July 07, 2005

Batmans new love interest?

Is the new Batman love interest to be Isla Fisher?

Just to refresh your memory that's Fisher from such classics as the Australian soap Home and Away and Paradise Beach. Okay, she's been in a few things since then, most notably I Heart Huckabees and soon to be seen Wedding Crashers, but having seen neither of these films I can't pass comment on her true acting ability. I have seen the trailer for Crashers though, and she does look like she might have a funny role. Wait, I forgot, she was in Scooby-Doo...ahem.

Anyway, from Batman on Film through Cinematical:

Batman-on-Film (http://www.batman-on-film.com) is reporting that Australian actress Isla Fisher, who was seen in Warner Bros.' "Scooby Doo 2," is being courted by the studio again to be Bruce Wayne's love interest in the "Batman Begins" sequel.

It is expected that while Katie Holmes is signed for the sequel, her character will not return for the position of District Attorney of Gotham City will open a door for the character of Harvey Dent.

Yep, speculation and rumour, but is this a good move? I'm not so sure, it depends if you think Fisher broke her acting mould on the above movies and that she can turn away from the character that a lot of people would see in her from her soap days. What do you think? Has she managed that, and if we have to have a Batman love interest, is she better than Katie Holmes?

Posted by at July 7, 2005 03:53 AM


Oh yes. Isla is superb, apart from being absolutely drop dead gorgeous(not just cute, sorry Katie but thats all you are!), and outstanding in leather, ahem. She can also act. Daily soaps are very often put in a bad light, why? Because they are "usually" a starting point for most actors(ok, so some are just plain rubbish), but Isla has been acting for near on 12yrs and has only Katies benchmark of "acting " ability to beat..

Oh, and one other thing Rich. Islas parents are Scottish!

Posted by: Pablo at July 7, 2005 05:41 AM

Acting for 12 years does not make a good actor. Neither does looking good, and acting in a soap is definitely no indicator.

I think she has more than just Holmes acting to beat, but she has to win over the high standards Batman fans want in a Batman movie. That's why Holmes failed, many people have said Holmes was very good and managed to shed the Dawson image in Pieces of April.

So, is she good? Has she managed to show that she is a good actress in these recent movies, and can she stand up in the new Batman series?

Mind you, if her parents are Scottish and she's good looking...Lucky my girlfriend doesn't read these posts!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 7, 2005 06:16 AM

Agreed, lots of actors have been doing it all their lives and are still rubbish, exhibit A - Tom Cruise.

Its probably more a case of she hasn't had any proper roles to prove she can act. She might have time between now and then to do something more serious and then again maybe they will cast her anyway and we will have a repeat of the holmes-misfire.

Still think she's hot as.

Posted by: Pablo at July 7, 2005 07:17 AM

Rich, I'm gonna have to disagree with the people who say Kate..ie shed her Dawson's Creek character in Pieces Of April. I think she plays herself in every role. She is who she is, and she's not really a true character actor where they become someone else and we believe it because they are so deeply entrenched into the character. Katie has limited ability and range as an actress because she can't seem to get beyond the superficial level. If she were to, say, take some lessons on how to dig deeper within her character and self, she might be able to grow as an actress. In an ideal world, this is all we can ask and hope for from a performer, to make us forget and believe they are someone else whom we are transfixed by. Not many actors alive today can do that. Crispin Glover can. Paul Giomatti can and does (have you noticed he's EVERYTHING now?). Even Brad Pitt manages to pull it off sometimes with certain roles (the indie gigs really work well for him). There are a few others out there, but by in large, the rest are actors for the fame and money. Ick. Yuck. Pah-tooey on all of them.


Posted by: Lilly at July 7, 2005 12:19 PM

shes hot

Posted by: whiteboi at July 7, 2005 03:33 PM

Lets see. Batman will fall for this girl. Somehow the joker will get to her. Then batman will have to rescue her by driving over countless innocent pedestrians in a mad rush to save one person. Then proceed to destroy millions in real estate, not to mention a few dozen more innocent casualties, as he narrowly escapes carrying her out of an exploding building.

Cant we just eliminate that predictable garbage and have a billionaire playboy who is actually fulfilling that title?

And where's the latest podcast?!!

Posted by: Anonymouse at July 7, 2005 03:40 PM

Why does there have to be a love interest? Batman doesn't need a love interest he needs bad guys and fights and bat-shark repellent.

Posted by: Alfredo at July 8, 2005 08:36 AM

well i did watch home & away for a bit in the early 90's (i prefer the optimism of neighbours, the depressingness of eastenders, the decent acting/comedy of corrination street, and the bad realism of hollyoaks) anyway, back to the original point, i don't really remember her much to be honest, but there have been some good actors who have come from aussie soaps, and all, had some bad films that they had to work through, before they got their big break that made them a name actor (in some capacity at least).

if some of the wb biggies have openly said that katie just isn't good enough, surely this adds credibility to isla's performance? has she actually auditioned for anything, or is it too early for that?

Posted by: Psych at July 8, 2005 10:11 AM

Why, oh WHY keep Warner Brothers bringing in all those GIRLS?? Cute chicks in their twenties with a television and mostly medicore movie background?

How about casting a lady who has actually shown her ability to ACT in a variety of roles (you know, like all the male actors from Batman Begins) and favourably even comes from a theater background or a drama school?

Like Cate Blanchett for instance? Ever since seeing this ( http://www.20six.fr/pub/Lady_La_Touille2/cate_blanchett.jpg ) picture, I'm of the opinion she's perfect. She also has the right look for the film... neither too sexy nor too cute nor I'm-beautiful-but-boring (can you say Liv Tyler?).


Posted by: Anty at July 9, 2005 08:23 AM

Regarding the dropping of Katie "no personality" Holmes, BRAVO! This girl was DROPPED OF COURSE because of TOM CRUISE. She could have proved her "acting chops" with "THE FACTORY GIRL" but Tom wouldn't let her do it.It's the wonderfully written story of Edie Sedgwick back in the Warhol days and there was "TOO MUCH DRUGS AND POWER ACTING" for Tom's tastes. Her career is OVER. HER MIND HAS BECOME SCIENTOLOGY morphed into TOM'S. sad!!!, she also LOST "PRARIE HOME COMPANION" with Meryl Streep to of all persons Ms. Lohan!!!! Now that's pretty tragic!!!!! Out with Katie in with an actress with a MINE OF HER OWN!!!!!

Posted by: Laurie R at July 11, 2005 08:03 PM

Ok, given what we know about this movie, it seems like there will be a few comic-book originals, but as far as girls go, can we stop with the conveniently added eye candies and get to the *real* love interests? Selina Kyle, Ra's Al Ghul's daughter (Thalia, wasn't it?)...etc, etc.

Posted by: Jordana at August 1, 2005 11:01 PM

Catwoman and Talia would make puurrfect love interests. But now we have the great wonder in our heads of who would make a good Catwoman or Talia. Any guesses? And Halle Berry doesn't count, she pissed me off with the crap we know as Catwoman (the movie).

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 03:39 AM

I want Halle Berry to reprise her role as Patience "Catwoman" Phillips for the love interest in BEGINS 2. I'd also like to see either Tara Reid, Jessica Simpson, or Jenny McCarthy as Harley Quinn.

Posted by: Joey at August 5, 2005 06:58 PM

Whatever Joey, but Jenny McCarthy playing Harley Quinn would be perfect! But that story wouldn't pick up with her until the 3rd movie or end of the 2nd. The Joker meets Harley (a doctor) at Arkum and she falls in love with him. McCarthy's sense of humor would be perfect, and she might get a big role like that if Dirty Love actually does good, or any other film shes doing that picks up.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 5, 2005 07:32 PM

"YES!! CATWOMAN & TALIA would make the perfect love interest. I totally agree with u JOEY... BERRY as CATWOMAN again, she's sooo HOT!! She was looking AWESOME in that black outfit.. I dont know why people didnt liked d movie.. On d other hand I guess Anjelina Jolie playing TALIA would b PERFECT!!"

Posted by: Ash at September 19, 2005 12:57 AM