July 19, 2005

Aeon Flux preview footage

Thanks to Super Hoagie who passed on a link to MovieNewz who are carrying a story with some preview footage of Aeon Flux.

Unfortunately I couldn't play it, I heard audio only, so I hope you have better luck. Sounds okay though, and Theron is in it...damn that no picture! So with that it's up to you guys to report on the footage. Go watch it, come back and give us your thoughts, everyone else wants to know - me included!

Recently the TV show Extra caught up with the star of Aeon Flux at Comic-Con. Here's your first look at the footage from the soon to be released trailer along with a Charlize Theron interview.

Posted by at July 19, 2005 02:49 PM


I got it to work. She looks incredible in that outfit. The movie will probably suck, but i'll want to see it for Charlize alone.

Posted by: J Dogg at July 19, 2005 03:19 PM

well nothing much to see, charlize doing some wire-work jumps, some talking, and one actual film shot, nothing special. but i have high hopes for the movie, it looks really good, the website has some fantsatic pics, and the trailer for the videogame is excellent too.

Posted by: Silab at July 19, 2005 03:51 PM

meh, this movie doesn't seem to have any production value at all. The original show, like it or not, was slick, stylish but this stuff looks more bland than a box of cheerios. But hey, I guess some people like Cheerios too.

Posted by: DonWoo2 at July 20, 2005 02:56 AM

It looks terrible. But let's not judge on a this material. I wait for the real trailer. Still, I don't get this. Charlize Theron is not a stunt girl. Of course she is gonna fracture something. Luckily she didn't broke her neck. Half of the times when action-hero's jump around, we don't see their faces. Did they want to save money on a good stunt double? Well, now, after the accident and the production delay, I guess they'll think twice before they will let the star do his own stunt work.

Posted by: darko at July 20, 2005 03:39 AM

A Quicktime version is now online at http://progressive.stream.aol.com/wb/gl/wbonline/extra/2005/extra/charlize0718_dl.mov


Posted by: Al.x at July 20, 2005 04:38 AM