July 28, 2005

Bloodrayne trailer online

It's funny, and I'm not singling out Twitch here for their comments in their story as they are more select in their viewing, but a lot of sites are blasting the trailer for Doom and now the zipped trailer for Bloodrayne for just their original material, involved people and the trailer itself.

Actually saying that I kinda get their point, but there's something here about giving a movie a chance and also reviewing it in context. These films are not Citizen Kane, they are adapated from games where you run around killing everything, games that even in the game genre have the weakest of plots. Is it therefore unfair to start expecting something deep or intelligent from it? Well, yes. Especially with the likes of Uwe Boll at the helm.

It's blood, gore, shooting, shouting and posturing. It's popcorn entertainment, just as Fantastic Four was. Despite that I saw one reviewer giving that one star out of five, which I think is totally misrepresenting the movie.

So, settle back, watch that trailer (once you've downloaded and unzipped it) and watch it for what it is. Popcorn entertainment with shatterings of blood and gore.

Still, I'm realistic. Boll hasn't produced anything entertaining for me, so I doubt this will be! Same deal today, I'm at work and haven't seen it, so you guys can review it below.

Posted by at July 28, 2005 03:54 AM


WOW!!! Great Post Rich... but WOW!!! That is a HORRIBLE trailer. No seriously... I actually forgot what I was watching for a second and thought I was watching a Fan Film trailer.

That has to be one of the worst trailers I've ever seen. And yet...

There looked like there MIGHT be some potential... but whatever agency was in charge of putting that trailer together should fire some people... because it really was that bad.

Posted by: John Campea at July 28, 2005 09:26 AM

Sad thing is , it's still probably the best Uwe Boll trailer yet. Only because it looked liked it had potential. Only for a halfway decent cast with Ben Kingsley and to an extent Micheal Madsen and Michelle Rodriguez.

And what the hell was with saying the name of anyone with a line in the movie? Seriously. That was like half the trailer.

Posted by: Pudie at July 28, 2005 09:35 AM

Ok, where to begin? First off, where are the nazis? Weren't there nazis in the game? I mean come on, Boll is german right? I want nazis getting slaughtered by a hot vampire chick!! Second I'm convinced that Boll writes the narration to his trailers. Did anyone see the trailer for House of the Dead? That was freaking hilarious. "ZOOOOMBIIIIES!! Hoooooorible zoooombies!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! That shit was funny and so was this one. Third, I think it must be like a hip inside joke among Hollywood stars to do a Uwe Boll movie. How else did he get Ben "I got mad Oscars" Kingsley in this movie?? Not to mention Billy "Mother Trucking" Zane!!!! And then just in case at that point you're not laughing so hard that you are smashing your nuts with a hammer just so you can stop, ......MEAT "I was in FIGHT CLUB" LOAF. Right now those guys and Michael Madsen are laughing their asses off. Tom Cruise is calling his agent to see if there is any way he can get into Hunter:The Reckoning. I'm telling you, inside joke. It has to be, look at all the people in Dungeon Seige!! I'll watch this one anyway just to see Ben Kingsley stumble over the hideous dialogue. Plus that terminator chick is hot as crap and I LOOOOOVE red heads. So I got THAT going for me.

Posted by: adam at July 28, 2005 09:40 AM

im mixed. ive seen the game and the lead character looks to hve tons of potential. shes not going to be some feminazi indiana jones like angelina jolie turned lara croft into. this looks to be a real character with little purpose other than to turn on the blood showers.

but, the trailer just doesnt do it for me. its just making me wonder who they are marketing this too. you see the boobies, the blood and the (yawn) boring story so im not sure who would watch this?

also, kristianna loken is really good looking. but not evil looking enough to be a vampire. her fight scenes looked a bit wooden, and where the hell were the nazis? so im just confused as to what i think of the movie. most likely i'll wait for it to come out on dvd.

Posted by: Anonymouse at July 28, 2005 10:36 AM

For someone that watches a lot of movies, I can't believe you'd defend Uwe Boll movies. There's a drop on the respect meter - This trailer, and everything else uwe boll's done is a steaming pile of horse flop. I'm not kidding.

And yes, while it's supposed to be "popcorn entertainment", it doesn't mean it's Well Done - it's very, and I say again VERY, possible to do "just" popcorn entertainment BADLY. And that's where Uwe Boll shines.

The guy who runs www.uweboll.com has it right.

Posted by: genius at July 28, 2005 11:53 AM


He must be reffered to as 'He Who Must Not Be Named' not.. *writhes in pain* Boll!

*jumps off cliff*

On topic, looks like shit, this movie does.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 28, 2005 12:18 PM

The BloodRayne movie will not be very good at all. When BR 2 came out for the PS2, a trailer was offered, much like the one viewed here, and that my friends, looked very much like a direct-to-video flop.

I have nothing against BR, in fact, they were great time killing games, but the same thing could be said about Mario Bros., and look how THAT turned out. I'm suprised Bob Hoskins still has a career after that one. No offence, BH fans...

In my opinion, if they HAD to make this movie, they should have used Jennifer Garner from Alias. It's too bad she's preggo, AND with Affleck. I always knew he was a jerk, a lucky one at that...

Posted by: Garrett Wiwcharuk at July 28, 2005 01:05 PM

LMAO at "He who must not be named"

Posted by: adam at July 28, 2005 03:46 PM

Jennifer Garder is too gooody goody for me to buy he as Rayne.

Posted by: Pudie at July 28, 2005 04:28 PM

Ok, first off I'm gonna say I have not had the priviledge of playing either of the bloodrayne videos games, but from what I had read of them I thought it was set in WWI Nazi Germany?????? Could this Summary be right?

Plot Summary for
Bloodrayne (2006)
In eighteenth century Romania, Rayne, a dhampir (half-human, half-vampire), prone to fits of blind blood rage but saddled with a compunction for humans, strives to avenge her mother's rape by her father, Kagan, King of Vampires. Two vampire hunters, Sebastian and Vladimir, from the Brimstone Society persuade her to join their cause.

Posted by: Tim at October 20, 2005 02:04 PM