July 05, 2005

Bruce Willis as Nick Fury?

BruceWillis-Tears.jpgI'm not so sure that this is a good idea for Bruce Willis. His career is on the uptake again and he really has returned to form with noticeably increased acting ability, and although that's my opinion, it's darned right too! So taking the role of Nick Fury in a comic book adaptation might be deemed as a bit of a wrong decision. According to Dark Horizons:

Bruce Willis is being tipped to play Nick Fury Agent of Shield in the film adaptation of the comic says SFX Magazine & Moviehole.

The eye-patched adorned, cigar-chompin Marvel comic character is the director of an international espionage organization called S.H.I.E.L.D, who are constantly going up against rogues like the wicked Hydra. Samuel L. Jackson was rumoured to be up for the lead last year.

The last outing for this franchise was with David Hasselhoff, and currently we only really have a few comic adaptations that I would class as really good. Spiderman, Batman, X-Men and Hellboy. That actually seems rather a lot, but not when you consider how many are being churned out, and Batman has just made it back while Hellboy is on the strength of one movie.

I just feel that this wouldn't be a great move for him, he's quoted as saying that he's getting too old for the action role, and he has certainly proven he can manage non-action roles really well. Then there's the fact that the comic adaptation bucket is about to be overfilled with movies...I'm not sure Nick Fury would come out slopping around the top. What are your thoughts? Should he take the chance with his career? Would Nick Fury make it to the topline of comic adaptations?

Posted by at July 5, 2005 03:38 AM


As a lifelong comic book fan, I would love to see Willis play Nick Fury. The role is not necessarily filled with a lot of action if he were playing fury in the role as director of SHIELD and not an agent of SHIELD. He could be commanding a group of agents that would do most of the field work.

Regardless, this is a much better idea than Hasslehoff as Fury - gawd, that was awful!

Posted by: Alter Ego Comics at July 5, 2005 01:21 PM

Nick Fury is currently being drawn in the 'Ultimate' series as the spitting Image of Samuel L. Jackson - i.e. they used him as the model, like they use Patrick Stewart for Professor X. I heard a while back that Jackson was nailed on for the role. Not sure if something has changed or if this is just a rumour.

Posted by: Tomas L. Martin at July 5, 2005 02:44 PM

Personally, for a possible film adaptation of Nick Fury, I believe
Mickey Rourke would be perfect. Any cigar smoking study is going to have a "raspy" voice, which Willis does not have. However, since Bruce Willis has identified well with the Desert Storm / Iraq War military crowd over the last 15 years, Willis has the connection clout to get the "Nick Fury job done" with a good effort. Plus, I
do not believe Rourke would be "up" to the physical stunt and action
work required for the role. After doing a a Superb job as Marv in "Sin
City" ,,,a tough as nails serious role,,maybe a Film Adaptation of the SPECTRE might be more suited for MIckey Rourke..if its true the
Bruce Willis is a Front Runner for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Posted by: Gregor at August 22, 2005 01:52 AM