June 01, 2005

X-Men 3 loses Director Matthew Vaughn

MatthewVaughn.jpgThis could either be majorly good news, or really bad, depending on what your viewpoint is and who you are. If you're a fan of the series so far and of the X-Men in general, then this is probably good news - six days to write the script anyone? - if you're Vinnie Jones then it's probably bad news. You're best mate just left the Director's chair and he gave you the job!

Ain't it cool news have the inside scoop through the much more readable Comic Book News.

Matthew Vaughn has left the production of X-Men 3. Apparently there are personal reasons being quoted, and the way Avi Arad is talking it sounds pretty serious and it was heart breaking to leave.

"This is not a case of creative differences," Avi said. "This is a personal decision by Matthew, and I can tell you that he is heartbroken. He loved this material, and he wanted to make this film." Vaughn has evidently already left to deal with whatever personal issue requires his attention, and Marvel and Fox are expected to make an announcement in the next few days regarding both the casting of Angel (who plays "a major role" in the film, according to Avi) and the new director, who may actually be someone who had circled the film earlier but who wasn’t available at that point."

So a new director, and perhaps a new script, I wonder if the castings will remain the same and those big name characters that still haven't been signed up will get their deals sorted. It was all sounding a bit messy anyway and we were all getting more than a tad concerned. He's either left for really personal reasons, he's been bumped off the film, or perhaps he just had enough of the fan comments and left, I know that's been mentioned by him in interviews before. I guess it will be a while before we really know. If it was his choice you have to admire his strength, on his second big budget, high profile US movie, he pulls out...Are the X-Men fans happy at this news? Who could be his replacement?

Posted by at June 1, 2005 02:43 AM


This looks like a job for... Paul (What Shit!) Anderson!!


Posted by: Franklin at June 1, 2005 05:58 AM

I gotta admit I've been very nervous that X-Men will be without Bryan Singer at the helm. The first two were great movies - especiall number 2. I'm not really sure who should be directing Xmen 3 - as long as it is not the guy that made that godawful Daredevil fiasco...

Posted by: JR at June 1, 2005 06:18 AM

In one respect, fantastic news, because I've not liked a thing I heard from Vaughn since he took the job, from cussing Singer's excellent work to casting Vinnie Jones.

Still... Fox are sure to want this out on time, and at least Vaughn was committed in some way. Who's going to step in now?

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at June 1, 2005 06:22 AM

Didn't see this coming.

Wait.... Wait! A revelation!
I know who should direct X-Men 3!

David Lynch!
*head explodes*

(Sorry I'm in a wierd mood right now.)

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 1, 2005 08:42 AM

I think it's baout time for Tarantino to make his comic book movie .. lol

Posted by: Pudie at June 1, 2005 09:34 AM

How about the director of Jurassic Park 3. I forget his name, but the movie was pretty entertaining, for what it was worth.

Posted by: Eric in Philly at June 1, 2005 10:29 AM

Haha what about George Lucas. He just finished filming some space movie.

Posted by: pierrychan at June 1, 2005 11:18 AM

Ok... I know that NO ONE will see this coming... but I honestly think Mel Gibson would be interesting. Think Bravehart... with Mutants and big breasted super chicks. :)

Posted by: John Campea at June 1, 2005 11:18 AM

What about Wong Kar Wai!!

Seriously though. I cant think of a director I'd like to see try this. I think the way Singer did it was perfect and the second one was even better. It's hard to imagine someone making the third equal to , or better then , the ones Singer did.

But as long as the name Bruckhiemer isn't attached I'll see it anyways.

Posted by: Pudie at June 1, 2005 11:50 AM

I can't say I'm bummed by this news, I was a little nervous from the get go and growing steadily more neverous which each piece of news I saw coming out of the project.

Then again - loosing a director sometimes can hurt a film, I must keep positive, perhaps the comic book gods stepped in and have saved us.

As for who should direction? Hm, I kind of like John's idea of Mel Gibson, but I would be very surprised if he would be interested.

I don't think Tarantino would be a good choice, I like his work, but I don't think X-Men is for him.

If Bruckhiemer or Bay become names connected to this project I will toss my hands up and cry!

If Alfonso Cuaron (Y tu mama tambien and Harry Potter 3) wasn't so busy, I think he could be someone to consider. He has a good eye for storytelling, I like his directing style and a knack for the darker side.

Posted by: Meli at June 1, 2005 12:09 PM

Looks like he's left the filming because he didn't want to be away from his family, story from the BBC.

Wouldn't you know the expected country location before you signed up?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 1, 2005 04:07 PM

I agree with Richard. For someone who's been in the business for sometime now, wouldn't he had realized the commitment before signing on?

He didn't want to uproot his family? I'm not entirely sure I believe that statement. It could be perfectly true, but his children are 2yr and 6mo. It's not like you're taking them out of school. They're young enough that you can uproot them! I think it goes deeper. I'm going to start a rumor that it was Claudia's fault. She didn't want to move to the states for a year and made him choose. =P

I also wouldn't expect Vaughn to be making any Hollywood productions unless they're set to film close to home.

On the flipside, I respect his decision to put his family first. I don't know how many people would when faced with an opportunity like this.

Posted by: Meli at June 1, 2005 04:36 PM

Cheers Meli. I actually do think there's more to this story, but for me if it's personal stuff then that's enough for me. However, if it turns out he was booted off, or he left because he thought the whole thing was turning bad, or even he was starting to worry about the fans, then I want to know...and I want to post about it.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 1, 2005 05:50 PM

You need to give it to someone who will make it in the same vein an Brian Singer......give it to the guy who created Alias.....JJ Abrahams......he has a good head for action and decent scripts

Posted by: jason at June 1, 2005 06:40 PM

Haha, Wong Kar Wai. I want to finish the movie in one sitting personally (really I love Wongy).

I am glad to see Vaughn go. Layer Cake? Rubish. The only person who could do this film absolutely right is Bryan Singer, but I do not think that will happen so it will be something interesting to see.

Posted by: Ryan at June 2, 2005 10:28 AM