom Corbutt should play Wonder Woman. Talk about big phat asses!!!!

Posted by: Bubba at September 27, 2005 04:19 PM