July 18, 2005

9/11 Commission Film gains stars

911CommissionReport.jpgIt's interesting what the blurb of this film says from Star Magazine:

On Native Soil: The Documentary of the 9/11 Commission Report. The film will tell five stories of survival and features interviews the victims' families. In a statement.

Oh, now I'm going to read the Commission Report after I've finished my book on Rwanda (I do light reading too!) and as far as I've seen so far the Commission Report isn't about survivors stories, but of the analysis of the events leading to and during the attack. I'm not saying these stories shouldn't be heard, quite the opposite, but I thought this was about the Commission Report, and was going to be a documentary covering what it had shown were the causes and failings that brought about the attack.

Okay, well that aside, both Kevin Costner and Hilary Swank have joined up to provide their voices for the movie:

Hilary said, "I was in lower Manhattan that horrible day" when the World Trade Center collapsed. I was drawn to the project by the amazing stories of the 9/11 families and survivors featured in the film, and I am proud that by contributing my voice to the project, I can help their voices to be heard."

This will be the other side of Hollywood's big 9/11 films coming out, the other being the Stone\Cage film that we've already highlighted. One drama, one documentary. I somehow think this one will be more readily accepted in America than Stone's.

Posted by at July 18, 2005 05:42 AM