July 22, 2005

Bond final auditions

bond_generic.jpgThe rumours are that the final auditions for Bond could be this week. According to Moviehole through Cinematical, Martin Campbell is in London this coming week for that very fact.

The Telegraph reported that the pool of candidates has been reduced to four; Moviehole suggests the last men standing could be Ioan Gruffudd (who recently proclaimed himself "10 years too young" for the part), Julian McMahon, Daniel Craig and Alex O'Lachlan. Most interestingly, according to the Telegraph, "The auditions have reached their most important stage: how the actors fare in the sack. So stand-in Bond girls have been hired to act out select love scenes from past Bond films with the final four actors."

The jokes come pouring in! I'm not so sure about the likely candidates though, I had thought McMahon had said no, as had Gruffudd, with Craig actually opening up about not wanting the role anymore. However, all rumours and all speculation, but it does look good that this particular movie rumour can soon be killed off, wouldn't that be good?

Okay, so last chance. Your choice for Bond (whoever that might be, on the list or not) here, and come the end of auditions and the final announcement we shall see.

Me, I'm turning away from wooden Owen after Sin City. I quite like Craig for the role now, that rougher look is quite suited to a newer Bond, and he actually looks like he could carry off the idea of killing someone!

Posted by at July 22, 2005 09:39 AM


Pardon me for being my usual cynical self, but, *snort* yeah right, it's the last of the Bond auditions! That'll be the day. I don't think they even have a workable script at this point. I personally think they are stalling for time with all of these duck-duck-goose auditioning stories.

Posted by: Lilly at July 22, 2005 10:12 AM

I reeeeeeeeeeally want clive owen for the part, i thought he's be awesome, this daniel craig guy is UGLY...bond cant be ugly, he has to be handsome..perhaps with a slight off rugedness to him..clive owen..perfect. i wish i was a casting director..sometimes i really wonder what people are thinking..like katie holmes

Posted by: Marla Singer at July 22, 2005 11:12 AM

so the Judi Dench 'Brosnon will be back, he's just in negotiations' rumour has been officially quashed then?

Posted by: The Moviequill at July 22, 2005 01:53 PM

Bring back Timothy Dalton. Failing him, Jason Isaacs. No-one ever listens to me, though.

Posted by: Martin [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 22, 2005 04:43 PM

special announcement:
james bond will not be in the next james bond movie.
thank you.

Posted by: bond, james bond at July 22, 2005 11:55 PM

Is Goran Visnjic still playing Bond in the "Casino Royale" remake? I didn't like that choice.

I'm still pulling for the Ewan McGregor choice, but maybe that's just me. Failing him, I'd like to see Jason Statham grow some hair and give it a shot.

Posted by: Derek at July 23, 2005 12:44 AM

I think we could say that the Brosnan rumour is not quashed. He could use this tough negotiating position right to the very end. However the longer it's left the less chance there is of him coming back.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 23, 2005 01:27 PM

I think that this movie is pretty much dead. Once Pierce Brosman became Bond he seemed like he was the best of them all. Now that we were rumored he wasn't coming back there's big mess in this next movie. His returning is a mystery. Everytime we get a rumor of him coming back we get our hopes up. I honestly don't want to see another Bond being played if it isn't Brosman.
Also I wonder what kind of plot they'll have for Casino Royale. Will it be Rouge Agent one.

Posted by: GoldenEye at July 27, 2005 01:15 AM


Posted by: silvio roldan at August 12, 2005 08:09 AM

Alec Baldwin would make a great Bond.

He can do a flawless accent. He has the look. And he reminds me more of Connery than *any* of the other Bonds, a good guy who can go 10 levels meaner than you at the drop of a hat, stick a shiv in your spine and then shoot you just to keep you quiet. Other Bonds have had to force the toughness. Brosnan. Dalton. Sheesh.

Connery's Bond was deceptive, cunning, and unscrupulous if need be. Whatever it took. He was convincing as an edgy gambler, always pushing the limits. No Bond since then had that swagger. Baldwin can pull that off. Think about it. Imagine the guy about 25 pounds slimmer. He's naturally somewhat bulked up. And he's only 46.

They need to drop the hyper-ignorant view that the Bond actor has to be British. Who gives a damn? Brits always play American roles.

Posted by: rdbrewer at September 5, 2005 05:30 AM

Stop the nonsence. As an American I truly believe Bond should be played by a british actor and a Scottish one would be best. Some say Ewan Mcgregor, as talented as he is I think he brings too much baggage to the role. My money is Gerard Butler for Bond. I don't think its a possibility but that's my pick.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 5, 2005 02:51 PM

incidently rdbrewer if you truly think Baldwin would make a good Bond check out the Jackie Chan film Shanghai Knights. The villian looks quite a bit like a young Alec. His name I believe is Aiden Gillen, he is Irish and could possibly pull off a good Bond.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 5, 2005 04:35 PM

Guys Jonathan Rhys Meyers is going to be the next BOnd is younger people get thier way. He is british, done over 30 movies, the ROCKED playing ELvis Presley!! go to JRMfansfrozenwithin to see his pics as Elvis. This guy already is Bond lol

Posted by: Liberty at September 23, 2005 09:20 PM

Im all for Jonathan Rhys Meyers as James Bond a young Bond. I mean he is the ideal person to play BOnd. Right on and his web site is good.

Posted by: jan at September 23, 2005 09:22 PM