July 14, 2005

Brad Pitt Has Viral Meningitis

Pitt45.jpgBrad Pitt is a seriously underrated actor. You may not like all his movies, but the performances Pitt gives are always top notch (You MUST see him in 12 Monkies).

Anyway, Pitt has been diagnosed with a "mild case of viral meningitis". Here's what the good folks over at The Globe and Mail have to say:

Pitt, 41, checked himself into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center on Monday night complaining of flu-like symptoms. He went home Wednesday afternoon, publicist Cindy Guagenti said.

“The actor is at home and doing well,” she said in a statement. Most patients recover from viral meningitis in a week. Severe illness and death is uncommon, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Pitt was in Ethiopia last week with his Mr. & Mrs. Smith co-star Angelina Jolie to pick up her newly adopted baby girl, the second child she has adopted. Guagenti declined Wednesday to say if Pitt contracted the illness while in Africa.

Yup... even the beautiful famous people get sick I guess. Get well soon Brad... Jennifer wants you healthy for divorce court.

Posted by John Campea at July 14, 2005 07:54 AM


Sounds like it could lead to menanjitus

Posted by: Scott at July 14, 2005 09:09 AM

The first time I heard he got a "flu-like disease" from Ethiopia, I knew it's not just a flu.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 14, 2005 09:13 AM

see what happens when you associate with poor people...

Posted by: KellTrenzer at July 14, 2005 01:41 PM

brad pitt is a chemical abuser...let's not kid ourselves...drugs,alcohol, and steroids for his muscle bound performance in Troy

Posted by: dan at July 14, 2005 07:51 PM

He was awsome in Cool World.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 14, 2005 08:05 PM

Why is this news, who cares, I like him as an actor but I really don't give a SH*$%& if he gets the flu.

Posted by: Simon at July 15, 2005 07:35 AM

Bad taste Kell Trenzer, very bad taste.

Posted by: Crystal at July 15, 2005 03:38 PM

you are so spot on about 12monkeys. to me if it wasnt for pacino he'd be my fav and best actor" from se7en,legends of the fall, fight club, troy...he surely is an underated actor.

Posted by: Nick at July 17, 2005 07:08 AM

The man is 41 years old, and looks the same as he did when he appeared for some episodes on Head of the Class, he didn't age, and we love him! He's a great actor, and drug abuser? MY ASS! Steroids maybe, but not to abuse them you wichsfleck! And he probably got Viral Meningetis from Jolie, okay probably not, but i'm suprised that no jackass has posted that yet. Ya know, seems how we got people on here who like to talk down to poor people.


Go into a corner and fuc..........verpiss dich! DON'T TALK DOWN POOR PEOPLE, THEY ARE STRONGER and HAPPIER, THAN YOU WILL EVER BE! YA HEAR ME!?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 18, 2005 03:24 AM

I am glad Brad is his old self again. Yes he is an underrated actor. Brad and Angelina are great together and I wish them the best and I love their increasing family. They are great actors. I like to see another Mr. and Mrs Smith sequel...OK

Posted by: elocke at July 20, 2005 09:02 PM