July 08, 2005

Audio Edition Vol. 30 with Richard Brunton

What?!?! DO my eyes deceive me!?! Is this 2 Audio Editions in one week? Yes sir... yes it's true. Just because we love you soooo much, it's a double dose of Audio Action this week.

In this Edition, we are lucky enough to be joined, via the wonders of technology, by Movie Blog writer Richard Brunton all the way from Scotland! Just a heads up, there are some technical issues and Richard cuts in and out a couple of times... but we'll get all those issues worked out for his next appearance.

In this edition we talk about Keith Richards in Pirates of the Caribbean 2, THe potential of 4 vilians in Spiderman 3, the huge mistake that is Highlander 5, War of the Worlds and much more. You can get it here.

Posted by John Campea at July 8, 2005 07:31 AM


I loved when Rich would cut out. It was like some sort of electronic Wookie. Very funny. And when it happened, it was always when he was saying something relevant or funny, so the glitch made it even funnier for me. Dunno. I'm a geek like that. Oh, and Rich, your voice: sexy. ;-)

Posted by: Lilly at July 8, 2005 11:10 AM

Scottish movie buffs' phones making odd noises. They creep me out. :p

Awesome freakin' Audio Edition. Two in a row man, I think I've had an Audio overdose.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 8, 2005 11:18 AM

me like me like.... and do all scotish people sound like such stud muffin's?... And Doug needs to take it easy on Kristin Duntz... (its not like Spiderman gives her that great of a chance to showcase her skills.. if she has any..., Go get em Tiger.. thats chessy.. )


Posted by: Ray` at July 8, 2005 01:07 PM

Oh god...I can't believe the cutting in and out, have to work on that one. If I ever get back on! You can even hear me drinking whisky in the background. I'm just not as professional as John and Doug. I love the bbbyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee at the end!

I was so surprised at the end that I'd forgotten to say thanks to everyone who has made these past NINE MONTHS so good on the Movie Blog. Thanks for reading, thanks for posting (apart from you tossers who have said idiotic and nasty things to me!) and keep it up! If this proves popular I hope John is persuaded to get me on the Audio Edition more often...and then perhaps...VIDEO! Oh sweet lord...lock up your pets.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 8, 2005 02:26 PM

Yes Richard, that last "Buuuhhhhyyyyeee" was wicked.

I hope you make your return on The Audio Edition soon.

Posted by: Elliot at July 8, 2005 02:45 PM

Richard!!! You sound so much like some Scotsman I know, eherm Gerard Butler??? *winks* That voice is just so modulated, and Lilly's right you sound like some electronic Wookiee! LOL

Great show as always and great idea for having Rich on board! More, more more!!!

Posted by: Simone at July 8, 2005 03:15 PM

Great to hear you Richard! Hope you get the wrinkles ironed out soon!

Feast or famine! 2 audios back to back...

Keep 'em coming. You guys do a great job.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at July 8, 2005 10:30 PM

Really enjoyed hearing Richard speak - it's nice to hear both major contributors to The Movie Blog talk together - but the distortion... man, that was annoying. It'd be great if that could be sorted out next time. cheers guys, a great audio edition.

Posted by: Tomas L. Martin at July 9, 2005 10:03 AM

I think the only good part of the Highlander 2 movie was the whole concept of Ozone layer repair, which was capitalized on by the evil corporation. That is the only thing I remember about the movie, so everything you discussed was all new again. :)

Posted by: Trey Cranson at July 11, 2005 10:33 AM

Wasn't Virginia Madsen in it...I think I remember her...

Thanks for the cool comments about my robotic Scottish voice (damn Doug is funny, he should be a comedian!), we will get the problems sorted out for sure, although if the video blogging takes off there might not be another chance!

Lou - I don't have many wrinkles!

Oh, and thanks Lilly and Simone...glad you like the voice, it's the only one I have!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 11, 2005 01:01 PM

lay of Kirsten Dunst.. she doesn't look as bad as Scarlett Johansson in the Island previews. she looked much better in Ghost World, and lost in translation. is it just me who thinks this way?

Posted by: john [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 14, 2005 12:31 AM

What is the music used in the beginning ?

Posted by: Khaliel at July 18, 2005 06:38 AM