July 27, 2005

Bernardo-Homolka Film May Get Blocked

In a post yesterday (which you can see here to get caught up) we mentioned the upcoming Paul Bernardo - Karla Homolka story to film called "Deadly", which has officially changed it's name to "Karla".

Obviously, in this country (Canada) a lot of people are upset that this film even got made. Now, it looks like there may be an effort to block the film in this country under child pornography laws by the lawyer representing the victims of Bernardo and Homolka. The good folks at The Globe and Mail give us this:

Tim Danson, lawyer for the families of victims Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy, said yesterday that the producer "assures me that all my concerns have been met. And I simply said, meaning no disrespect, but I have to see it."

Mr. Danson added that he was surprised by the announcement on Monday that the Montreal festival will show the film, and particularly that its title had been changed to Karla. He called the name change a means of boosting its appeal to the U.S. market.

I still feel very uneasy about this. I think the film should be shown, because movies are stories, and I think this horrible story needs to be told. On the other hand... can ANY of us blame the families of the victims for wanting to get this thing banned? Wouldn't you? Wouldn't I?

Posted by John Campea at July 27, 2005 10:57 AM


I find it interesting that they would change the name of the film to Karla when its premier is to be in Montreal, not far from where Karla has been paroled and is trying to live a "normal" life.

I have mixed feelings about this film. The horrible things these two criminals have done is beyond disgusting. They fail as human beings. That being said, how does this differ from a movie about the Doner Family, or the Waco Texas standoff, or even 9-11.

Horrible things happen all the time, and they make movies about it. I feel close to home with this one since its going to have to take place in my old back yard, and I may have at one time met Kristen French. The whole thing creeps me out. But how is this real life horror story set to film any different from any other atrocity on mankind in a film?

Posted by: Rodney at July 28, 2005 01:34 PM

The Montreal Film Festival has 'un-invited' "KARLA" from the festival (according to the Toronto Media and Screendaily.com)

Posted by: Triflic at August 4, 2005 03:11 PM

I do not think that this should be allowed to be shown...if you want people to know about it, put it in newspapers, internet, anything! I don't think that people who do such horrible and terrible stuff to a human being, your own sister even, i don't think that they should have fame !!? Movies are for moviestars and actors...not for serial killers.
If you want to make it into a movie don't star the bad guy! If anything star the young girls who struggled for they're life, put the feelings of the poor young ladies into the eyes of the beholder. Nobody wants to know what it's like to be a serial killer, that's just sick...

Posted by: Jessica at September 6, 2005 04:10 PM

I'm not sure what the big deal about this movie coming out is all about. They have made many movies about other serial killers. What these two sick people was horrible. If it were my daughter they touched,I'd be crushed, but I don't think I'd stop the movie or try to stop it from coming out for one simple reason. Most teenagers today don't realize the dangers out there, no matter how much you speak to them about it. For some reason they think it can't happen to them. When they hear and actually see movies about these true stories, especially close to home, I think it makes them realize that it can happen to them for those poor young ladies who were killed no doubt ever thought it would happen to them as well. I think people should see stuff like this. Make them realize the real dangers that can happen, and perhaps they will be more cautious of where they go and who they talk to. I allow my daughter to watch movies like this. It scares her enough to be careful, and not take life for granted. When the movie releases, I'll watch it first, then more then likely encourage her to watch it. Certainly not for entertainment of the girls who were murdered, but for awareness.

Posted by: Jo at September 16, 2005 06:56 PM