June 03, 2005

X-Men 3 plot details revealed

XMen.jpgFirst up, I'm going to be careful here and say that there be spoilers here. Not major character spoilers as they aren't naming which characters, but big references to the script. So you may not realise who, but you'll know some big what's.

Suffice to say that Avi Arad has some serious plans for X-Men 3, now this may be Matthew Vaughn's six day take on the script, or it may be the overarching direction of the story. Whichever it's pretty strong stuff.

Select the entire story to see what I'm talking about. If you don't want to know some of the things in store then don't click the link!

According to Comic Book Movie, this is what AICN are claiming that Avi Arad has in store for the X-Men 3:

"And Avi Arad wasn't kidding when he called the film controversial, either. Three major characters that absolutely should not die, die. Really dead, too. Not Spock Dead. And one mutant who should not lose her powers, loses her powers permanently. Really loses them, too. Not Superman II loses them. And the sex scene... when you see who does what to who... oh, boy. The entire X-Men universe may face some incredible overhauls, and it's going to be fascinating to see what fandom does when faced with this stuff."

Wow! My head is going wild with what it could be, and I'm really trying not to figure it all out beforehand, but I can't help it! That's the problem about writing about movies, you find out too much!

This could be the Vaughn script though, and the next Director along will have it rewritten, that is a strong possibility, but still. Major deaths? Big power loss? Sex?!

Get discussing, and since we've warned everyone about spoilers before entering, you're in a spoiler open environment for X-Men 3.

Posted by at June 3, 2005 08:14 AM


lol i read this and laughed but over all this got me pumped for the movie, more so then the other two films which is something i didnt expect at all. this is going to be intresting and entertaining. its nice to see the x-men go threw changes that are new and unexpected, it keeps it fresh and new and its good to see another persons take with characters we all grown to love. but i agree if hard to stop tring to think of who is doing what and etc. after reading that

Posted by: Vamprin at June 3, 2005 05:24 AM

To me, the fact that three major characters die doesn't sound that good. If they're thinking to the ones that appeared in both of the previous movies, it's quite radical. In fact, all of this makes me guess the producers were thinking something like "Hmm... what should we make the third movie about... no idea... I know! Let's kill some of them! Or make them lose their power! This will be DRAMATIC! Oh, and throw in some sex too! Possible between the main female leads - they'll never see that coming! This should make a LOT of money!"

How sad.

Posted by: T-Jax at June 3, 2005 05:56 AM


Posted by: Screen Rant at June 3, 2005 10:49 AM

hmmm deaths, power losses? relationships that take you by surprise?

oh you mean this will be a REAL x men movie.... with , like, balls?

this is good. I know fanboys really wish they'd ignore anything that would shock and awe the fandom and stick right with the source material. these people need to realize that the x men movies are about as far as you can get from source material alredy. but it's still done fairly right. I say more power to them.

but... on the other hand... they had better not screw this up. I do want a good x men franchise. my prediction is that rogue loses her powers and gets with iceman. heck it happened in the comics.

Posted by: mogulus at June 3, 2005 11:10 AM

My guesses:

The three who die:

Nightcrawler, Storm, and Xavier.

The mutant who loses HER power:


The mutants who have sex:

Wolverine and Dark Phoenix.

Posted by: Franklin at June 3, 2005 11:55 AM

I'm betting that Storm is definitely one of the three that dies since Halle Barry has been talking about leaving the movies for a long time now due to her A-List actor position (ugh... please...). We'll see.

Posted by: Jeff at June 3, 2005 05:24 PM

Well, they obviously want to start clearing some room for some more X-Men to come in - and you can't keep the principles together forever. So, why not? Also, I was worried that they would get too many mutants in the equation and the story would suffer because you are trying to give everyone screen time - so it's a relief of sorts for me.

I’m going to say that Magneto bites the bullet in this one – I doubt McKellan wants to hang around these films for much longer since his buddy Singer left. Plus that leaves the door open for new (but not as strong in character) baddies.

They haven’t developed Storm all that much – and there was a blurb about how she’ll have a major role in this one – so – she’ll die too. And if she’s holding out for the green stuff – a soap opera ending it is then!

Maybe, Cyclops looses his powers and *dramatically* gets to look at his love for the first time with *sniff sniff* his own eyes… so touching…

Whatever happens – if it’s done right – that’s all that really counts!

Posted by: CBlaze at June 3, 2005 07:48 PM

Power vomit of hell.

I guess they STILL havent got it in superhero movie world after all.

You would think after the outrage and fandom freaking out over the "girl Angel" rumours that they would see how the movie will NOT be well received if they punk with the icons.

You can change things (Nightcrawler's scars, Rogue taking the Kitty role to Logan's father figure, etc) but you CANT mess with the way things work in the mythos.

You cant kill off major characters (unless its with the intention of bringing them back for plot device - see Dark Phoenix Saga) and you can't take away someone's powers without changing the entire dynamic of who they are as an XMan.

With such blindingly horrid "twists" as the Catwoman movie, I can't see how they would think "it's going to be fascinating to see what fandom does when faced with this stuff"

Fascinating is the wrong word.

Two words for you XMen writers.

Joel Schumacher

Get him to direct so we wont be so suprised when he single handedly brings down the popularity of Superhero Movies for at least another decade.

Posted by: Rodney at June 4, 2005 11:27 PM

lol I agree with Franklin.

Posted by: Britney at June 5, 2005 02:28 AM

me thinks ..

dead: magneto, cyclops, storm {ian & james being singer buddies} + {storm coz of catwoman & cyclops coz of superman returns being DC comics}

lose power: storm in aid of killing her maybe?!

sex: pyro & iceman {nobody'd c that coming.. lol}

Posted by: _ram-jaane at June 5, 2005 04:20 PM

My guess is that the shocking couple is wolverine and mystique. He hits rock bottom after Grey's death and ends up with the woman who can look and sound like her.

Dead characters :cyclops (without grey whats the point?, anyway the first two films showed a very imature cyclops), mystique: killing her after she and wolverine get together would be a nasty plot twist (maybe we'll discover that she is nightcrawlers mother making her more sympathetic and her death more tragic) , storm (cause her character is underused).

who looses his power: Professor xavier. He's the most powerful mutant in the mutant universe and the leader of the x men, so having him loose his powers just leaves him as a powerless old man unable to protect his 'x men' as two of them die. Maybe the loss of his powers has to do with the emergence of the dark phoenix.

just a few off hand guesses


Posted by: db at June 7, 2005 08:41 PM

I really don't like the way Jean was portrayed in the movies. Sadly, with the hints in X2, she's coming back and while I wouldn't be surprised if the sex scene was her and Wolverine, I really hope it's not.

My guesses for the deaths were originally Wolverine, Rogue, and Cyclops because those are the three major characters. Howver, because of his healing factor, Logan probably won't die and Rogue was almost killed already, so there's no point in trying to have ger killed in another movie. Cyclops will most definitely die.

For the sex scene. the directors would probably try tio really shock the audience and by the way Wolverine looked at Rogue when Mystique turned into her in his tent, I think it might be Rogue and Wolverine. I mean, there has to be some happiness in all this, right? Jean can't keep screwing things up for people lol.

Posted by: Kelly at June 9, 2005 03:40 AM

Wow, hot stuff ahead den.

I reckon that the 3 that die will be cyclops coz he going of bum singer in da superman movie, magneto coz dis is pobs da last x-men movie and as u no bad peeps in movie always meet a sticky end and pobs dark phoenix coz she will pobs goes all psycho and start killing normal peeps for no reason so da x-men have gotta kill er 2 stop.

Lose da powers pobs will be storm as they r devolping a big story for her n da african god she worshipped takes her power for failing 2 help africa in da drought

Sex: plz plz plz be mysterque n wolverive f.u.k.ing blu peeps will look like much fun lol

Posted by: Steve Jordan at June 10, 2005 11:55 AM

I want Cyclops to die, iceman should die so rogue can go with Gambit and i think magneto will die. I would say that jean grey loses her powers because she is so powerful and cant control them so they find a way to strip her of them. JEAN GREY RULESS and will have sex STORM who also rulez man yeh woooooooooo, they r totally awesome man and rock so much they could cause an earthquake

Posted by: Ant and nichola at June 11, 2005 11:15 AM

Storm will be the one to lose her powers (as much as I love her). She did in the comics. In fact, it was a major plotline. She ends up getting them back. I agree that the sex scene will likely be between Mystique and Wolverine.

Posted by: Matty at June 13, 2005 04:03 PM

Storm cant lose her powers
it says someone who ISN'T suppose to loses them

Posted by: Steven at June 14, 2005 12:06 PM

If any of this is even true, then you have to be realistic with your guesses.

Gambit is supposed to be in the next movie, so Iceman will probably be one of the ones who dies so that they can end the Iceman and Rogue romantic idea and set it the way it's supposed to be.

Continuing with that thought, Rogue will probably lose her powers so she can touch Gambit, and thus the sex scene.

The other two dead? I'd assume they'd kill off some of the supervillains to open up opportunities for new ones, so it's not the same story plot to every movie.

They can't kill Storm because they already have plans for a Storm movie.

Posted by: Bane at June 15, 2005 09:45 PM

you guys are close but not quite hitting the mark, the three who die are; cyclops, magneto and proffessor X. the two who get it on are; wolverine and storm and mystique losses her powers.

thats the word from sources high up in the Fox chain.

Posted by: jimmy at June 21, 2005 10:59 AM

I already read the plot spoiler.

The ones who die are Xavier, Magneto, and Cyclops.

Rogue loses her powers.

Wolverine and Storm have sex.

They are introducing beast (Kelsey Grammar) and Angel will BE A GIRL (wtf?)

Stick to the comics, Avi. This movie is going to blow.

PS - No Sentinels... another idiot man trying to destroy mutants with a "serum." Give me a break. If you are a hardcore X-Men fan like me, you'd be as pissed as I am.

Oh yeah, Phoenix is the one who kills the three characters, Shadowcat miraculously ages from X2 to X3 about 10 years, Gambit has a CAMEO (that's it?!), and STILL no Colossus and Jubilee. You suck, Avi. Get Singer back and extend the release of this movie. The ONLY reason I'm seeing it now is because Hugh Jackman is still there.

Posted by: Erica at June 22, 2005 03:34 PM

Oops, you're right. It's mystique who loses her powers. She is the first victim of this "serum" bull.

And Rogue and Iceman break it off because he can't stand not touching her. If they make Gambit older, the whole Gambit/Rogue idea will be ruined because there isn't supposed to be that big of an age gap between the two. *sigh* I'm still disappointed.

Posted by: Erica at June 22, 2005 03:36 PM

You know it's pretty hard to predict who's going to die, since I can't think of many characters in the entire Marvel universe, who hasn't died at least once before. It's hard to predict really what they're gunna do with anyone in 3, since they haven't really followed the comics to begin with. I personally think Xavier, Magneto and Cyclops are good candidates to kill off tho. Xavier because it'd be so tragic for the XMen to lose him and they'd be lost without his guidance. Magneto because he's pretty powerful and would be a good choice to take on The Dark Phoenix. Cyclops because I just don't like him, and I'm sure he ends up really dead after taking The XMan, Nate Grey place as host to Apocalypse in the comics.

Posted by: En Sabbah Nur at June 23, 2005 08:27 PM

I am getting teary eyed, literally, before all the bad news I was really looking forward to a 3rd movie. And I got so excited at the end of X-2 when the water is going to wash away the ship and Dr.Grey saves her fellow X-Men, you can see a "Phoniex" in the water. I'm not going to explain what that means, hardcore fans should know already. DAMMIT THIS MOVIE TO HELL, AND I AM PREJUDICE WHEN IT COMES TO HEARING CRAP LIKE THIS..........FUCK!!!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 10:11 PM

where did you find the plot spoiler?

Posted by: Steven at June 24, 2005 12:28 PM

i heard rogue was going to take the "serum" (wtf no sentinals)so she can touch iceman cos hes chasing shadowcat wats the big deal with aging her btw she was in x2 for what maybe 4 seconds

Posted by: callmu at July 12, 2005 04:59 AM

also 3 major character deaths and an unexpected sex scene my god


Posted by: callmu at July 12, 2005 05:02 AM

Storm vs Dark Phoenix would be a good fight. And this time they should have Halle berry fly!

Posted by: NJ at July 23, 2005 11:02 AM

sorry guys, but your guesses are wrong and all this shit is a lie. SUPPOSEDLY there was going to be character deaths, mutant sex and power loss. that was the old script. According to 20th Century Fox,that script has been re-written and most of the sex and death is cut. though there are rumours of X3 being the final movie in the series, it makes sence that many strong charcters would die, but that is still waiting to be seen. This is how everything goes according to the origional script which has (thankfully) been changed. The characters that die: Professor X, Magneto and Cyclops.
Powerloss: Mystique
Sex: Storm & Wolverine

As you can see, this shit is completely obnoxious. But, this was the origional script. i pray to God that this is not how the movie decides to go. if it does, X-men fans will be in a shock for thier lives.

Posted by: Phoenix at July 23, 2005 07:06 PM

I belive the people who come to this site and make fun of a great movie have thier heads to far up the rear ends to see that alot of work gose into it. The new movie wil be a woundrful chapter to add to the collection. (They need to add a charature with wings. lol.)

Posted by: a fan at July 27, 2005 01:45 PM

holy crap that old script damn well better not happen or i will kill, possibly the director.

Posted by: dsa at August 1, 2005 11:02 AM

The script is. Wolvie and Storm have sex. Scott and prof. X dies. Storm is leader. There is a love triangle with Kitty Bobby and Rogue I've read the script

Posted by: Anomynous at August 3, 2005 07:48 PM

This a fekking movie, not a real life story! I was a fan of the Wolverine comics, but the producers really fekked it up royally! Esp. with Wolverine! Wolvie's height may have changed a few inches in the comics and also in the X-Men cartoon series (not Generations, PULEASE! That show sucked sorry sour frog asses!)as issued by FOX Entertainment, but in the movie, the producers made him 6'2" instead of the 5'3"-or whatever inch you give him! I was looking forward for Danzig being James "Logan" Howllet (sp.)/Wolverine character! What happen to his training as a Ninja? What happened to Mariko? Sure they did show her as Deathstryke, of course, but they killed her off too damn quick!!!
And fekking Nightcrawler, his teleportation range is fekked up too! As for Rogue loving Wolvie as a father, no! It's Kitty Pryde and Jubination Lee (Jubalee) who was looking up at him like a father! Good thing they had Sir Ian McKlelin as Magneto, and Patrick Stuart as Prof. X! But other then that, the movie blows the big one, and I will watch the next one for the bad production storyline, just to point out how Marvel has sold their souls to be tops!


Posted by: Barnabas at August 3, 2005 11:04 PM

"Barnabas", please down a couple bottles of pills next time your mind tells you it's a good idea to open your mouth.

Everytime I read "fekking", I threw up a little bit in my mouth. How about you tell Marvel how to make their movies? While you're at it, tell them how their stories should be written, and who does what and when they do it. Sure, the storylines changed a little bit, but so what? They have the right to do that, IT'S THEIR STORY. There's many different versions of every one of their stories because they like to change it around. Hell, if you think you can do it better than them, start your own comic book empire.


Posted by: Bane at August 8, 2005 08:24 PM

I have producers notes on the movie, a proof writer that has stayed in a major hotel in Victoria.

In it a house blows up but still remains
And major characters die.

Its all hand writen and I am thinking of putting it up on ebay.

For Sale

Posted by: Scott at August 21, 2005 01:20 PM

I think rouge will lose her powers fuk it all because i really wanted her to get her super strenth and power to fly i think storm and wolverine will have sex and cyclops will defently die im not sure on the other two

Posted by: B.J at August 24, 2005 03:06 AM

I KNOW WHO DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
www.movies.com GO to the buzz and look for the X men 3
ITs sad:(


Professor X(desease), Cylops and Jean (Pheonix)

Posted by: Tyler Mah at August 24, 2005 03:58 AM

It is sooo bad how the ppl cut out the whole SHadowcat thing, coz she roxs. I've heard that shadowcat gets a way bigger role in this movie, and she and ice-man make out. Rogue gets pissed, and goes to the scientist dude and asks for the cure. Meanwhile, jean grey is going crazy with the whole phoeinx thingy. She dies... again

Meanwhile, Scott has discovered that Charles X Xavier has caught the legacy virus which is a thing that this bad guy let out to kill mutants. Bobby and Shadowcat go off to Muir island to try and find a cure. They meet up with Rogue who has lost her powers, and they all go together. Big FIGHTS HAPPEN.... Magneto is crazy killing all of these humans. One scene involves him pushing humans off a highway bridge into the sea... storm tries to stop himm... Storm and Wolverine are in lurv but NO mutants woo hoo.

Posted by: Lucy at October 29, 2005 08:53 PM

ALSO!!! I read a spoiler for the trailer.... it starts off lyk dis:
Scott is staring over the professor who is lyin down on a glass table with tubes and medical stuff stuck in him. Scott says
S: It appears that the Professor has caught a virus that is eating away at his system...
Scene changes to Storm and Kitty Pryde. Kitty Pryde is crying.
Storm: Sometimes, the decisions we have made can be the hardest ever.
Scene changes. Beast is running in a forest... he turns around at the camera grunts and runs away.
Scene changes to Pyro and Bobby standing in a cave.
Pyro: Didn't your mummy ever tell you not to play with fire?" He says this holding his lighter
Bobby:No, my mom told YOU not to play with fire! He says this levitating an ice ball.
Scene changes to Bobby and Kitty talking, holding hands. Rogue is at the door. She cries and runs away.
Scene changes
Collosus jumps in front of Shadowcat to save her he gets knocked to the other side of the room.
Scene Change
There is a picture of Jean Grey rising out of the water, with energy all around her.
Then there are random fighting scenes with Professor X's voice saying.
"Humans belive they have been struck by the worst, war, the worst disease in the world imaginable.. They are really afraid of Evolution
Then very 'exciting music' plays.... SCHUNK
Wolverines claws go up to form a three in front of an X.

Posted by: Lucy at October 29, 2005 09:01 PM

Most of you guys have gone frickin insane. To all who have quote on quote read the script, you have got to be retarded. What is all this crap I'm hearing about character deaths and sex? X1 and X2 rocked so hard, and they're changing it into a human interest crapfest akin to spiderman 2? I sure as hell hope not. Lucy, that trailer spoiler was a fake. it was already revealed to be a fraud in a past post on this site. get your info right. I absolutely hated the dark phoenix plotline. It sucks butt. I'm leaning toward spitting on this movie and burying it in a pile of dog crap.Phoenix, your post is a ray of light in this dark and dank section.

Posted by: Brian at October 30, 2005 11:08 AM

Hi there Brian. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at October 30, 2005 11:43 AM

o please Logan Storm wtf is that shit it should be Logan/Rogue sinse he has proven he cares deeply for her he loves her not Jean or Storm Brett Ratner is destroying the x-men franchise such a waste of talent Anna/Hugh Logan/Rogue are what alot of fans want to see happen not this Bobby Kitty Rogue shit or Logan Storm shit omfg yuck x-3 is gonna be the nail in the cofin for the x-men movies.

Posted by: Rich Pitoniak at November 14, 2005 12:22 AM

Logan and Rogue, Rich Pitoniak. why would anyone wanna see Rogue and Wolverine first off shes like 16 maybe 18 by this movie. With Rogue and Logan, yes he cares for her, but like a "father figure" not as a lover. but as for the story line, the wolverine and Cyclopes rivery over Jean is classic. I like that there bringing in Kitty, thou she was already introduced on the first movie with a brief cameo played by Sumela Kay, and Katie Stuart played her in x2,and the new kitty is Ellen Page. I hate when they recast roles. Anyway I don't know where you got the info about storm and logan but, I can see them togather. but Wolverine would proble turn to mystique, seeing she's the only one that can look like Jean. and Kitty and Rogue fighting over boby should be cool. I mean how long can boby go with a girl he cann't touch. but from all the cameo and new characters I dout their will have much time for any story line at all. p.s. for a more updated look at the cast and story check out xmenfilms.net

Posted by: Weapon X at November 14, 2005 11:12 AM