July 27, 2005

Bill Paxton In Creature From the Black Lagoon

Paxton43.jpgI just love Bill Paxton. His character in Aliens and True Lies are a couple of the best and funniest "supporting" characters I've seen in a long time... and you just get the feeling that only Bill Paxton could make those characters work.

Having said that, I just haven't been able to buy him in a leading roll yet. It's almost like he's out of place. When I heard he had the leading roll in Twister, I thought that it would be his break out film... but it clearly wasn't. Not to mention he wasn't very good in Thunderbirds (even though I liked it more than most people did... which still isn't saying much).

But it looks like Paxton may be the leading man again. In a recent interview Ron Howard let it slip that he actually wanted Paxton for the roll of Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code, but that Paxton couldn't do it because he was already committed to the Creature From the Black Lagoon.

Interesting. I loved the original. It was so bad... that you had to love it. I hoe they keep the good cheese level to this new film. If you try to make it like a serious horror film, it'll just become a joke. Otherwise I think it could be a lot of fun.

Posted by John Campea at July 27, 2005 12:24 PM


I think he's a superb actor...just seems to have a high body count!

Looking forward to it though, especially if he doesn't die!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 27, 2005 02:05 PM

Bill Paxton is the shit. I've loved that guy ever since he was Chet in Weird Science!! I'd also like to see him direct another movie, I loved Frailty.

Posted by: adam at July 27, 2005 07:14 PM