July 29, 2005

Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Move In Together

Ok, you know I don't like posting about "celebrity gossip"... but for this one I thought I'd make an exception. According to Digital Spy, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have moved in together in Pitt's Malibu Mansion. So let the "Did they cheat while he was still with Jennifer" talk begin!

Along with adopted children Maddox and Zahara, Angelina has moved in with her Mr. & Mrs. Smith co-star just twenty minutes away from Brad's ex Jennifer Aniston's rented apartment. Aniston is currently in Chicago filming The Breakup with Vince Vaughn but realises that she is sure to come across the couple sooner or later. A source told the newspaper: "Jennifer will return home soon from filming in Chicago. And she knows it is only a matter of time before she comes face to face with Angelina.
Jennifer only lives 20 minutes away? See... maybe they'll come face to face... and maybe they'll start a cat fight... and maybe, while rolling around, if they fight long enough... as Kramer in Sienfeld once suggested... they'll kiss? Now that's good TV folks.

Posted by John Campea at July 29, 2005 11:34 AM


What's with the mindless celebrity news? I thought this was a MOVIE blog.

Posted by: You Know My Name at July 29, 2005 11:51 AM

Agreed, I was just about to say "Who gives a sh*t?" - but you worded it better.

Posted by: genius at July 29, 2005 12:30 PM

Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who reads celebrity gossip - it's a guilty pleasure of mine. It's a sad thing to care about what the celebs are going in in their lives and for most of the stuff reported I don't care about, but the bigger stories I tend to be more interested in.
This Brad and Angelina thing - well, it's very possible they didn't cheat before Brad and Jennifer separated, but I'm having a hard time believing it's true. Anyway - this new relationship won't last more than a couple of years because Angelina is way to flipant about her men. By the time she's Liz Taylor's age she'll likely have as many husbands or more.
As for Jennifer, she's better off and will do just fine.

Posted by: Meli at July 29, 2005 12:46 PM

You pig, John. :-)

Posted by: Lilly at July 29, 2005 01:24 PM

Actually, John, maybe you should spin off another blog -- The Celebrity Blog. I think that might be a good idea.

Posted by: Franklin at July 29, 2005 01:33 PM

I think you all are a bunch of complainers and john is doing a bang up job.

"aarrggghhh, this free entertainment is not good enough for me"


Posted by: miles at July 29, 2005 02:27 PM

July 29 is supposedly Brad and Jen's 3rd (or is it 4th?)wedding anniversary.

I cant believe John also sucked me into this! LOL

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 29, 2005 03:43 PM

Delete the post.

Posted by: Alfredo at July 29, 2005 06:56 PM

If Brad Pitt said he was really a gay crippled horse in a man suit, and Angelina was really a black man, I still wouldn't care.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 29, 2005 10:53 PM

i dont belive there was any cheating involved, brad is not that kind of guy, he's a one woman only guy who wants a family and jen certainly didnt so they BOTH decided to divorce, it was no ones fault. and everyone gets mad at angelina and calls her the reason for the split which is a pretty lazy idea for a story thats lasted for 7 monthes, but angelina is such an independant woman and i agree with a lot of her outlooks on life and i'm on her side when she says that she had nothing to do with the break up. "wah poor jen"...um, she's dating vince vaughn right now so i dont think she's that lonely, and what is brad suppose to do, he wants kids and jen didnt, fair and square. that is my opinion, i wish i didnt have an opinion on people i dont even know and their affairs but its hard to avoid when its plastered everywhere...i actually hate topics of romance in hollywood becuase if ur smart u'll know that its all fake and everyone gets divorced in hollywood. i'd rather read about how fat tara reid has become or how a premier of a movie went that weekend.

as for the house in malibu, recent news is that brad and angelina have called it quits being as her new baby girl is deathly ill. angelina is a strong believer in karma and thinks that her baby is sick due to the pain she has caused jen.


Posted by: Marla Singer at July 30, 2005 02:44 AM

if you haven't noticed people, those celebrities happen to be MOVIE stars, which is a direct offshoot of MOVIE, hence their relevant inclusion here...at least he isn't mentioning Reality Television Celebrities

Posted by: The Moviequill at July 30, 2005 08:34 PM

Plus why would Brad cheat on Jen when it was known that Gwyneth cheated on him? She finally admitted on Diana Sawyer in 2003 and said it took her 5 years to get over it. Therefore, I seriously doubt he would hurt Jen that way. Plus it has been reported that they had problems way before Angie came into the picture. Jen stated she wants to start a family after Friends, yet she has 5 projects line up for her soon after. Seriously where can she fit it in?

Jen will appear on Vanity Fair for Sept issue and it will be out this Friday in NY. I guess some people are eager to know what she will dish. Did he or did he not cheated? Blah Blah…

Posted by: MELEE [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 31, 2005 12:51 PM

Can you blame Brad for upgrading? I'd take Angelina over that flat-faced android any day.

Posted by: Kristina at August 1, 2005 01:48 PM

Mr Pitt
the real reaso nof braking us is he fall in love with sucking lips of angie.. that's the real reason.. Angie is keen on treasing co-star., no one can resist her lips when it 's time to teas. every one wanst to be suck.. Pitt is one of the victim.. Poor him. Jen's life must go on. he donsn't deserve you.You are so far better more than him. Cheer up! Guys all around the world want to have you.you just choose one. not for long Angie will kick Pitt off , and go to suck another and another again. she's keen on that.. good luck Jen.

Posted by: on at August 2, 2005 11:19 AM

All of you have got to remember this is Hollywood!!!!!!!! AND by the way, read the interview in Vanity Fair and get Jen's point of view before making your own conclusions. Give Jen the benefit of the doubt...just like you have Brad and Angelina.

Jen will be ok...you will see. And no she isn't dating anyone. Get your facts straight people!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: 2kids&ahusband; at August 2, 2005 04:43 PM

Brad is a moron. Angelina hooks up on every movie set she's on. Didn't she break up the Billy Bob Thorton/Laura Dern union? Didn't she meet her 1st hubby (that weird English guy) on a movie set? Hell, she even hooked up with another chick on one of her sets. Idiot Brad gave up a great wife for a tramp. He'll be a cuckold by next year at this time. Loser.

Posted by: playsindirt at August 3, 2005 09:57 AM

i wuld just like 2 say that u guys d0nt no anythink bout angie brad and jen u get this patheic storyies and u read thm and u belvie thm the only pll who no wats going in them self so stop making storyies up and leave the clebes alone for once how wuld u like it if u were called a tramp and a home wreckin i wuld see any day angie wuld adopt a kid i dont see jen doin that so jst make u fuckin own stoyies abou yur self and see how it fells and hollywood is like any otha country so dont dis it and i love nangie so dont dis her either she is lovely girl i have ment her so yer jst kids leave it alone....

Posted by: jessica at August 5, 2005 11:16 PM

but its fun to read about them... its also fun to type correctly
celebritys know theres a price that comes with fame. it is unfortunate, but you have to decide whats more important..makeing millions of dollars or your privacy, and people who are selfish and choose money go to hell so to speak. its too bad thats the way things work, i wish it didnt dont get me wrong, but when you get people as hot as brad and angelina plastered on the magazines, i'm gonna want to read it. i'm i'm sure you're no saint when it comes to avoiding the tabloids, and ur not becuase u just read about it on this movie blog, and ur interested in it too because u left a post. and ya sure u "met" angie (whatever) but that still doesnt mean that u know her anymore than me, she's a famouse busy celebrity and the most u probably got from her was a hello and goodbye and maybe she said it in african language.

Posted by: Marla Singer at August 6, 2005 03:57 AM


Posted by: RITA at August 6, 2005 11:10 PM

AHH! Dont you just love the way everyone gets fully sucked in by this, not to say i havnt. I hated ange b4 she got with brad, now i luv her! He is a very sxc man, wot was he doing with Aniston in the first place. Everyone should just let them be happy and good looking together in peace.

Posted by: Elle at August 7, 2005 09:31 AM

No offense, but I didn't like Brad Pitt before he married Jennifer. Jennifer has always had the girl next door appearance and attitude. I figured that if Jennifer married him, then he wasn't a cocky S.O.B. after all. Needless to say, I figured wrong. He left her for Angelina, and had the audacity to try and take Jennifer for Alimony!! All of you that talk about how beautiful Angelina is must not have seen her with chapped lips...I mean could you imagine those big old, dried up, cracked open things on you?? I am just glad the manwhore screwed up before he could completely ruin Jennifer's life. She can move on and get so much better. Brad is just going to get cheated on and shoved in a gutter. He will regret his decision for the rest of his life...mark my words!!

Posted by: Jennifer at September 7, 2005 01:22 PM

Jesus loves you.

Posted by: jane at September 7, 2005 05:54 PM

To Kristina (August 1st 2005)
You've gotta be a nasty person yourself to say something so shallow about such a beautiful person. Keep hiding your face....the world is better off keeping people like you hidden behind a computer.

Posted by: Anna at September 19, 2005 06:22 PM

Are you serious? After everything Jolie has done for world poverty, and you wanna call her a "manwhore"? Who gives a shit, who she screws, the woman is a political leader, and she's smart has hell--she uses her fame, manipulates the puplic into caring about her personal life, in order to convince them to stop world hunger! What in the F is aniston doing? Making phony relationships with talk show hosts?

Posted by: Joey at September 22, 2005 10:34 PM

Joey (September 22nd 2005)
So you condone adultery? Hmmm, that's part of the problem with the world today. Everyone is out for him or herself. Why not give into every lustful or gluttonous thought? Who cares who I hurt in the process. Part of the reason there is an Aids epidemic is because of the lack of morals this world has. As far as I'm concered angelina is an enormous hypocrite.

Jen may not be trying to conquer the worlds problems but she's got an enormous heart and is just as giving. The only difference is that Jen also has character and dignity....

Posted by: Anna at September 27, 2005 12:42 PM

Sweet damn!!!

Posted by: Jersey at October 24, 2005 06:02 AM

Come on, people! Everybody knows, (because of numerous interviews in the past), that Brad has always wanted a family and the Jen has always wanted to be a movie star, not just a TV star. Everybody wanted Brad, Jen promised him they'd have babies before he was forty. He took considerable time off from the movies to get their new house fixed up for a family, then Jen sprung it on him there'd be another season of friends. He accepted it, but it was obvious he didn't like she wasn't willing to take the time to have a wee one. The show was over, he expected her to take time off, Christ, she's worth at least 10 million, but then she springs it on him in Malta while he's filming Troy that she's got 4 pictures lined up back to back, there go the next two years. It finally got flung in his face that she's a self-absorbed neurotic that did't want kids for at least another 10 years. That was the death of their relationship. Brad has always been a one-woman man, that shows from his past relationships. Everybody's always tried to catch him cheating and couldn't. A full 6 months after Jen's big announcement he meets a woman who makes her own family, gives a third of her income to charity and travels the world, (at her own expense) trying to draw attention to the plight of starving and sick kids, plus she's gorgeous. Then he looks at Jen who blatantly broke her word and doesn't seem to give a damn about his feelings, or anything else but her career and small circle of friends. So, he gets to know Angelina, finds he admires her. Goes back to wifey and tells her that if she doesn't want to physically have a baby, they can adopt, like Angelina. She goes balistic, does her neurotic, needy thing. For once he tells her, cut the crap, this is the last straw. Months later he's called in for reshoots. He and Jen have already decided to divorce. He hooks up with Angelina and son, whom he has learned to love. Meanwhile, he takes the high road and says nothing against Jen while her publicity machine milks the 'Poor Jen' which keeps her on the cover of all the rag mags, free publicity! Her favorite kind. He gives her the 13 million dollar house he redid for their 'family', and walks away. Frankly, after she is no longer "Mrs. Brad Pitt", and the furor dies down, I believe her movie career will also 'die down'. I hope Brad and Angelina make a go of it. I hope he gets the children and family he has so desperately wanted for so many years. I hope Jen gets a nose job and a permanent therapist. After all, she's the one who won't talk to the Mom that loved and supported her all those years after her Dad shagged another gal and dumped them, a Dad, who I might say became her best pal only after she got the highly visible Friends gig. Brad meanwhile has always stuck with his famliy and adores all nieces and nephews. Put two and two together, people!

Posted by: Deana Walker at October 27, 2005 08:49 PM

Mr. and Mrs. Smith is about a husband and wife who attempt to be normal while living a double life hidden from each other. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat due to its action ridden story line. However, this movie differs from typical spy/action movies in that it also shows the intimacy ad the relationships between husband and wife who are put in extreme circumstances. It helps to educate the viewer in the trials and tribulations a couple can go through when they have a dark secret that is hidden from one another. It successfully attempts to show how honesty can give Love a whole new meaning and can reshape ones marriage but more importantly, one life.

Posted by: Laur at November 20, 2005 07:53 PM